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Old 10-06-21, 12:20 PM   #5116
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U.S.S. SILVERSIDES, War patrol 3, 3 Jan 1943 to 28 Feb 1943

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Old 10-06-21, 01:27 PM   #5117
Navy Seal
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Originally Posted by Revus View Post

Great job on the report, I enjoyed it. Nice how formatted it like the actual reports.

Torpedo defects are working as designed lol . My last patrol , two out of 22 torpedoes (in a Salmon class in 1942) performed properly, sinking one ship by torpedo. Had eight premature detonation...several so close the explosion actually caused damage lol talking feet away from targets , four duds, and rest were suspected deep runners, even when minimum depth set ran deep . Keep tonnage down to typical for a summer 1942 patrol. Depth control issue gets better after December 42
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Old 10-06-21, 06:45 PM   #5118
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Originally Posted by Bubblehead1980 View Post
Great job on the report, I enjoyed it. Nice how formatted it like the actual reports.

Torpedo defects are working as designed lol . My last patrol , two out of 22 torpedoes (in a Salmon class in 1942) performed properly, sinking one ship by torpedo. Had eight premature detonation...several so close the explosion actually caused damage lol talking feet away from targets , four duds, and rest were suspected deep runners, even when minimum depth set ran deep . Keep tonnage down to typical for a summer 1942 patrol. Depth control issue gets better after December 42
Appreciate it. I think writing the report makes a patrol take nearly twice as long, but I feel it adds to the immersion quite a bit Originally started doing it to keep track of what I was doing (more importantly what I was doing wrong) and it ended up like this.

2/22?! Ooof. I've had those patrols. Those early war times are particularly tough. Even had a circle runner a while back (back before I knew what they were). Gave me quite the shock, leaving me staring at my screen slackjawed, looking for something to throw at it.

Luckily no premature runs this patrol. We'll see what happens this go 'round. Transferred commands to Brisbane and was given a mission in the north Yellow Sea to take pictures of a CV in port. Might just "get lost" on the way there.
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Old 10-06-21, 09:50 PM   #5119
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Originally Posted by Revus View Post
Appreciate it. I think writing the report makes a patrol take nearly twice as long, but I feel it adds to the immersion quite a bit Originally started doing it to keep track of what I was doing (more importantly what I was doing wrong) and it ended up like this.

2/22?! Ooof. I've had those patrols. Those early war times are particularly tough. Even had a circle runner a while back (back before I knew what they were). Gave me quite the shock, leaving me staring at my screen slackjawed, looking for something to throw at it.

Luckily no premature runs this patrol. We'll see what happens this go 'round. Transferred commands to Brisbane and was given a mission in the north Yellow Sea to take pictures of a CV in port. Might just "get lost" on the way there.

I agree, while it its time consuming to record the data needed and to write the report, it does add to immersion and interesting to have hindsight, examine the patrol after back in port.

Yes, 2/22 worked lol. Now, that is an exceptional number of failures lol but it does happen. This is with a third version of torpedo mod(will be in upcoming patch for my mod). Changed the depth control issue up a bit because found in 1942 prior to the date of testing and correction, torpedoes were not running deep enough to cause misses in many cases. Duds remains same and premature rate was actually reduced slightly. Goal is to provide a level of frustration to mirror that of real life skippers and crews and keep tonnage scores to reasonable levels for that time period, plus allow someone running a career from 1941-1945 seen a real change once torpedo issues are fixed. I am on my fifth patrol, started in December 1941 out of Manila and first patrol managed to sink three, second patrol was two, third patrol was one, and fourth sunk one by torpedo and one gun gunfire. Missed out of probably 10-12 enemy ships would have sunk if torpedoes worked properly, including an aircraft carrier (see third patrol report for Seal SS-183 below), yes a carrier lol, a rare find in this mod now, by design.

Yes, unfortunately game does give silly orders sometimes, something I am working on. If you would like, can give you an easy way to change your orders before patrol, so you don't risk losing renown not going all way to yellow sea from brisbane lol.

I am working on rewriting the patrol orders and making it where player can transfer from say Pearl Harbor to Brisbane, but make a war patrol en route, start out at Pearl and end in Brisbane. This is how it was originally(and done in real life usually) until it was changed in one of the updates(I dislike instant transfer) and never been able to get it back. I figured out how to do with an easy file edit and activation of a mod prior to patrol, so will be included.

lol I remember first time I had a circle run, and was not aware the torpedoes did that in reality at time, I had a similar reaction. Interesting you bring it up, on my current patrol, just had a close call with a circle runner minutes ago.

En route to patrol area in South China Sea (Areas B9, B2) in August 1942, crossing Balabac during during daylight(submerged) sound made contact. Soon had smoke plumes in periscope. Went to 100 feet for high speed run to close and was shielded by the heavy seas. Get in for attack, have 8 troopships escorted by an auxiliary cruise(Aikoku Maru Class). Fired four MK 14's from 1300 yards at the aux cruiser. Number one went erratic to port, and circled back. Ordered 100 feet depth , was diving as last torpedo left tubes (love the TDC and PK, how can accurately fire). I left external cam on for this one since testing torpedo mod, the longer sinking times mod and couple other improvements, so went outside and the torpedo was coming right for sub and was running deeper enough would probably hit us. I ordered maintain current depth at 55 feet so boat would level and stern no protruding for torpedo to hit. I was braced for impact, expected it was over and torpedo prematurely detonated very close and prob 15-20 feet above lol Shook boat, caused some minor damage. Crazy. I'll have some screenshots after patrol is finished, do not like to tab out to windows when sim is running, always makes it act strange.

Circle runner story you may or may not be aware of....USS Pollack SS-180 (Porpoise Class) conducted a night surface attack in 1943 off Japan in mid 1943 or so and fired four torpedoes and suddenly an explosion rocked the sub, knocked out power, etc went dead in water. A torpedo had circled back, run beneath them and detonated(!) fortunately, it apparently ran deep so they did not get the full brunt of the explosions impluse, or they would have been destroyed. Problem was, the convoys escorts were alerted, spotted them and closing in while they were dead in water, working to get the ship back on line. They managed to get her fired up just in time and ended up getting away. I forget if they submerged or got away on surfaced. This was in the book "The Luck of the Draw" was Captain Ken Ruiz(he was a young officer on board the old boat, survived Battle of Savo Island on a cruiser,(Vincennes) volunteered for sub duty after ordeal.

Look forward to the next report, boats out of Brisbane have chance for a lot of action in 1943...think Truk-Rabaul shipping lanes. Check out area of 0-0 N 138-40 E , between, slight (above) Admirality Island and New Hanover
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Old 10-07-21, 11:36 AM   #5120
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Default USS Seal SS-183 Fifth War Patrol 28 July-31 August 1942

TMO 2.5 Update
100 difficulty, cams on, contacts off.


Returned from Fourth War Patrol to Fremantle, Australia on 26 June 1942. Conducted normal refit and repairs. No 2(Attack) Periscope repaired, struck by machine gun fire during patrol.

Due to the untimely death of Chief of the Boat, CTM R. I. Madison (KIA during gun action ), CTM Dudley R. Saunders assumed position as Chief of the Boat. CQM Henry P. Hammond and CTM Titus Lee reported aboard 11 July. Twenty-two MK 14 torpedoes loaded and boat provisioned for patrol between 24 July and 28 July. Ready for sea 28 July.


Departed Fremantle at 0745 on2 8 July for South China Sea (Areas B9) off Hainan Island, China. On 30 July stopped overnight at Exmouth Gulf for fuel, remained due to storms and proximity of minefield in zero visibility. Departed Exmouth Gulf at 0800 31 July upon clearing of the foul weather and set course for patrol area via Celebes Sea, Sulu Sea, and Balabac Strait.

On 6 August, while transiting Balabac Strait submerged, periscope lookout spotted smoke on horizon bearing 330 degrees at 1226 hours. Sound soon confirmed many props. Called General Quarters Torpedo and began closing.

Soon contact revealed to be a convoy of six troop transports, escorted by a DD and an Auxiliary Cruiser. Contact Report was sent. Position of convoy7-37 N 116-50 E , Estimated Course and Speed: 082 10 knots.

After a high speed run at 150 feet, Seal was 1400 yards off track of convoy and ready to fired. All bow tubes were made ready to fire at the Aikoku Maru class Aux Cruiser of 14800 tons. At 1303, fired four MK 14 torpedoes, set for 6 feet. Seas were heavy and prevented minimal depth setting.

Torpedo #1 immediately went erratic to port, and then went into a circular run! Emergency depth of 100 feet was ordered as torpedo #4 left the tube. Torpedo #2 prematurely detonated 10 seconds after leaving tube. Torpedoes # 3 and #4 missed, possibly due to deep run or heavy seas. Unable to visually confirm due to emergency descent but torpedoes appeared to track properly .

As Seal was at 90 feet, a massive explosion above, close rocked the boat. This was torpedo #1 which had by this time mad full circle and detonated above the boat at estimated depth of 45-50 feet. The boat was shaken, but undamaged. The enemy destroyer (AKATSUKI CLASS) closed in as Drum wen to 250 ft, rigged for silent running and depth charge.

The heavy seas made the DD's job difficult as it never truly located Seal. About five depth charges were dropped, none close and the DD soon shuffled off to rejoin convoy. Seal secured from General Quarters and continued transit of the strait, surfacing after dark at 1840.

Throughout the day on 8 August a persistent "MAVIS" patrol aircraft shadowed Seal , forcing repeated dives and surfacing . On the fourth dive at 1500, remained submerged until after dark. Arrived in patrol area on evening of 10 August in ideal weather, but no contacts aside from daily patrol planes.

The next few days were uneventful as Seal patrolled on the surface searching for contacts, sans the 13th and 14th when patrolled submerged close to shallow cost of Southern Hainan Island.

On 15 August, during the morning trim dive at 0733, sound reported prop noises at 345 degrees. Surfaced, and closed at high speed spotting smoke at 0807. At 0815 confirmed had a convoy at 19-12 N 112 32-E off Hainan Island. Convoy course/speed estimated to be 104 degrees 8 knots. Called General Quarters torpedo and closed until submerged at 0840 for attack from port side of convoy. Convoy consisted of five ships...four mid sized AK and one mid sized AO identified as of the AKEBONO MARU Class.A reply to contact report was received to target tankers , as was the plan anyways

At 0853 fired four MK 14 torpedoes from bow tubes 1,2,3,4. Torpedoes # 2 and #3 prematurely detonated about 100 yards from target. Target was alerted and took evasive action, but the remaining torpedoes had tracked properly and appeared were going to impact. Torpedo 1 hit amidships, but failed to detonate-dud. Torpedo #4 's wake was visible as it ran under the stern at the stack of the tanker. The DD(Fubuki Class) was now closing in, running down torpedo tracks . Ordered Seal to 250 feet, rigged for depth charge and silent running.

For the next five hours the destroyer pounded Seal with depth charges . At 1114 a close pattern caused minor flooding in forward torpedo room , as well as leaks in piping and air lines through the boat. After this pattern, the DD appeared to slow close contact as Seal increased depth to 375 feet.

Attempted to surface twice, but due to air cover from Hainan was unable to run on surface during the day After dark surfaced and attempted to locate convoy but had no luck. Disengaged and returned to patrol area.

On the morning of 16 August, sound again made contact during trim dive at bearing 322. Closed target on the surface and soon had a mid sized tanker with a lone Chidori escorting. Went to General Quarters and closed the small convoy, which was on course of 064 at 12 knots.

At 0736 fired three stern torpedoes at SEITO MARU (5186 tons) from 1000 yards. All three torpedoes prematurely detonated. Adjusted and fired another torpedo. This torpedo impacted target but failed to detonate-dud. Alerted, the Chidori closed in dropping depth charges but seemed to never gain solid contact. An hour after it began, the attack was over. Two hours later Seal surfaced and gave chased, tracking via the smoke from 10 NM.

