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palmic 03-20-16 03:18 PM

[REL]The Wolves of Steel - SH5 Megamod
Holland, don't remember type, I'm not home in 2 hours I'll find it

Ou and Holland is already invaded..

Husksubsky 03-20-16 03:38 PM

Wouldnt that make em "friendly"? We dont sink french ship after France taken do we? As far as I know the brits sank some to prevent Germany from getting them.

Sjizzle 03-20-16 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by oscar19681 (Post 2391125)
I have realnavigation installed, no black small square on the map for me. How do i pinpoint convoy,s?

there is convoy map chart in game take a look at it and u will see the convoy routes ..... in WWII there was u-boat captain who never saw a ship in they patrols hunt a ship need patience and time....

vdr1981 03-20-16 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by palmic (Post 2391138)
Holland, don't remember type, I'm not home in 2 hours I'll find it

Ou and Holland is already invaded..

The game will recognize Holland ships as "axis" after invasion (homeports turn blue) even if they location and route can be sometimes questionable...

Yaivenov 03-20-16 04:30 PM

Testing out TWoS full up with realnav and I'm puzzled. Why does my navigator take so long to plot a celestial fix? As I remember it never took the QM's more than about 5 minutes after shooting bearings and angles. :hmmm:

Other than that I finally feel like I'm playing a proper sub sim. Thanks to everyone who helped put this awesome megamod together. :salute:

palmic 03-20-16 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by oscar19681 (Post 2391125)
I have realnavigation installed, no black small square on the map for me. How do i pinpoint convoy,s?

I never found anything in atlantic, i always met a boat only near english coastal waters, but its still 1940, happy times starts soon :-)

Keep it up and play only with real navigation, its really gamechanger, i already fixes my map position only manually by calculating speed, course and time in 50+% this is the first time i feel SH is really simulator, dont want to see waypoint system ever! :)

palmic 03-20-16 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2391151)
The game will recognize Holland ships as "axis" after invasion (homeports turn blue) even if they location and route can be sometimes questionable...

Ok so thats the reason, ill let him alive now! :up:

oscar19681 03-20-16 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by Sjizzle (Post 2391147)
there is convoy map chart in game take a look at it and u will see the convoy routes ..... in WWII there was u-boat captain who never saw a ship in they patrols hunt a ship need patience and time....

True that, but there,s gotto be a way to Find the coordinates of convoys bdu sends you.

oscar19681 03-20-16 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by palmic (Post 2391153)
I never found anything in atlantic, i always met a boat only near english coastal waters, but its still 1940, happy times starts soon :-)

Keep it up and play only with real navigation, its really gamechanger, i already fixes my map position only manually by calculating speed, course and time in 50+% this is the first time i feel SH is really simulator, dont want to see waypoint system ever! :)

Yes is does feel like a proper sim with this mod doesnt it?

oscar19681 03-20-16 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by palmic (Post 2391153)
I never found anything in atlantic, i always met a boat only near english coastal waters, but its still 1940, happy times starts soon :-)

Keep it up and play only with real navigation, its really gamechanger, i already fixes my map position only manually by calculating speed, course and time in 50+% this is the first time i feel SH is really simulator, dont want to see waypoint system ever! :)

Btw does anybody know a good tutorial for manual targeting with this mod? How do i het proper speed and AOb?

palmic 03-20-16 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by oscar19681 (Post 2391160)
Btw does anybody know a good tutorial for manual targeting with this mod? How do i het proper speed and AOb?

1) I prefer RAOBF, because its instant way how to get AoB instead of not really precise drawing on map. You'll get even distance and speed with it, but its not usable without a little teaching how to use it, but its really handy as you'll get into it like many things what seems not really intuitive at start..

Check this 4 part video if you want to learn RAOBF.

This is new cool video about TDC targeting and real navigation (definitelly recommended to all real navigation newbies) from TWOS fan.

2) Maybe this thread gives you something new about TDC targeting, i believe it contains important things about it, because i didn't get these infos really from TDC's videos..

3) If you want to go deeper, this thread shows really neat and quick ways how to set TDC to kill targets which you would let go otherwise because of bad position.. (and it really works in TWOS)

4) This looks like my advertising, but i dont really care if someone reads it, i just love to use trigonometry instead of map drawing :)
This thread is about how to calculate target course just from distant hydrophone measuring more precise and quickly, than drawing 4 bearing method on map..
This way you can calculate ideal approach bearing to your target.

palmic 03-20-16 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by oscar19681 (Post 2391158)
True that, but there,s gotto be a way to Find the coordinates of convoys bdu sends you.

Yes you can, just jot it down to map by lat-long from message and draw their rough course (for instance sws could be somewhere between 185-220).
You have to wait for them under water to hear them even if you are not at the right place :salute:

Oh and check speed charts ingame (E / speed / speed charts for minutes or hours) on the top you could see how much knots could be slow, or medium convoy speed from BDU message to be able to expect the convoy at your position in rough time..

THEBERBSTER 03-20-16 07:04 PM

Hi Vecko


People should first learn to install and update the game before advancement to modding.
Installing the game is not the problem.
There are no instructions anywhere telling the noob where to find the updater hence the problem, whether un-modded stock or TWOS.
Ubisoft have made it difficult because you cannot see it when they have put the game updater application behind 2 folders.

oscar19681 03-21-16 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2391189)
Hi Vecko

Installing the game is not the problem.
There are no instructions anywhere telling the noob where to find the updater hence the problem, whether un-modded stock or TWOS.
Ubisoft have made it difficult because you cannot see it when they have put the game updater application behind 2 folders.

There are instuctions how to update the game in the how to install YouTube video.

THEBERBSTER 03-21-16 02:28 PM

Hi oscar
How many gamers will actually take the trouble to view a long tutorial video?
If they did they would not be posting their problems on Subsim.
Its the same with the documentation, cannot be bothered to read it, then ask questions!

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