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Old 01-06-13, 12:55 AM   #1
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Default need help

Hi guys

I have installed the RSR files in the correct DW file location, and can see the 14 campaign mission in the campaign window when I start DW but when I go to start the RSR campaign an error pops up saying that I haven't selected a playable unit but the small window in the right top corner is blank now selection box nothing.

can any one please help

P.s I am running DW 1.04 with the reinforced mod 1.35

Last edited by acooper; 01-06-13 at 01:18 AM.
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Old 01-06-13, 09:54 AM   #2
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What do you mean by 'installed'? Do you have downloaded it from subguru ? Probably this is not compatible with RA, since the database is changed completely in this mod.

Look in your /scenario should see a RSR_RA_Campaign directory...probably you have to copy the contents into your main scenario folder
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Old 01-06-13, 05:14 PM   #3
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I was thinking exactly the same thing. When I tried the RA mod, a good quarter of my missions had missing units because they were designed for the LWAMI mod.
I can say that the RSR campaign works fine with the LWAMI mod.
You might want to try to do two installs of Dangerous Waters and have one with the RA and one with LWAMI in it. What I did was installed Dangerous Waters, patched it up to 1.4, installed and set up LWAMI, and then I copied the whole thing over to a side folder called Dangerous Waters LWAMI. Then I uninstalled Dangerous Waters and cleaned out the folders, Reinstalled it, patched it, and installed the RA mod. Then I copied all that over to a folder called DangerousWaters RA.

Now, whenever I want to change mods, I just copy/paste the version I want into my regular Dangerous Waters folder (make sure you back up your Scenario files to the folder for the mod that's in there so you don't lose your game saves and such).
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Old 01-11-13, 08:07 AM   #4
Theta Sigma
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Originally Posted by Blacklight View Post
I was thinking exactly the same thing. When I tried the RA mod, a good quarter of my missions had missing units because they were designed for the LWAMI mod.
I can say that the RSR campaign works fine with the LWAMI mod.
You might want to try to do two installs of Dangerous Waters and have one with the RA and one with LWAMI in it. What I did was installed Dangerous Waters, patched it up to 1.4, installed and set up LWAMI, and then I copied the whole thing over to a side folder called Dangerous Waters LWAMI. Then I uninstalled Dangerous Waters and cleaned out the folders, Reinstalled it, patched it, and installed the RA mod. Then I copied all that over to a folder called DangerousWaters RA.

Now, whenever I want to change mods, I just copy/paste the version I want into my regular Dangerous Waters folder (make sure you back up your Scenario files to the folder for the mod that's in there so you don't lose your game saves and such).

Why haven't you used the manual JSGME method? You don't have to keep doing all that work over and over again.
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Old 02-07-13, 07:16 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Theta Sigma View Post

Why haven't you used the manual JSGME method? You don't have to keep doing all that work over and over again.
How do you install the RA-mod with JSGME?
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Old 09-27-13, 01:38 AM   #6
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I have the same problem with RED STORM RISING campaign.But this solvation seems correct way indeed.I will try it
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Old 09-27-13, 01:56 AM   #7
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RA mod is named ''Reinstall alert'' mod RSR is Red Storm Rising camp.Ok my problem is the same thing indeed.
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