During the end around, convoy changed course at 1100 hours directly for Seal, submerged along track, went to General Quarters and closed for attack. At 1145 fired four bow torpedoes at the tanker. One torpedo prematurely exploded just 15 yards from target, while others tracked properly, observed wakes run under target, more deep runners.

Chidori closed in pinging and delivered a much more persistent and effective counter attack over next few hours. Howeve,r by 1600 Seal was able to elude the Chidori and surfaced, racing ahead for another end around, when lookouts spotted the SEITO MARU steaming NQ, zigging at 8-10 knots. The escort, convinced Seal was still submerged was estimated 5-6 NM behind at the scene of attack..

Closed the temporarily unguarded SEITO MARU at high submerged speed reaching firing position , and fired stern torpedoes at 1813. Three prematurely detonated, but torpedo #4 impacted, causing the tanker to slow and a fire to break out. Turned seal to bring bow tubes to bear and fired the final two bow torpedoes, both of which hit but failed to detonate.(DUDS!) .

Evaluating options and the fact no guns were visible on the tanker, the escort was a minimum 5.5 NM away, ordered Battle Surface.

1818 Seal surfaced with stern pointing at SEITO MARU from 2000 yards, and opened fire with 3 inch and 20 MM guns. The 3 inch gun scored 51 hits (57 rounds fired) and 20 MM scored numerous hits as well setting fire to bridge of tanker.

At 1835, with fires raging and shells still being fired into the waterline, a massive explosion erupted aboard the tanker, leaving it broken in two and on fire. Counted eight y lifeboats in water. At 1844 hours, SEITO MARU 5150 tons sunk at 19 10 N 114 11 E.

Lookouts spotted the Chidori in the dusk sky, racing in fast, no doubt responding to distress call or seeing the fires. Seal was off racing away at 20 knots. Chidori appeared to spot Seal and gave chase , which was concerning since a Chidori could overtake a sub at maximum speed. However, with night quickly approaching, it appeared Chidori lost sight of us in the eastern skyline and slowed at the wreck site, perhaps rescuing survivors .A SD radar contact was made at 1900 but remained steady at 8 NM, did not submerged.
With all torpedoes expended, set course for home via Bashi Channel, East Coast of the Philippines, Molucca-Banda Seas , and Timor Straits . No further enemy contacts were made and Seal arrived at Fremantle on 31 August.

Ships Sunk



5150 tons.

16 August 1942 1844 hours

19-10 N 114-11 E.




One out of twenty two torpedoes fired functioned properly. To date, the various torpedo maladies have caused Seal to miss sinking an aircraft carrier, a light cruiser, and eleven merchant vessels of 1000 tons or more.
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Old 10-09-21, 01:58 AM   #5121
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Old 10-13-21, 11:57 AM   #5122
Navy Seal
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Default USS Seal SS-183 Sixth War Patrol 24 October-2 December 1942

War Patrol Report
USS Seal SS-183
Sixth War Patrol
24 October-2 December 1942

A. Prologue

Returned from a abbreviated patrol on 11 October to Fremantle, Australia. Voyage repairs and refit, with loading of twenty-two MK 14 torpedoes completed. Ready for set 24 October 1942.

B. Narrative

Officers and CPO's for the Sixth War Patrol

LT I.T. Ryan, USN. XO
LT B.R.P. Digby, USN.
LT (jg) M.L. Lynch, USN.
Ens D.B. Thompson, USN.

Chief Petty Officers:
CMoMM D.R. Saunders, USN. Chief of the Boat
CTM T.B. Lee, USN.
CQM H.P. Hammond, USN.
CMoMM V.S. Balltantine, USN.
CMoMM M.A. Grady, USN.
CMoMM U.W. Clinton, USN.

24 October

1330 Departed Fremantle, Australia for patrol area Palau Islands via Darwin, Australia.

1630 Trim Dive

1700 Surfaced

25 October

0900-1150 Gunnery, dive, torpedo attack drills.

1400 Deep dive to 350 feet.

1500 Surfaced.

26 October

En route Darwin

27 October

En route Darwin

28 October

En route Darwin

29 October

En route Darwin

30 October

1500 Docked for refuel at Darwin, Australia.

1920 Departed Darwin for patrol area-Palau Islands via Arafura, Ceram, and Halmahera Seas.

31 October

En route patrol area.

1 November

En route patrol area

1900 Entered Ceram Sea

2 November

En route patrol area

1200 Entered Halmahera Sea

1629 SJ contact bearing 019 8.5 NM. 0-9N 129-13E.

1644 SJ contact is patrol vessel in the strait between Halmahera and Gebe Islands-avoided on surface.

3 November

0000 Exited Halmahera Sea, en route to patrol area.

1235 SJ contact bearing 063 8 NM 4-3 N 131-17 E. Set intercept course.

1238 Smoke spotted bearing 351. General Quarters-Torpedo. Submerged for attack.

1324 All stern tubes made ready for firing.

1330 (ATTACK NO. 1) Fired tubes 5,6,7.

1330:20 Torpedo (#5) prematurely exploded.

1330:31 Torpedo (#6) prematurely exploded.

1330:44 Torpedo (#7) wake observed running below target.

1330:51 Fired tube #8. Ordered to bring bow tubes to bear.

1331 Torpedo (#8) wake observed running below target.

1332:11 Torpedo exploded 300 yards off opposite side of target.

1340 Target proceeding on zig course 270° 7-8 knots. Reloading stern tubes, will surface for end around when clear.

1500 Surfaced for end around.

2010 Ahead of target, submerged for night time periscope attack w radar.

2025 All bow tubes made ready for firing.

2027 (TORPEDO ATTACK NO. 2) Fired tubes 1,2,3.

2027:58 Torpedo #1 prematurely exploded near target.

2028:01 Torpedo #2 impacted target, large secondary explosion. Believe hit boilers.

2028:06 Torpedo#3 impacted target. Large fires. Vessel went adrift, on fire.

2030 Vessel is burning and appears to be sinking.

2035 KOBAYASHI MARU 9980 tons sunk at 4-04 N 130-40 E.

2036 Surfaced. Secured General Quarters, ordered forward tubes reloaded, and set course for patrol area.

4 November

0400 Entered patrol area

0651 SD contact 8 NM closing fast. Submerged.

0652-1720 Conducted submerged patrol.

1730 Surfaced into heavy seas.

5 November

0541 SD contact 10 NM closing fast. Submerged.

0751 Surfaced.

1140 SD contact 8 NM closing. Submerged

1729 Surfaced.

6 November

0100 Sea conditions remain rough, with wind, overcast, and light fog limiting visibility.

0530 Weather cleared. Seas remain heavy.

0555 SD contact 11 NM range steady.

0600 Lost SD contact.

0730 SD contact 5.5 NM closing fast. Dive! Emergency depth 200 ft!

1200 Submerged at periscope depth. Extended SD radar mast contact at 6 NM. Ordered 250 ft.

1732 Surfaced.

7 November

0618 SD contact steady 7 NM.

0620:22 SD contact suddenly began closing rapidly.

0620:27 Spotted by lookouts bearing 223. Type: Twin engine medium bomber, likely BETTY.

0620:30 Dive! Depth 200 ft, Emergency!

1622 Distant props audible on sound bearing 323. Ordered periscope depth and course to investigate.

1630 At periscope depth, dusk, air patrols unlikely. Surfaced.

1650 SJ contact bearing 340 9 NM. 6-0 N 133-55 E. Set course 350 to close.

1704 Visually spotted DD bearing 343. General Quarters-Torpedo.

1722 Submerged for attack. Ordered depth 250 feet, close at high speed.

1734 Slowed speed. Seal ordered to periscope depth from 250 feet.

1735 Sound reported course change of contact, increasing speed, closing! Ordered halt to descent. Boat depth 196 ft, ordered to turn bow towards contact to minimize profile to active sonar beam.

1736 Pinging began.

1738 DD passed above, depth charge splashes audible.

1739 DC explosions. One close, boat shaken. Boat Depth 300 ft.

1743 DC explosions, close.

1747 DC explosions, close.

1755 Escort dropping charges further away, may have lost contact with Seal.

1758 DD passed above. DC splashes.

1759 DC explosions, astern.

1805 DD passing ahead, pinging.

1825 Last DC explosion.

1838 lost contact with DD.

1851 Believe DD is above in area, listening.

2250 Periscope depth. All clear.

2252 SJ radar depth. SJ contact bearing 168 degrees 6 NM. 6-9 N 133 50 E. Contact appears stationary, likely DD still listening for Seal. Secured Silent Running.

2255 Surfaced. Set course 340 to patrol West of Palau Islands.

2300 Secured General Quarters.

8 November

0626 SD contact 8 NM closing. Submerged.

1700 Surfaced

9 November

0500 Submerged 15 NM from Palau Harbor main entrance for patrol.

1158 Sound has distant props at 283 degrees. Turned to investigate.

1330 Sound is aux PC type vessel.

1400 Sound reports distant heavy props bearing 200. Turned to investigate.

1440 Smoke sighted bearing 358.

1441 SJ radar depth. SJ contact bearing 535 9 NM. General Quarters-Torpedo.

1502 Sound reports warship contact close to bearing of merchant currently closing. Possible escort for vessel as she approaches the harbor.

1507 Periscope depth. Slowed for observation. PC type escorting AK into harbor. Went to 250 feet for high speed closing.

1520 Report: Battery at 38 percent, had to slow to avoid draining as may need for prolonged evasion. Prepared for long range torpedo shot.

1524 AK appears to be of SEIA MARU class 7590 tons.

1530 All forward tubes made ready.

1532 (TORPEDO ATTACK NO.3) Fired tubes 1,2,3.

1533 Two premature detonations.

1535 Torpedo missed forward. Target alerted by premature explosions. Escort closing towards Seal. Rigged for Depth Charge and Silent Running. Went to 300 ft.

1544 Pinging.

1546 Close depth charge explosions. Boat shaken.

1600 Depth 382 ft. Very Close DC explosions. Boat shaken terribly. Damage Reported(See Damage Section)

1609 Close depth charge explosions. Damage (See Damage Section for complete liste) Report of leaks and flooding in aft torpedo room. DC party assigned.

1619 Leaks stopped in aft torpedo room. Flooding controlled. Pumping out water.

1620 Depth 400 ft.

1625 Close DC explosions. Damage (See damage section) (Forward torpedo's, CT, control room)

1637 Water pumped out of aft torpedo room.

1710 Lost contact with escort. Possibly running quiet to listen for Seal.

1758 Sound contact on escort bearing 128 , estimated range 6000 yards and opening.

2017 Battery power at twenty five percent. Ordered periscope depth.

2023 Periscope, Sound, and Radar are all clear. Secured Silent Running.

2026 Surfaced.

2030 Secured General Quarters. Set course west to open range from Palau Islands to commence inspection and repairs.

2200 Inspection reveals Stern tubes #6 and #7 non operational, repairs began immediately.

TM2 F.P. Ackerman (Aft Torpedo) medically relieved due to manic state.

10 November

0010 Battery Charge completed.

0526 SD contact 8 NM closing. Submerged 140 NM W of Palau.

1722 Periscope/Radar depth. All clear.

1730 Surfaced. Repairs on stern tubes #6 and #7 continue, still non operational.

11 November

0135 SJ contact bearing 052 9 NM. 7-8N 131-20 E. Increased speed to intercept.

0145 Engineering Officer reports Tubes #6 and #7 are now operational, just time as SJ contact developed into multiple. Likely a convoy.

0148 General Quarters-Torpedo

0149 Convoy sighted. 7-04 N 131-20 E Estimated and speed speed 096 degrees 9 knots. three AK, one possible one possible escort.

0200 Submerged for attack.

0205 Convoy appears unescorted, sailing in single column about 800 yards apart for protection. Leading is mid sized AK, next is large AO, followed by smaller AO, and a large AK. Target is large AO.

0208 After torpedo room reports stern tubes #6 and #7 loaded (torpedo remove for repairs)

0212 Made all bow tubes ready for firing. AO is riding low in water, likely loaded with fuel.

0221 (TORPEDO ATTACK NO. 4) Fired bow tubes 1,2,3,4.

0222:00 Torpedo impact! Massive explosion of AO as volatile fuel cargo set off.

0222:05 Torpedo impact! Massive secondary explosion. Tanker appeared to lift out of the water momentarily from the explosion. Seal shaken by the powerful shockwave.

0222:10 Unsure of hit, possible premature detonation but close to target.

0222:15 Torpedo missed, wake visible.

0222: Tanker is burning hulk, adrift

0226 GENYO MARU 11800 tons sunk at 7-04 N 131-20 E .

0230 unable to get shot at other vessels, all turned away at high speed.

0316 Area clear. Surfaced, laid out pursuit course for end around. Three remaining vessels are sailing together zig zag course 096 for mutual protection.

Secured General Quarters.

0541 SD contact 7 NM closing.

0626 Aircraft is searching area. Likely called in by convoy.

0712 Sound has props at bearing 325. Closing contacts.

0730 General Quarters-Torpedo.

0731 Periscope depth. Observed convoy in column course 096 9 knots. Ordered 75 ft and flank speed to gain firing position.

0742 Turned to bring stern tubes to bear. Ordered periscope depth.

0745 Mid sized AK, small AO, large AK in column 096 9 knots. Will attack large AK with stern tubes as it is armed. The smaller AK and AO do not have visible guns.

0751 convoy changed course ruining shot.

0843 Prepared to surface for end around, SD contact 10 NM. Convoys air cover. Ordered 200 feet. Seas a flat calm, clear, glassy.

0920 Surfaced. Flank speed for end around. Smoke from convoy visible estimated 12 NM. No SJ contacted at time.

0937 Regained SJ contact with convoy. Bearing 359 9 NM.

0946 SD contact 8 NM. Steady range.

0949 SD contact began rapidly closing. Dive! 200 feet, emergency!

0950 Through No.2 periscope during dive, observed large flying boat in a power glide towards Seal. Aircraft is H6K MAVIS patrol aircraft.

0954 Large explosions audible through hull. Likely aircraft dropping.

1104 Periscope depth. Extended SD radar mast for sweep. SD contact remaining in area, covering escape of convoy, preventing Seal from Surfacing. Ordered 200 feet, will check again at 1200.

1200 SD contact 8 NM

1300 SD contact 6 NM

1400 Clear. Surfaced

1500 SD contact 6 NM closing. Submerged.

1502 Explosions above.

1600 SD contact 11 NM closing.

1850 Night fall. SD radar clear.

1900 Surfaced.

12 November

0600 SD contact 10 NM closing. Submerged.

1800 Surfaced

13 November

0618 SD contact 10 NM closing. Submerged.

1714 Surfaced.

14 November

0458 SD contact 10 NM closing. Submerged.

1700 Surfaced

15 November

0516 SD contact range 6 NM steady.

0523 Lost SD contact.

0814 SD contact 12 NM closing.

0816 SD contact at 9 NM closing fast. Submerged.

1300 Engineering Officer reports all damage from 9 November depth charge attack repaired. Torpedo tubes #6 and #7 now fully repaired.

1730 Surfaced.

16 November

0509 Submerged for patrol in southern approaches to Palau SW of Angaur Island.

1425 Sound reports multiple distant props, closing bearing 293. Turned to intercept. Went to SJ radar depth.

1516 Smoke spotted bearing 005 degrees. General Quarters-Torpedo.

1530 Convoy five AK one DD departing southern exit Palau Anchorage. Went to 200 ft for high speed run to close range. Went to 200 feet for high speed run to close range.

1612 Targeting both AK in starboard column. All forward tubes made ready.

1614:55 (TORPEDO ATTACK NO 5) Fired tubes 1 and 2 at Target #1

1615:05 Fired tubes 3 and 3 at Target #2

1617 Torpedoes missed. All tracked properly but passed below target, observed wakes. Turned for stern shot.

1620:05 Fired Tubes 5,6

1620:10 fired tubes 7,8 All torpedoes expended.

1625 All torpedoes missed .

1626 DD closing fast bearing 180. Ordered 250 ft, Rigged for Silent Running and Depth Charge.

1635 Depth charge explosions astern.

1636 DD passed above. DC explosions. Boat depth 275 ft.

1804 Last DC explosion. Enemy went silent after, likely listening.

2245 Sound reports warship leaving area at high speed.

2306 Periscope Depth. All clear

2307 Radar depth for SJ sweep. All clear. Secured General Quarters and Silent Running. Prepared to surface.

2330 Surfaced. All torpedoes expended. Set course for Pearl Harbor per orders.

17 November

En route Pearl Harbor.

0603 SD contact 10 NM closing. Submerged.

1800 Surfaced.

18 November

En route Pearl Harbor.

1222 SD contact 7 NM. Submerged

1800 Surfaced.

19 November

En route Pearl Harbor

20 November

En route Pearl Harbor

1118 SD contact 260 NM SSE of Guam. Submerged.

1513 Surfaced.

21 November
En route Pearl Harbor

22 November
En route Pearl Harbor

23 November

En route Pearl Harbor

24 November
En route Pearl Harbor

25 November
En route Pearl Harbor

26 November

1239 SD contact 10 NM closing. 360 NM SE Wake Island. Submerged to avoid

1500 Surfaced.

27 November

En route Pearl Harbor

28 November

En route Pearl Harbor

29 November
En route Pearl Harbor

30 November
En route Pearl Harbor

1 December

En route Pearl Harbor

2 December

1000 Arrived Pearl Harbor Submarine Base, T.H. Terminated patrol.

C Weather

Weather during transit and during time in patrol area was quite favorable. A few sporadic storms and episodes of heavy seas with fog but overall, nature cooperated on this patrol

D Tides

Tidal activity was consistent with that previously reported in patrol area.

E Attack Data

Number of Torpedo Attacks Conducted 5
Number of ships sunk 2
Number of ships damaged 0
Number of ships probably sunk 0
Number ships probably damage 0

Torpedoes on board ( start of patrol ) 22
Torpedoes Expended 22

Ships sunk by torpedo.


1)KOBAYASHI MARU AK 9980 3 September 1942 2035 4-04 N 130-40 E 330 NM SSW of Palau Islands

2)GENYO MARU AO 11800 11 November 1942 0226 7-04 N 131-20 E 210 NM WSW of Palau Islands

Torpedo Attack Data War Patrol Six USS Seal

USS Seal SS-183 War Patrol Six Torpedo Attack No. 1 Date: 3 November 1942 Time: 1330 Location:4-3 N 131-18E 305 NM SSE of Palau Islands.


Lone AK detected on SJ radar en route to patrol area.

Ships Sunk


Ships Damaged


Ships Probably Sunk


Torpedo Attack No. 1 Target No.1 Data (at firing)

Target No. 1
Type AK
Tons 9980
Range 1100 yards
AOB 89° P
Bearing 189°
True Bearing 11°
Course 270°
Speed 8 knots
Zig? No
AK has large guns, estimated to be four or five inch mounted forward, aft, and one each side, similar to an auxiliary cruiser.

Torpedo Attack No. 1 Torpedo Data (at firing)

Type MK 14
Serial No.47371
Gyro 358 L
Track 81 P
Course 181°
Depth 3 ft
Speed High
Detonator MK 6
Serial No.5000
Method Single bearing TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 0°
Detonator Contact [] Magnetic[X]
Actual Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[]
Hit Yes[] No[X]
POI ---
Erratic Yes[] No[X]
Prematurely detonated.

Type MK 14
Serial No.47992
Gyro 358 L
Track 81° P
Course 181°
Depth 3 ft
Speed High
Detonator MK 6
Serial No.5003
Method Single bearing TDC with spread.
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 2°
Detonator Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[X]
Actual Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[]
Hit Yes[] No[X]
POI ---
Erratic Yes[] No[X]
Prematurely detonated

Type MK 14
Serial No.41373
Gyro 358 L
Track 81° P
Course 181°
Depth 3 ft
Speed High
Detonator MK 6
Serial No.5000
Method Single bearing TDC with spread
Firing Interval
Spread 2° starboard
Detonator Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[X]
Actual Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[]
Hit Yes[] No[X]
Erratic Yes[X] No[]
Torpedo ran deeper than set. Wake observed passing below target. Torpedo detonated itself off starboard side of target.

Type MK 14
Serial No.43934
Gyro 100° L
Track 78° P
Course 183°
Depth 3 ft
Speed High
Detonator MK 6
Serial No.5009
Firing Interval 0
Spread 0°
Detonator Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[X]
Actual Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[]
Hit Yes[] No[X]
POI ---
Erratic Yes[X] No[]
Torpedo wake observed passing below target. Torpedo ran deeper than set. Torpedo exploded shortly after passing below target, on opposite side.

Own Ship Data (at firing)

Depth 54 ft
Course 180°
Speed 2 knots
AOB 89° P


USS Seal SS-183 War Patrol Six Torpedo Attack No. 2 Date: 3 November 1942 Time:2027 Location: 4-04 N 130-40 E 330 NM SSE of Palau Islands.


Follow up to Torpedo Attack No. 1 after end around. Night time periscope attack, using SJ at radar depth (40 ft) for tracking.

Ships Sunk

KOBAYASHI MARU AK 9980 3 September 1942 2035 4-04 N 130-40 E 330 NM SW of Palau Islands

Ships Damaged


Ships Probably Sunk


Torpedo Attack No.2 Target No.1 Data (at firing)

Type AK
Tons 9980
Range 900 yards
AOB 84° S
Bearing 356°
True Bearing 182°
Course 272°
Speed 8 knots
Zig? Yes (initially, ceased before firing )
AK has large guns, estimated to be four or five inch mouted forward, aft, and one each side, similar to an auxiliary cruiser.

Believe enemy vessel was carrying ammunition dye to large explosions and repeated, abnormally large explosions upon sinking. Multiple ammo crates and remains of crates seeing floating in water. One life boat spotted indicating very few crew survived the conflaguration.

Torpedo Attack No. 2 Torpedo Data (at firing)

Type MK 14
Serial No.47398
Gyro 7°L
Track 95° S
Course 193°
Depth 3 ft
Speed High
Detonator MK 6
Serial No.5201
Method Single bearing TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 0°
Detonator Contact [] Magnetic[X]
Actual Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[]
Hit Yes[] No[X]
POI ---
Erratic Yes[] No[X]
Torpedo prematurely detonated near target.

Type MK 14
Serial No.45435
Gyro 7°L
Track 95° S
Course 193°
Depth 3 ft
Speed High
Detonator MK 6
Serial No.5445
Method Single bearing TDC with spread
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 2° starboard
Detonator Contact [] Magnetic[X]
Actual Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[]
Hit Yes[X] No[]
POI Admidships, Forward
Erratic Yes[] No[X]
Torpedo hit caused massive explosion with a large residual fire. Believe impacted boilers.

Type MK 14
Serial No.47398
Gyro 7°L
Track 95° S
Course 193°
Depth 3 ft
Speed High
Detonator MK 6
Serial No.5201
Method Single bearing TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 2° Port
Detonator Contact [] Magnetic[X]
Actual Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[]
Hit Yes[] No[]
POI Aft of stack
Erratic Yes[] No[X]
Second hit on target appeared to finish the job, as she quickly lost way with another large fire starting. Target began to settle in the water quickly.

Own Ship Data (at firing)

Depth 54 ft
Course 185°
Speed 1 knot
AOB 84° S


USS Seal SS-183 War Patrol Six Torpedo Attack No. 3 Date: 9 November 1942 Time:1532 Location:7-42 N 135 24 E 12 Nm WNW of Palau Islands.


While on submerged patrol for traffic departing and approaching North Entrance to Palau anchorage, sound made contact on lone AK, confirmed by radar. Turned to began high speed aproach. Sound later made contact on a PC type vessel, apparently a escort sent out to guide vessel in.

Ships Sunk

Ships Damaged


Ships Probably Sunk


Torpedo Attack No.3 Target No.1 Data (at firing)

Name/Class SEIA MARU
Type AK
Tons 7590
Range 3929 yards
AOB 81° P
Bearing 022°
True Bearing 286°
Course 178°
Speed 9 knots
Zig? No
Initially unescorted, a PC type vessel soon appeared, likely sent from harbor to escort vessel in.

Torpedo Attack No. 3 Torpedo Data (at firing)

Type MK 14
Serial No.47316
Gyro 5°L
Track 97° P
Course 260°
Depth 3 ft
Speed Low
Detonator MK 6
Serial No.5235
Method Single bearing
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 0°
Detonator Contact [] Magnetic[X]
Actual Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[]
Hit Yes[] No[X]
POI ---
Erratic Yes[] No[X]
Premature detonation

Type MK 14
Serial No.44316
Gyro 5°L
Track 97° P
Course 260°
Depth 3 ft
Speed Low
Detonator MK 6
Serial No.5229
Method Single bearing
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 0°
Detonator Contact [] Magnetic[X]
Actual Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[]
Hit Yes[] No[X]
POI ---
Erratic Yes[] No[X]
Preature detonation

Type MK 14
Serial No.48313
Gyro 5°L
Track 97° P
Course 260°
Depth 3 ft
Speed Low
Detonator MK 6
Serial No.5587
Method Single bearing
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 0°
Detonator Contact [] Magnetic[X]
Actual Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[]
Hit Yes[] No[X]
POI Aft of stack
Erratic Yes[] No[X]
Missed ahead of target, target slowed and made zig due to being alerted by two previous premature explosions

Own Ship Data (at firing)

Depth 54 ft
Course 262°
Speed 2 knots
AOB 81° P


USS Seal SS-183 War Patrol Six Torpedo Attack No. 4 Date: 11 November 1942 Time:0222 Location:7-05 N 131 18 E 208 NM WSW of Palau Islands.


SJ contact on unescorted convoy at 9 NM. Submerged for night time periscope/radar attack.

Ships Sunk
GENYO MARU AO 11800 11 November 1942 0226 7-04 N 131-20 E

Verified by:

Observed via No. 2 periscope two torpedoes impact tanker admiships and aft, causing massive explosion of fuel that ripped vessel apart, leaving it a floating, burning hulk. Observed burning vessel sink less than ten minutes later.

Ships Damaged


Ships Probably Sunk


Torpedo Attack No.4 Target No.1 Data (at firing)

Type AO
Tons 11800
Range 974 yards
AOB 89° P
Bearing 11°
True Bearing 194°
Course 096°
Speed 9 knots
Zig? No
Large guns forward and aft visiible.

Torpedo Attack No. 4 Torpedo Data (at firing)

Type MK 14
Serial No.37316
Gyro 360°L
Track 100° P
Course 183°
Depth 3 ft
Speed High
Detonator MK 6
Serial No.4242
Method Single bearing=TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 0°
Detonator Contact [] Magnetic[X]
Actual Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[]
Hit Yes[X] No[]
Erratic Yes[] No[X]
Torpedo impact caused a massive explosion of the tankers volatile cargo.

Type MK 14
Serial No.37339
Gyro 360°L
Track 100° P
Course 183°
Depth 3 ft
Speed High
Detonator MK 6
Serial No.4267
Method Single bearing-TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 0°
Detonator Contact [] Magnetic[X]
Actual Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[]
Hit Yes[X] No[]
POI Aft, stack.
Erratic Yes[] No[X]
Torpedo impact was the "icing on the cake" causing another massive explosion and fires. Tanker left a burning, drifitng hulk.

Type MK 14
Serial No.37919
Gyro 360°L
Track 100° P
Course 183°
Depth 3 ft
Speed High
Detonator MK 6
Serial No.4391
Method Single bearing-TDC spread
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 2° starboard
Detonator Contact [] Magnetic[X]
Actual Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[]
Hit Yes[] No[X]
POI ---
Erratic Yes[] No[X]
Torpedo prematurely detonated close to target, initially judged as a hit. Detonated possibly due to proximity of massive explosions caused by impacts of torpedoes #1 and #2 triggered the exploder .

Type MK 14
Serial No.30919
Gyro 360°L
Track 100° P
Course 183°
Depth 3 ft
Speed High
Detonator MK 6
Serial No.4491
Method Single bearing - TDC spread.
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 2° port
Detonator Contact [] Magnetic[X]
Actual Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[]
Hit Yes[] No[X]
POI ---
Erratic Yes[] No[X]
Torpedo missed ahead of target, likely due to target slowing, losing way after first two hits. Torpedo reached end of run. No end of run explosion heard.

Own Ship Data (at firing)

Depth 54 ft
Course 185°
Speed 2 knots
AOB 89° P


USS Seal SS-183 War Patrol Six Torpedo Attack No. 5 Date: 16 November 1942 Time:1614 Location: 6-58 N 133-55 E 15 NM WSW of Angaur Island, Palau Islands.


While patrolling southern approaches to Palau anchorage off Angaur Island, sound detected prop noises, which upon investigation developed into a convoy of five AK, one DD departing the anchorage. First visual contact was made on smoke plumes at about 11 NM, followed by SJ contact (upon reaching radar depth) at 9 NM.

Ships Sunk

Ships Damaged


Ships Probably Sunk


Torpedo Attack No.5 Target No.1 Data (at firing)

Type AK
Tons 5186
Range 2081 yards
AOB 79° S
Bearing 332°
True Bearing 117°
Course 228°
Speed 9 knots
Zig? No
Trailing AK starboard column

Type AK
Tons 4037
Range 1900
AOB 90° P
Bearing 002°
True Bearing 147°
Course 228°
Speed 9 knots
Zig? No
Lead AK starboard column.

Torpedo Attack No. 5 Torpedo Data (at firing)

Type MK 14
Serial No.31311
Gyro 341 R
Track 79°S
Course 126°
Depth 3 ft
Speed High
Detonator MK 6
Serial No.5848
Method Single bearing-TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 0°
Detonator Contact [] Magnetic[X]
Actual Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[]
Hit Yes[] No[X]
POI ---
Erratic Yes[] No[X]
Observed wake run below target, but failed to detonate.Suspected torpedo ran deep, in spite of minimal depth setting.

Type MK 14
Gyro 341 R
Track 79°S
Course 126°
Depth 3 ft
Speed High
Detonator MK 6
Serial No.2763
Method Single bearing-TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 0°
Detonator Contact [] Magnetic[X]
Actual Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[]
Hit Yes[] No[X]
POI ---
Erratic Yes[] No[X]

Type MK 14
Serial No.41371
Gyro 14° R
Track 103°S
Course 159°
Depth 3 ft
Speed High
Detonator MK 6
Serial No.4448
Method Single bearing-TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 0°
Detonator Contact [] Magnetic[X]
Actual Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[]
Hit Yes[] No[X]
Erratic Yes[] No[X]
Observed wake run below target, but failed to detonate.Suspected torpedo ran deep, in spite of minimal depth setting.

Type MK 14
Gyro R
Track °S
Course °
Depth 3 ft
Speed High
Detonator MK 6
Serial No.4763
Method Single bearing-TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread °
Detonator Contact [] Magnetic[X]
Actual Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[]
Hit Yes[] No[X]
POI ---
Erratic Yes[] No[X]
Observed wake run below target, but failed to detonate.Suspected torpedo ran deep, in spite of minimal depth setting.

(Stern Tubes)
Type MK 14
Serial No.61311
Gyro 021 R
Track 30°S
Course 141°
Depth 3 ft
Speed High
Detonator MK 6
Serial No.3948
Method Single bearing-TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 0°
Detonator Contact [] Magnetic[X]
Actual Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[]
Hit Yes[] No[X]
POI ---
Erratic Yes[] No[X]
Observed wake run below target, but failed to detonate.Suspected torpedo ran deep, in spite of minimal depth setting.

Type MK 14
Gyro 021 R
Track 30°S
Course 141°
Depth 3 ft
Speed High
Detonator MK 6
Serial No.2763
Method Single bearing-TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 0°
Detonator Contact [] Magnetic[X]
Actual Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[]
Hit Yes[] No[X]
POI ---
Erratic Yes[] No[X]

Type MK 14
Serial No.41371
Gyro 021 R
Track 30°S
Course 141°
Depth 3 ft
Speed High
Detonator MK 6
Serial No.4448
Method Single bearing-TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 0°
Detonator Contact [] Magnetic[X]
Actual Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[]
Hit Yes[] No[X]
Erratic Yes[] No[X]
Observed wake run below target, but failed to detonate.Suspected torpedo ran deep, in spite of minimal depth setting.

Type MK 14
Serial No. 51339
Gyro 025 R
Track 38°S
Course 147°
Depth 3 ft
Speed High
Detonator MK 6
Serial No.1763
Method Single bearing-TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread °
Detonator Contact [] Magnetic[X]
Actual Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[]
Hit Yes[] No[X]
POI ---
Erratic Yes[] No[X]
Observed wake run below target, but failed to detonate.Suspected torpedo ran deep, in spite of minimal depth setting.

Own Ship Data (at firing)

Bow shots:

Depth 54 ft
Course 145°
Speed 2 knots
AOB 79° S

Depth 54 ft
Course 145°
Speed 2 knots
AOB 90° S

Stern shots.

Depth 54 ft
Course 320°
Speed 4 knots
AOB 97° S

Depth 54 ft
Course 314°
Speed 4 knots
AOB 110° S

E Major Defects and Damage

9 November 1942 - Depth Charge Attack #2

Several close depth charges during this attack caused serious damage.

1. Bulkhead damage and leaks with moderate flooding up to three feet of water in after torpedo room.

2. Stern tubes #5,#6, #7, #8, all damaged. Tubes #6,#7 were heavily damaged and left inoperable for several days, and took five days to completely repair.

3. Port prop shaft knocked out of alignment causing excessive noise for rest of the patrol and inability to make above 19.2 knots.

4.Dive planes transmission

5. Rudder transmission

6. No.1 No. 3 diesel engines

7.No. 2 and N. 4 electric engines

8. Aft batteries

9. Numerous water piping and air lines leaks throughout boat.

10. Leaks with minor flooding in conning tower

11. SJ radar cabinet

12.Hydraluic pump

13. Trim pump

14. Compressor

15.Forward batteries.

16. Port sonar head hoist

17. Bow dive planes transmission.

18. Radio Antenna

19.No.1 periscope head

20. No 2 periscope head.


Flooding was quickly contained by a depth of 410 feet was reached during these efforts by the damage control party, before control restored.

Most damage was repaired within 72 hours. However, torpedo tubes #6 and #7 remained inoperable for some time and were not fully repaired until five days later due to heavy damage

F Anti-Submarine Countermeasures

The main ASW acitvity in Palau area was conducted via air patrols, which proved effective to some degree. Daily air patrols arrived shortly after dawn and patrolled the shipping approaches , while also responding to distress calls from vessels attack. After first attack and sinking on 3 November, aircraft arrived on scene shortly after, actively searching for Seal. On 16 November, aircraft responded at dawn after Seal's attack on an unescorted convoy in the night and successfully prevented follow up attacks.

Enemy sonar and depth chrge tactics were about the same as previously encountered, overall. However, the 9 November attack was as demonstrated by accuracy, persistence, and damage caused to Seal conducted by a first rate vessel, disgused as a unassuming auxillary type subchaser, sent out to escort a freighter into the Palau anchorage.

The 7 November attack on the destroyer was spoiled by alertness of target, which detected Seal as she approached at deep submergence. The attack was ultimately ineffective, but impressive nonthelesss.

G Radar

SJ Radar performance was excellent, typically detecting targets at 9-10 NM.

SD Radar performance was overall excellent as well. Typical detection of aircraft at range of 8-10 NM.

H Radio

Radio performance was normal, however it did somewhat diminish after the radio was damaged durng the depth charge attack of 9 November.

I Mines

No enemy mines were encountered on this patrol.

J Sound Gear and Conditions

Sound gear functioned well overall, with targets being passively picked up at unexpected range, estimated to be in excess of ten nautical miles, enabling contact and attacks to be made.

Sound conditions were ideal in area, likely contributing the effectiness of the enemy's depth charge attacks.

K Thermal Layers

Thermal layers were detected at depths of 90-260 feet.

L Gunnery

No gun actions took place on this patrol.

M Personnel

After six patrols, the crew is a well trained, veteran submarine crew, and performed as is expected.

A total of fourteen crew members suffered minor injuries in the depth charge attack of 9 November.

TM2 F. P. Ackerman was relieved for combat fatigue during the attack after the damage and flooding in After torpedo room. Ackerman, with solid performance until this incident was restored to duty within the week but has since been reassigned pending medical evaluation.

N. Health and Habitability

Health and Habitability of the boat was overall excellent.

O. Miles Steamed/Fuel Consumed

Miles Gallons
Fremantle to Darwin 2258 29887
Darwin to Patrol Area 1451 20545
Patrol Area to Pearl Harbor 4514 41241

P. Duration
Fremantle to Darwin 6.5
Darwin to Patrol Area 3.5
Days in Patrol Area 13
Patrol Area to Pearl Harbor 14
Days submerged 11
Total days on patrol 37

Q Navigational Aids

No Navigational aids were observed in patrol area.

R Enemy Radar and Radio Countermeasures

No known countermeasures to radar were encountered. Radio countermeasures were the usual attempts of jamming, masqeruading as Allied operators, but none were successful.

S Factors in Endurance

Torpedoes 0
Fuel 32,931 gallons
Food 24 days

Reason for termination of patrol: All torpedoes expended.

T Remarks

Torpedo malfunctions continue to plague Seal after six patrols. The most noted problem is premature detonations of torpedoes, followed by torpedoes running deep in spite of minimal depth settings, preventing hits.

Five out of twenty two torpedoes functioned properly on this patrol.

Upon reaching Pearl Harbor, Seal was ordered to San Francisco for a much overhaul and refit, for after six straight patrols, her material condition, while adequate leaves much to be desired for a fighting vessel. With regret, after six patrols at the helm, this was my final patrol in command of Seal, as have been assigned to new construction.

Last edited by Bubblehead1980; 10-13-21 at 08:10 PM.
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Old 10-13-21, 06:24 PM   #5123
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Originally Posted by Bubblehead1980 View Post
War Patrol Report
USS Seal SS-183
Sixth War Patrol
24 October-2 December 1942

A. Prologue

Returned for an abbreviated patrol on 11 October to Fremantle, Australia. Voyage repairs and refit, with loading of twenty-two MK 14 torpedoes completed. Ready for set 24 October 1942.

B. Narrative

Officers and CPO's for the Sixth War Patrol

LT I.T. Ryan, USN. XO
LT B.R.P. Digby, USN.
LT (jg) M.L. Lynch, USN.
Ens D.B. Thompson, USN.

Chief Petty Officers:
CMoMM D.R. Saunders, USN. Chief of the Boat
CTM T.B. Lee, USN.
CQM H.P. Hammond, USN.
CMoMM V.S. Balltantine, USN.
CMoMM M.A. Grady, USN.
CMoMM U.W. Clinton, USN.

24 October

1330 Departed Fremantle, Australia for patrol area Palau Islands via Darwin, Australia.

1630 Trim Dive

1700 Surfaced

25 October

0900-1150 Gunnery, dive, torpedo attack drills.

1400 Deep dive to 350 feet.

1500 Surfaced.

26 October

En route Darwin

27 October

En route Darwin

28 October

En route Darwin

29 October

En route Darwin

30 October

1500 Docked for refuel at Darwin, Australia.

1920 Departed Darwin for patrol area-Palau Islands via Arafura, Ceram, and Halmahera Seas.

31 October

En route patrol area.

1 November

En route patrol area

1900 Entered Ceram Sea

2 November

En route patrol area

1200 Entered Halmahera Sea

1629 SJ contact bearing 019 8.5 NM. 0-9N 129-13E.

1644 SJ contact is patrol vessel in the strait between Halmahera and Gebe Islands-avoided on surface.

3 November

0000 Exited Halmahera Sea, en route to patrol area.

1235 SJ contact bearing 063 8 NM 4-3 N 131-17 E. Set intercept course.

1238 Smoke spotted bearing 351. General Quarters-Torpedo. Submerged for attack.

1324 All stern tubes made ready for firing.

1330 (ATTACK NO. 1) Fired tubes 5,6,7.

1330:20 Torpedo (#5) prematurely exploded.

1330:31 Torpedo (#6) prematurely exploded.

1330:44 Torpedo (#7) wake observed running below target.

1330:51 Fired tube #8. Ordered to bring bow tubes to bear.

1331 Torpedo (#8) wake observed running below target.

1332:11 Torpedo exploded 300 yards off opposite side of target.

1340 Target proceeding on zig course 270° 7-8 knots. Reloading stern tubes, will surface for end around when clear.

1500 Surfaced for end around.

2010 Ahead of target, submerged for night time periscope attack w radar.

2025 All bow tubes made ready for firing.

2027 (TORPEDO ATTACK NO. 2) Fired tubes 1,2,3.

2027:58 Torpedo #1 prematurely exploded near target.

2028:01 Torpedo #2 impacted target, large secondary explosion. Believe hit boilers.

2028:06 Torpedo#3 impacted target. Large fires. Vessel went adrift, on fire.

2030 Vessel is burning and appears to be sinking.

2035 KOBAYASHI MARU 9980 tons sunk at 4-04 N 130-40 E.

2036 Surfaced. Secured General Quarters, ordered forward tubes reloaded, and set course for patrol area.

4 November

0400 Entered patrol area

0651 SD contact 8 NM closing fast. Submerged.

0652-1720 Conducted submerged patrol.

1730 Surfaced into heavy seas.

5 November

0541 SD contact 10 NM closing fast. Submerged.

0751 Surfaced.

1140 SD contact 8 NM closing. Submerged

1729 Surfaced.

6 November

0100 Sea conditions remain rough, with wind, overcast, and light fog limiting visibility.

0530 Weather cleared. Seas remain heavy.

0555 SD contact 11 NM range steady.

0600 Lost SD contact.

0730 SD contact 5.5 NM closing fast. Dive! Emergency depth 200 ft!

1200 Submerged at periscope depth. Extended SD radar mast contact at 6 NM. Ordered 250 ft.

1732 Surfaced.

7 November

0618 SD contact steady 7 NM.

0620:22 SD contact suddenly began closing rapidly.

0620:27 Spotted by lookouts bearing 223. Type: Twin engine medium bomber, likely BETTY.

0620:30 Dive! Depth 200 ft, Emergency!

1622 Distant props audible on sound bearing 323. Ordered periscope depth and course to investigate.

1630 At periscope depth, dusk, air patrols unlikely. Surfaced.

1650 SJ contact bearing 340 9 NM. 6-0 N 133-55 E. Set course 350 to close.

1704 Visually spotted DD bearing 343. General Quarters-Torpedo.

1722 Submerged for attack. Ordered depth 250 feet, close at high speed.

1734 Slowed speed. Seal ordered to periscope depth from 250 feet.

1735 Sound reported course change of contact, increasing speed, closing! Ordered halt to descent. Boat depth 196 ft, ordered to turn bow towards contact to minimize profile to active sonar beam.

1736 Pinging began.

1738 DD passed above, depth charge splashes audible.

1739 DC explosions. One close, boat shaken. Boat Depth 300 ft.

1743 DC explosions, close.

1747 DC explosions, close.

1755 Escort dropping charges further away, may have lost contact with Seal.

1758 DD passed above. DC splashes.

1759 DC explosions, astern.

1805 DD passing ahead, pinging.

1825 Last DC explosion.

1838 lost contact with DD.

1851 Believe DD is above in area, listening.

2250 Periscope depth. All clear.

2252 SJ radar depth. SJ contact bearing 168 degrees 6 NM. 6-9 N 133 50 E. Contact appears stationary, likely DD still listening for Seal. Secured Silent Running.

2255 Surfaced. Set course 340 to patrol West of Palau Islands.

2300 Secured General Quarters.

8 November

0626 SD contact 8 NM closing. Submerged.

1700 Surfaced

9 November

0500 Submerged 15 NM from Palau Harbor main entrance for patrol.

1158 Sound has distant props at 283 degrees. Turned to investigate.

1330 Sound is aux PC type vessel.

1400 Sound reports distant heavy props bearing 200. Turned to investigate.

1440 Smoke sighted bearing 358.

1441 SJ radar depth. SJ contact bearing 535 9 NM. General Quarters-Torpedo.

1502 Sound reports warship contact close to bearing of merchant currently closing. Possible escort for vessel as she approaches the harbor.

1507 Periscope depth. Slowed for observation. PC type escorting AK into harbor. Went to 250 feet for high speed closing.

1520 Report: Battery at 38 percent, had to slow to avoid draining as may need for prolonged evasion. Prepared for long range torpedo shot.

1524 AK appears to be of SEIA MARU class 7590 tons.

1530 All forward tubes made ready.

1532 (TORPEDO ATTACK NO.3) Fired tubes 1,2,3.

1533 Two premature detonations.

1535 Torpedo missed forward. Target alerted by premature explosions. Escort closing towards Seal. Rigged for Depth Charge and Silent Running. Went to 300 ft.

1544 Pinging.

1546 Close depth charge explosions. Boat shaken.

1600 Depth 382 ft. Very Close DC explosions. Boat shaken terribly. Damage Reported(See Damage Section)

1609 Close depth charge explosions. Damage (See Damage Section for complete liste) Report of leaks and flooding in aft torpedo room. DC party assigned.

1619 Leaks stopped in aft torpedo room. Flooding controlled. Pumping out water.

1620 Depth 400 ft.

1625 Close DC explosions. Damage (See damage section) (Forward torpedo's, CT, control room)

1637 Water pumped out of aft torpedo room.

1710 Lost contact with escort. Possibly running quiet to listen for Seal.

1758 Sound contact on escort bearing 128 , estimated range 6000 yards and opening.

2017 Battery power at twenty five percent. Ordered periscope depth.

2023 Periscope, Sound, and Radar are all clear. Secured Silent Running.

2026 Surfaced.

2030 Secured General Quarters. Set course west to open range from Palau Islands to commence inspection and repairs.

2200 Inspection reveals Stern tubes #6 and #7 non operational, repairs began immediately.

TM2 F.P. Ackerman (Aft Torpedo) medically relieved due to manic state.

10 November

0010 Battery Charge completed.

0526 SD contact 8 NM closing. Submerged 140 NM W of Palau.

1722 Periscope/Radar depth. All clear.

1730 Surfaced. Repairs on stern tubes #6 and #7 continue, still non operational.

11 November

0135 SJ contact bearing 052 9 NM. 7-8N 131-20 E. Increased speed to intercept.

0145 Engineering Officer reports Tubes #6 and #7 are now operational, just time as SJ contact developed into multiple. Likely a convoy.

0148 General Quarters-Torpedo

0149 Convoy sighted. 7-04 N 131-20 E Estimated and speed speed 096 degrees 9 knots. three AK, one possible one possible escort.

0200 Submerged for attack.

0205 Convoy appears unescorted, sailing in single column about 800 yards apart for protection. Leading is mid sized AK, next is large AO, followed by smaller AO, and a large AK. Target is large AO.

0208 After torpedo room reports stern tubes #6 and #7 loaded (torpedo remove for repairs)

0212 Made all bow tubes ready for firing. AO is riding low in water, likely loaded with fuel.

0221 (TORPEDO ATTACK NO. 4) Fired bow tubes 1,2,3,4.

0222:00 Torpedo impact! Massive explosion of AO as volatile fuel cargo set off.

0222:05 Torpedo impact! Massive secondary explosion. Tanker appeared to lift out of the water momentarily from the explosion. Seal shaken by the powerful shockwave.

0222:10 Unsure of hit, possible premature detonation but close to target.

0222:15 Torpedo missed, wake visible.

0222: Tanker is burning hulk, adrift

0226 GENYO MARU 11800 tons sunk at 7-04 N 131-20 E .

0230 unable to get shot at other vessels, all turned away at high speed.

0316 Area clear. Surfaced, laid out pursuit course for end around. Three remaining vessels are sailing together zig zag course 096 for mutual protection.

Secured General Quarters.

0541 SD contact 7 NM closing.

0626 Aircraft is searching area. Likely called in by convoy.

0712 Sound has props at bearing 325. Closing contacts.

0730 General Quarters-Torpedo.

0731 Periscope depth. Observed convoy in column course 096 9 knots. Ordered 75 ft and flank speed to gain firing position.

0742 Turned to bring stern tubes to bear. Ordered periscope depth.

0745 Mid sized AK, small AO, large AK in column 096 9 knots. Will attack large AK with stern tubes as it is armed. The smaller AK and AO do not have visible guns.

0751 convoy changed course ruining shot.

0843 Prepared to surface for end around, SD contact 10 NM. Convoys air cover. Ordered 200 feet. Seas a flat calm, clear, glassy.

0920 Surfaced. Flank speed for end around. Smoke from convoy visible estimated 12 NM. No SJ contacted at time.

0937 Regained SJ contact with convoy. Bearing 359 9 NM.

0946 SD contact 8 NM. Steady range.

0949 SD contact began rapidly closing. Dive! 200 feet, emergency!

0950 Through No.2 periscope during dive, observed large flying boat in a power glide towards Seal. Aircraft is H6K MAVIS patrol aircraft.

0954 Large explosions audible through hull. Likely aircraft dropping.

1104 Periscope depth. Extended SD radar mast for sweep. SD contact remaining in area, covering escape of convoy, preventing Seal from Surfacing. Ordered 200 feet, will check again at 1200.

1200 SD contact 8 NM

1300 SD contact 6 NM

1400 Clear. Surfaced

1500 SD contact 6 NM closing. Submerged.

1502 Explosions above.

1600 SD contact 11 NM closing.

1850 Night fall. SD radar clear.

1900 Surfaced.

12 November

0600 SD contact 10 NM closing. Submerged.

1800 Surfaced

13 November

0618 SD contact 10 NM closing. Submerged.

1714 Surfaced.

14 November

0458 SD contact 10 NM closing. Submerged.

1700 Surfaced

15 November

0516 SD contact range 6 NM steady.

0523 Lost SD contact.

0814 SD contact 12 NM closing.

0816 SD contact at 9 NM closing fast. Submerged.

1300 Engineering Officer reports all damage from 9 November depth charge attack repaired. Torpedo tubes #6 and #7 now fully repaired.

1730 Surfaced.

16 November

0509 Submerged for patrol in southern approaches to Palau SW of Angaur Island.

1425 Sound reports multiple distant props, closing bearing 293. Turned to intercept. Went to SJ radar depth.

1516 Smoke spotted bearing 005 degrees. General Quarters-Torpedo.

1530 Convoy five AK one DD departing southern exit Palau Anchorage. Went to 200 ft for high speed run to close range. Went to 200 feet for high speed run to close range.

1612 Targeting both AK in starboard column. All forward tubes made ready.

1614:55 (TORPEDO ATTACK NO 5) Fired tubes 1 and 2 at Target #1

1615:05 Fired tubes 3 and 3 at Target #2

1617 Torpedoes missed. All tracked properly but passed below target, observed wakes. Turned for stern shot.

1620:05 Fired Tubes 5,6

1620:10 fired tubes 7,8 All torpedoes expended.

1625 All torpedoes missed .

1626 DD closing fast bearing 180. Ordered 250 ft, Rigged for Silent Running and Depth Charge.

1635 Depth charge explosions astern.

1636 DD passed above. DC explosions. Boat depth 275 ft.

1804 Last DC explosion. Enemy went silent after, likely listening.

2245 Sound reports warship leaving area at high speed.

2306 Periscope Depth. All clear

2307 Radar depth for SJ sweep. All clear. Secured General Quarters and Silent Running. Prepared to surface.

2330 Surfaced. All torpedoes expended. Set course for Pearl Harbor per orders.

17 November

En route Pearl Harbor.

0603 SD contact 10 NM closing. Submerged.

1800 Surfaced.

18 November

En route Pearl Harbor.

1222 SD contact 7 NM. Submerged

1800 Surfaced.

19 November

En route Pearl Harbor

20 November

En route Pearl Harbor

1118 SD contact 260 NM SSE of Guam. Submerged.

1513 Surfaced.

21 November
En route Pearl Harbor

22 November
En route Pearl Harbor

23 November

En route Pearl Harbor

24 November
En route Pearl Harbor

25 November
En route Pearl Harbor

26 November

1239 SD contact 10 NM closing. 360 NM SE Wake Island. Submerged to avoid

1500 Surfaced.

27 November

En route Pearl Harbor

28 November

En route Pearl Harbor

29 November
En route Pearl Harbor

30 November
En route Pearl Harbor

1 December

En route Pearl Harbor

2 December

1000 Arrived Pearl Harbor Submarine Base, T.H. Terminated patrol.

C Weather

Weather during transit and during time in patrol area was quite favorable. A few sporadic storms and episodes of heavy seas with fog but overall, nature cooperated on this patrol

D Tides

Tidal activity was consistent with that previously reported in patrol area.

E Attack Data

Number of Torpedo Attacks Conducted 5
Number of ships sunk 2
Number of ships damaged 0
Number of ships probably sunk 0
Number ships probably damage 0

Torpedoes on board ( start of patrol ) 22
Torpedoes Expended 22

Ships sunk by torpedo.


1)KOBAYASHI MARU AK 9980 3 September 1942 2035 4-04 N 130-40 E 330 NM SSW of Palau Islands

2)GENYO MARU AO 11800 11 November 1942 0226 7-04 N 131-20 E 210 NM WSW of Palau Islands

Torpedo Attack Data War Patrol Six USS Seal

USS Seal SS-183 War Patrol Six Torpedo Attack No. 1 Date: 3 November 1942 Time: 1330 Location:4-3 N 131-18E 305 NM SSE of Palau Islands.


Lone AK detected on SJ radar en route to patrol area.

Ships Sunk


Ships Damaged


Ships Probably Sunk


Torpedo Attack No. 1 Target No.1 Data (at firing)

Target No. 1
Type AK
Tons 9980
Range 1100 yards
AOB 89° P
Bearing 189°
True Bearing 11°
Course 270°
Speed 8 knots
Zig? No
AK has large guns, estimated to be four or five inch mounted forward, aft, and one each side, similar to an auxiliary cruiser.

Torpedo Attack No. 1 Torpedo Data (at firing)

Type MK 14
Serial No.47371
Gyro 358 L
Track 81 P
Course 181°
Depth 3 ft
Speed High
Detonator MK 6
Serial No.5000
Method Single bearing TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 0°
Detonator Contact [] Magnetic[X]
Actual Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[]
Hit Yes[] No[X]
POI ---
Erratic Yes[] No[X]
Prematurely detonated.

Type MK 14
Serial No.47992
Gyro 358 L
Track 81° P
Course 181°
Depth 3 ft
Speed High
Detonator MK 6
Serial No.5003
Method Single bearing TDC with spread.
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 2°
Detonator Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[X]
Actual Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[]
Hit Yes[] No[X]
POI ---
Erratic Yes[] No[X]
Prematurely detonated

Type MK 14
Serial No.41373
Gyro 358 L
Track 81° P
Course 181°
Depth 3 ft
Speed High
Detonator MK 6
Serial No.5000
Method Single bearing TDC with spread
Firing Interval
Spread 2° starboard
Detonator Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[X]
Actual Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[]
Hit Yes[] No[X]
Erratic Yes[X] No[]
Torpedo ran deeper than set. Wake observed passing below target. Torpedo detonated itself off starboard side of target.

Type MK 14
Serial No.43934
Gyro 100° L
Track 78° P
Course 183°
Depth 3 ft
Speed High
Detonator MK 6
Serial No.5009
Firing Interval 0
Spread 0°
Detonator Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[X]
Actual Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[]
Hit Yes[] No[X]
POI ---
Erratic Yes[X] No[]
Torpedo wake observed passing below target. Torpedo ran deeper than set. Torpedo exploded shortly after passing below target, on opposite side.

Own Ship Data (at firing)

Depth 54 ft
Course 180°
Speed 2 knots
AOB 89° P


USS Seal SS-183 War Patrol Six Torpedo Attack No. 2 Date: 3 November 1942 Time:2027 Location: 4-04 N 130-40 E 330 NM SSE of Palau Islands.


Follow up to Torpedo Attack No. 1 after end around. Night time periscope attack, using SJ at radar depth (40 ft) for tracking.

Ships Sunk

KOBAYASHI MARU AK 9980 3 September 1942 2035 4-04 N 130-40 E 330 NM SW of Palau Islands

Ships Damaged


Ships Probably Sunk


Torpedo Attack No.2 Target No.1 Data (at firing)

Type AK
Tons 9980
Range 900 yards
AOB 84° S
Bearing 356°
True Bearing 182°
Course 272°
Speed 8 knots
Zig? Yes (initially, ceased before firing )
AK has large guns, estimated to be four or five inch mouted forward, aft, and one each side, similar to an auxiliary cruiser.

Believe enemy vessel was carrying ammunition dye to large explosions and repeated, abnormally large explosions upon sinking. Multiple ammo crates and remains of crates seeing floating in water. One life boat spotted indicating very few crew survived the conflaguration.

Torpedo Attack No. 2 Torpedo Data (at firing)

Type MK 14
Serial No.47398
Gyro 7°L
Track 95° S
Course 193°
Depth 3 ft
Speed High
Detonator MK 6
Serial No.5201
Method Single bearing TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 0°
Detonator Contact [] Magnetic[X]
Actual Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[]
Hit Yes[] No[X]
POI ---
Erratic Yes[] No[X]
Torpedo prematurely detonated near target.

Type MK 14
Serial No.45435
Gyro 7°L
Track 95° S
Course 193°
Depth 3 ft
Speed High
Detonator MK 6
Serial No.5445
Method Single bearing TDC with spread
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 2° starboard
Detonator Contact [] Magnetic[X]
Actual Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[]
Hit Yes[X] No[]
POI Admidships, Forward
Erratic Yes[] No[X]
Torpedo hit caused massive explosion with a large residual fire. Believe impacted boilers.

Type MK 14
Serial No.47398
Gyro 7°L
Track 95° S
Course 193°
Depth 3 ft
Speed High
Detonator MK 6
Serial No.5201
Method Single bearing TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 2° Port
Detonator Contact [] Magnetic[X]
Actual Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[]
Hit Yes[] No[]
POI Aft of stack
Erratic Yes[] No[X]
Second hit on target appeared to finish the job, as she quickly lost way with another large fire starting. Target began to settle in the water quickly.

Own Ship Data (at firing)

Depth 54 ft
Course 185°
Speed 1 knot
AOB 84° S


USS Seal SS-183 War Patrol Six Torpedo Attack No. 3 Date: 9 November 1942 Time:1532 Location:7-42 N 135 24 E 12 Nm WNW of Palau Islands.


While on submerged patrol for traffic departing and approaching North Entrance to Palau anchorage, sound made contact on lone AK, confirmed by radar. Turned to began high speed aproach. Sound later made contact on a PC type vessel, apparently a escort sent out to guide vessel in.

Ships Sunk

Ships Damaged


Ships Probably Sunk


Torpedo Attack No.3 Target No.1 Data (at firing)

Name/Class SEIA MARU
Type AK
Tons 7590
Range 3929 yards
AOB 81° P
Bearing 022°
True Bearing 286°
Course 178°
Speed 9 knots
Zig? No
Initially unescorted, a PC type vessel soon appeared, likely sent from harbor to escort vessel in.

Torpedo Attack No. 3 Torpedo Data (at firing)

Type MK 14
Serial No.47316
Gyro 5°L
Track 97° P
Course 260°
Depth 3 ft
Speed Low
Detonator MK 6
Serial No.5235
Method Single bearing
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 0°
Detonator Contact [] Magnetic[X]
Actual Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[]
Hit Yes[] No[X]
POI ---
Erratic Yes[] No[X]
Premature detonation

Type MK 14
Serial No.44316
Gyro 5°L
Track 97° P
Course 260°
Depth 3 ft
Speed Low
Detonator MK 6
Serial No.5229
Method Single bearing
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 0°
Detonator Contact [] Magnetic[X]
Actual Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[]
Hit Yes[] No[X]
POI ---
Erratic Yes[] No[X]
Preature detonation

Type MK 14
Serial No.48313
Gyro 5°L
Track 97° P
Course 260°
Depth 3 ft
Speed Low
Detonator MK 6
Serial No.5587
Method Single bearing
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 0°
Detonator Contact [] Magnetic[X]
Actual Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[]
Hit Yes[] No[X]
POI Aft of stack
Erratic Yes[] No[X]
Missed ahead of target, target slowed and made zig due to being alerted by two previous premature explosions

Own Ship Data (at firing)

Depth 54 ft
Course 262°
Speed 2 knots
AOB 81° P


USS Seal SS-183 War Patrol Six Torpedo Attack No. 4 Date: 11 November 1942 Time:0222 Location:7-05 N 131 18 E 208 NM WSW of Palau Islands.


SJ contact on unescorted convoy at 9 NM. Submerged for night time periscope/radar attack.

Ships Sunk
GENYO MARU AO 11800 11 November 1942 0226 7-04 N 131-20 E

Verified by:

Observed via No. 2 periscope two torpedoes impact tanker admiships and aft, causing massive explosion of fuel that ripped vessel apart, leaving it a floating, burning hulk. Observed burning vessel sink less than ten minutes later.

Ships Damaged


Ships Probably Sunk


Torpedo Attack No.4 Target No.1 Data (at firing)

Type AO
Tons 11800
Range 974 yards
AOB 89° P
Bearing 11°
True Bearing 194°
Course 096°
Speed 9 knots
Zig? No
Large guns forward and aft visiible.

Torpedo Attack No. 4 Torpedo Data (at firing)

Type MK 14
Serial No.37316
Gyro 360°L
Track 100° P
Course 183°
Depth 3 ft
Speed High
Detonator MK 6
Serial No.4242
Method Single bearing=TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 0°
Detonator Contact [] Magnetic[X]
Actual Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[]
Hit Yes[X] No[]
Erratic Yes[] No[X]
Torpedo impact caused a massive explosion of the tankers volatile cargo.

Type MK 14
Serial No.37339
Gyro 360°L
Track 100° P
Course 183°
Depth 3 ft
Speed High
Detonator MK 6
Serial No.4267
Method Single bearing-TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 0°
Detonator Contact [] Magnetic[X]
Actual Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[]
Hit Yes[X] No[]
POI Aft, stack.
Erratic Yes[] No[X]
Torpedo impact was the "icing on the cake" causing another massive explosion and fires. Tanker left a burning, drifitng hulk.

Type MK 14
Serial No.37919
Gyro 360°L
Track 100° P
Course 183°
Depth 3 ft
Speed High
Detonator MK 6
Serial No.4391
Method Single bearing-TDC spread
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 2° starboard
Detonator Contact [] Magnetic[X]
Actual Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[]
Hit Yes[] No[X]
POI ---
Erratic Yes[] No[X]
Torpedo prematurely detonated close to target, initially judged as a hit. Detonated possibly due to proximity of massive explosions caused by impacts of torpedoes #1 and #2 triggered the exploder .

Type MK 14
Serial No.30919
Gyro 360°L
Track 100° P
Course 183°
Depth 3 ft
Speed High
Detonator MK 6
Serial No.4491
Method Single bearing - TDC spread.
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 2° port
Detonator Contact [] Magnetic[X]
Actual Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[]
Hit Yes[] No[X]
POI ---
Erratic Yes[] No[X]
Torpedo missed ahead of target, likely due to target slowing, losing way after first two hits. Torpedo reached end of run. No end of run explosion heard.

Own Ship Data (at firing)

Depth 54 ft
Course 185°
Speed 2 knots
AOB 89° P


USS Seal SS-183 War Patrol Six Torpedo Attack No. 5 Date: 16 November 1942 Time:1614 Location: 6-58 N 133-55 E 15 NM WSW of Angaur Island, Palau Islands.


While patrolling southern approaches to Palau anchorage off Angaur Island, sound detected prop noises, which upon investigation developed into a convoy of five AK, one DD departing the anchorage. First visual contact was made on smoke plumes at about 11 NM, followed by SJ contact (upon reaching radar depth) at 9 NM.

Ships Sunk

Ships Damaged


Ships Probably Sunk


Torpedo Attack No.5 Target No.1 Data (at firing)

Type AK
Tons 5186
Range 2081 yards
AOB 79° S
Bearing 332°
True Bearing 117°
Course 228°
Speed 9 knots
Zig? No
Trailing AK starboard column

Type AK
Tons 4037
Range 1900
AOB 90° P
Bearing 002°
True Bearing 147°
Course 228°
Speed 9 knots
Zig? No
Lead AK starboard column.

Torpedo Attack No. 5 Torpedo Data (at firing)

Type MK 14
Serial No.31311
Gyro 341 R
Track 79°S
Course 126°
Depth 3 ft
Speed High
Detonator MK 6
Serial No.5848
Method Single bearing-TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 0°
Detonator Contact [] Magnetic[X]
Actual Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[]
Hit Yes[] No[X]
POI ---
Erratic Yes[] No[X]
Observed wake run below target, but failed to detonate.Suspected torpedo ran deep, in spite of minimal depth setting.

Type MK 14
Gyro 341 R
Track 79°S
Course 126°
Depth 3 ft
Speed High
Detonator MK 6
Serial No.2763
Method Single bearing-TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 0°
Detonator Contact [] Magnetic[X]
Actual Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[]
Hit Yes[] No[X]
POI ---
Erratic Yes[] No[X]

Type MK 14
Serial No.41371
Gyro 14° R
Track 103°S
Course 159°
Depth 3 ft
Speed High
Detonator MK 6
Serial No.4448
Method Single bearing-TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 0°
Detonator Contact [] Magnetic[X]
Actual Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[]
Hit Yes[] No[X]
Erratic Yes[] No[X]
Observed wake run below target, but failed to detonate.Suspected torpedo ran deep, in spite of minimal depth setting.

Type MK 14
Gyro R
Track °S
Course °
Depth 3 ft
Speed High
Detonator MK 6
Serial No.4763
Method Single bearing-TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread °
Detonator Contact [] Magnetic[X]
Actual Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[]
Hit Yes[] No[X]
POI ---
Erratic Yes[] No[X]
Observed wake run below target, but failed to detonate.Suspected torpedo ran deep, in spite of minimal depth setting.

(Stern Tubes)
Type MK 14
Serial No.61311
Gyro 021 R
Track 30°S
Course 141°
Depth 3 ft
Speed High
Detonator MK 6
Serial No.3948
Method Single bearing-TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 0°
Detonator Contact [] Magnetic[X]
Actual Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[]
Hit Yes[] No[X]
POI ---
Erratic Yes[] No[X]
Observed wake run below target, but failed to detonate.Suspected torpedo ran deep, in spite of minimal depth setting.

Type MK 14
Gyro 021 R
Track 30°S
Course 141°
Depth 3 ft
Speed High
Detonator MK 6
Serial No.2763
Method Single bearing-TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 0°
Detonator Contact [] Magnetic[X]
Actual Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[]
Hit Yes[] No[X]
POI ---
Erratic Yes[] No[X]

Type MK 14
Serial No.41371
Gyro 021 R
Track 30°S
Course 141°
Depth 3 ft
Speed High
Detonator MK 6
Serial No.4448
Method Single bearing-TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 0°
Detonator Contact [] Magnetic[X]
Actual Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[]
Hit Yes[] No[X]
Erratic Yes[] No[X]
Observed wake run below target, but failed to detonate.Suspected torpedo ran deep, in spite of minimal depth setting.

Type MK 14
Serial No. 51339
Gyro 025 R
Track 38°S
Course 147°
Depth 3 ft
Speed High
Detonator MK 6
Serial No.1763
Method Single bearing-TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread °
Detonator Contact [] Magnetic[X]
Actual Actuation Contact [] Magnetic[]
Hit Yes[] No[X]
POI ---
Erratic Yes[] No[X]
Observed wake run below target, but failed to detonate.Suspected torpedo ran deep, in spite of minimal depth setting.

Own Ship Data (at firing)

Bow shots:

Depth 54 ft
Course 145°
Speed 2 knots
AOB 79° S

Depth 54 ft
Course 145°
Speed 2 knots
AOB 90° S

Stern shots.

Depth 54 ft
Course 320°
Speed 4 knots
AOB 97° S

Depth 54 ft
Course 314°
Speed 4 knots
AOB 110° S

E Major Defects and Damage

9 November 1942 - Depth Charge Attack #2

Several close depth charges during this attack caused serious damage.

1. Bulkhead damage and leaks with moderate flooding up to three feet of water in after torpedo room.

2. Stern tubes #5,#6, #7, #8, all damaged. Tubes #6,#7 were heavily damaged and left inoperable for several days, and took five days to completely repair.

3. Port prop shaft knocked out of alignment causing excessive noise for rest of the patrol and inability to make above 19.2 knots.

4.Dive planes transmission

5. Rudder transmission

6. No.1 No. 3 diesel engines

7.No. 2 and N. 4 electric engines

8. Aft batteries

9. Numerous water piping and air lines leaks throughout boat.

10. Leaks with minor flooding in conning tower

11. SJ radar cabinet

12.Hydraluic pump

13. Trim pump

14. Compressor

15.Forward batteries.

16. Port sonar head hoist

17. Bow dive planes transmission.

18. Radio Antenna

19.No.1 periscope head

20. No 2 periscope head.


Flooding was quickly contained by a depth of 410 feet was reached during these efforts by the damage control party, before control restored.

Most damage was repaired within 72 hours. However, torpedo tubes #6 and #7 remained inoperable for some time and were not fully repaired until five days later due to heavy damage

F Anti-Submarine Countermeasures

The main ASW acitvity in Palau area was conducted via air patrols, which proved effective to some degree. Daily air patrols arrived shortly after dawn and patrolled the shipping approaches , while also responding to distress calls from vessels attack. After first attack and sinking on 3 November, aircraft arrived on scene shortly after, actively searching for Seal. On 16 November, aircraft responded at dawn after Seal's attack on an unescorted convoy in the night and successfully prevented follow up attacks.

Enemy sonar and depth chrge tactics were about the same as previously encountered, overall. However, the 9 November attack was as demonstrated by accuracy, persistence, and damage caused to Seal conducted by a first rate vessel, disgused as a unassuming auxillary type subchaser, sent out to escort a freighter into the Palau anchorage.

The 7 November attack on the destroyer was spoiled by alertness of target, which detected Seal as she approached at deep submergence. The attack was ultimately ineffective, but impressive nonthelesss.

G Radar

SJ Radar performance was excellent, typically detecting targets at 9-10 NM.

SD Radar performance was overall excellent as well. Typical detection of aircraft at range of 8-10 NM.

H Radio

Radio performance was normal, however it did somewhat diminish after the radio was damaged durng the depth charge attack of 9 November.

I Mines

No enemy mines were encountered on this patrol.

J Sound Gear and Conditions

Sound gear functioned well overall, with targets being passively picked up at unexpected range, estimated to be in excess of ten nautical miles, enabling contact and attacks to be made.

Sound conditions were ideal in area, likely contributing the effectiness of the enemy's depth charge attacks.

K Thermal Layers

Thermal layers were detected at depths of 90-260 feet.

L Gunnery

No gun actions took place on this patrol.

M Personnel

After six patrols, the crew is a well trained, veteran submarine crew, and performed as is expected.

A total of fourteen crew members suffered minor injuries in the depth charge attack of 9 November.

TM2 F. P. Ackerman was relieved for combat fatigue during the attack after the damage and flooding in After torpedo room. Ackerman, with solid performance until this incident was restored to duty within the week but has since been reassigned pending medical evaluation.

N. Health and Habitability

Health and Habitability of the boat was overall excellent.

O. Miles Steamed/Fuel Consumed

Miles Gallons
Fremantle to Darwin 2258 29887
Darwin to Patrol Area 1451 20545
Patrol Area to Pearl Harbor 4514 41241

P. Duration
Fremantle to Darwin 6.5
Darwin to Patrol Area 3.5
Days in Patrol Area 13
Patrol Area to Pearl Harbor 14
Days submerged 11
Total days on patrol 37

Q Navigational Aids

No Navigational aids were observed in patrol area.

R Enemy Radar and Radio Countermeasures

No known countermeasures to radar were encountered. Radio countermeasures were the usual attempts of jamming, masqeruading as Allied operators, but none were successful.

S Factors in Endurance

Torpedoes 0
Fuel 32,931 gallons
Food 24 days

Reason for termination of patrol: All torpedoes expended.

T Remarks

Torpedo malfunctions continue to plague Seal after six patrols. The most noted problem is premature detonations of torpedoes, followed by torpedoes running deep in spite of minimal depth settings, preventing hits.

Five out of twenty two torpedoes functioned properly on this patrol.

Upon reaching Pearl Harbor, Seal was ordered to San Francisco for a much overhaul and refit, for after six straight patrols, her material condition, while adequate leaves much to be desired for a fighting vessel. With regret, after six patrols at the helm, this was my final patrol in command of Seal, as have been assigned to new construction.
Nicely done. Too bad about the TM2. Hopefully you get a nice shiney new boat.

Been having really good odds with the MK14's in Apr '43. No prematures, only a few duds, but I've been focusing on night attacks, making slow speed a little more easy to work with, without all those pesky lookouts spotting the wake.
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Old 10-13-21, 11:02 PM   #5124
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Originally Posted by Revus View Post
Nicely done. Too bad about the TM2. Hopefully you get a nice shiney new boat.

Been having really good odds with the MK14's in Apr '43. No prematures, only a few duds, but I've been focusing on night attacks, making slow speed a little more easy to work with, without all those pesky lookouts spotting the wake.
Thanks, it was an interesting patrol to wrap up first year of the war. Glad to see one of my goals of making the early war challenging and interesting to play was accomplished. Since I am not just running patrol to test, get to enjoy it more.

Yes, the Torpedoman going manic was unexpected. I assume you saw the whole write up did about it, only second time have ever noticed a crewmembers morale to go to manic. First time he was also injured and never came out of the manic state, died before reached Pearl Harbor.

Well, not really losing the boat. I edit the files and start with a new captain, clear out formers tonnage etc when appropriate. Seal got a new CO in January 1943 so switching it up next patrol. She was seriously damaged when rammed by a freighter on 16 November 1942. Bent the periscope back 90 degrees, knocked the second out out of its housing, japanese paint all over the sheers. Went on to Pearl Harbor, then to Mare Island for refit. So in the sim during same time period, I had to manually refit my boat due to the conning tower upgrade bug , so did not lose radar etc. Have it all refitted and ready to go. Decided to change it up and started a career in Balao in Fall 1943 Ill be back to the Seal career though, want to try and make it to end of war in a Salmon, since started in December 1941.

I am surprised torpedoes are that reliable in April 43, but it happens. Glad to hear you are working on the night attacks, by the time 1944 rolls around you'll be ready to get inside the convoys and attack lol
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Old 10-14-21, 10:44 AM   #5125
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Lost my first boat, restarted Cavite campaign.

I've got my S-37 boat back. On the way to Convoy College we received a radio message of a landing at Vigan, Philippines.

We were close by and went to check it out.

20 some miles out, submerged and did a sound check. Massive hydrophone contact to the east.

Surfaced and am very carefully making my approach to Vigan. No visual sightings.

Its a bright sunny day 0950 with calm seas.

I told the Wife she is a SH4 widow for a bit.

I'm going to run the entire approach , attack and withdraw in 1:1 time.

No time skip.
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Old 10-14-21, 12:32 PM   #5126
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Originally Posted by 4H_Ccrashh View Post
Lost my first boat, restarted Cavite campaign.

I've got my S-37 boat back. On the way to Convoy College we received a radio message of a landing at Vigan, Philippines.

We were close by and went to check it out.

20 some miles out, submerged and did a sound check. Massive hydrophone contact to the east.

Surfaced and am very carefully making my approach to Vigan. No visual sightings.

Its a bright sunny day 0950 with calm seas.

I told the Wife she is a SH4 widow for a bit.

I'm going to run the entire approach , attack and withdraw in 1:1 time.

No time skip.

Nice. Yes, that is a large landing force. That is going to take some time, good luck and let us know how it works out.
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Old 10-14-21, 06:59 PM   #5127
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Default update

First off let me say that my wife is not thrilled being a Silent Hunter 4 Widow.

I am using her laptop to send this message. I can't ALT-TAB my computer to send this message. It would corrupt the game.

All I can do is pause the game and let the computer sit until tomorrow.

First thing,, The amphib force at Vigan, Philippines is huge!

When I got within visual range the smoke on the horizon looked like Fleet Week in New York.

Nice work Bubblehead!!!

It reminds me of the old Looney Tunes cartoon where the Coyote chases the Roadrunner through a pipe that gets smaller.

They both exit the small end of the pipe miniaturized.

So they run back through the pipe the other way, expecting to get bigger.

The Roadrunner comes out big. The Coyote is still small.

The still small Coyote grabs the big Roadrunner's leg, realizes how small he is and holds up a sign saying,,,,

"Now What?"

That's how you feel when you realize you are one sub attacking all that.

Very cool, adds to the overwhelming thoughts that must have been going through the Asiatic Fleet that had to face the enemy juggernaut.

But hey!,

After all this is TMO you know its going to be tough.

Again Thank You Bubblehead!!

Now the update.

Six hours and twenty minutes into the approach. I have managed to get through the anti sub outer screen.

As soon as I am well clear I will come to periscope depth to see what's up.

I am using not externals or map update.
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Old 10-14-21, 08:21 PM   #5128
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Originally Posted by 4H_Ccrashh View Post
First off let me say that my wife is not thrilled being a Silent Hunter 4 Widow.

I am using her laptop to send this message. I can't ALT-TAB my computer to send this message. It would corrupt the game.

All I can do is pause the game and let the computer sit until tomorrow.

First thing,, The amphib force at Vigan, Philippines is huge!

When I got within visual range the smoke on the horizon looked like Fleet Week in New York.

Nice work Bubblehead!!!

It reminds me of the old Looney Tunes cartoon where the Coyote chases the Roadrunner through a pipe that gets smaller.

They both exit the small end of the pipe miniaturized.

So they run back through the pipe the other way, expecting to get bigger.

The Roadrunner comes out big. The Coyote is still small.

The still small Coyote grabs the big Roadrunner's leg, realizes how small he is and holds up a sign saying,,,,

"Now What?"

That's how you feel when you realize you are one sub attacking all that.

Very cool, adds to the overwhelming thoughts that must have been going through the Asiatic Fleet that had to face the enemy juggernaut.

But hey!,

After all this is TMO you know its going to be tough.

Again Thank You Bubblehead!!

Now the update.

Six hours and twenty minutes into the approach. I have managed to get through the anti sub outer screen.

As soon as I am well clear I will come to periscope depth to see what's up.

I am using not externals or map update.

lol most significant others do not (like being SH widows, they don't get it). My girlfriend does not get it either. Although, I did persuade her to read "Thunder Below" (which she currently is) and says she is enjoying it. Perhaps, there is hope.

Ah yea, it is unfortunate how alt+tab corrupts the game. One thing I noticed it does is make the enemy]s sensors super capable, believe it messes with the thermal layers and how it affects their sonar, even low skilled escorts are after tabbing out, lets us not forget the weather issues and CO2 bug.

Make sure sleep timer is off your computer if you leave it paused, hate for it to go to sleep and lose your progress. I usually just find a spot where not likely to contact enemy, dive dive and leave sim running real time, come back to it when home. Of course, I have a PC I have set up pretty much just for SH 4, so does not interfere with other tasks. I save before diving, in case power goes out etc.

Yes, the Vigan landing force is huge. I tried to recreate it best as could within parameters of the sim. I used orders of battle, sailing lists to build the landing force. Cool part was almost every type of vessel listed was available in the game or at minimum has a decent representative. Let me know if you see any Daihatsu Landing Craft, I do not recall for sure, but believe I added them to the landing making runs up and down the beach. In testing, one of the invasions I caught some on surface at dusk, 20 MM guns are quite effective on them as is of course, the deck gun.

With map contacts and cams? You are speaking my language lol To me, that is when SH 4 is the most fun, the most challenge. There is a thrill to it when sink ships or after put all the time conning boat into position, plotting speed course etc of target. Fire and torpedoes malfunction or you miss or maybe two out of four hit. The anticipation of watching the stop watch, waiting for torpedoes to hit. Really is a lot of fun, usually lol. I switch back and forth, sometimes just need a "lighter" experience so may keep map contacts on, but cams off, depends on the mood.

You're welcome, glad are enjoying the update.
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Old 10-15-21, 08:33 PM   #5129
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Default USS Skate SS-305 First War Patrol 24 September-11 November 1943 "A Wild Ride"

TMO 2.5 Update with Patch (patch is in development, should be released in next week or so)

100 difficulty Cams off Contacts on , for this patrol.

War Patrol Report
USS Skate SS-305
War Patrol One
26 September-11 November 1943

A. Prologue

Skate was laid down at the Mare Island Naval Shipyard , California, 1 August 1942, and launched on 4 March 1943, sponsored by Mrs. Ethel L. Shamer, wife of Captain George P. Shamer, Supply Officer of the Mare Island Naval Shipyard and commissioned on 15 April with Lieutenant Commander Irvin T. Ryan in command. Following shakedown and training, SKATE arrived Pearl Harbor Submarine Base, T.H. on 12 September from Mare Island. Conducted voyage repairs and conducted pre-patrol training 17-22 September. Twenty Four MK 14-2 Torpedoes with modified MK 6-5 contact exploders loaded, along with provisions. Ready for sea 26 September 1943.

B. Narrative

26 September

0900 Departed Submarine Base, Pearl Harbor, T.H. for Lifeguard Station off Wake Island via Midway. Task Force 14 (Six CV, two CA, three CL , twenty four DD) scheduled to strike Wake Island on five and six October. Skate has been assigned the first ever formal lifeguard assignment during this strikes. Upon completion of duties, will proceed to patrol area in Caroline Islands, near Truk Atoll.

1130 Trim Dive.

1155 Surfaced.

27 September

En route Midway.

28 September

En route Midway.

29 September

En route Midway.

30 September

0815 Docked at Midway Island.

1230 Refueling completed, departed Midway for Wake Islands.

1402 Trim Dive.

1427 Increased depth to 500 ft.

1439 Boat depth: 500 ft.

1435 Periscope depth.

1450 Surfaced.

1 October

En route Wake Island.

0013 Received Flash Traffic ordering to Assume Lifeguard Station by 0300 5 October.

2 October

En route Wake Island

3 October

0730 Position 21-40 N 171-6 E 323 NM NE Wake Island.

0735 Daily morning trim dive.

0737:24 Boat at depth of 90 feet. Sound check detected noise of torpedoes inbound bearing 055 degrees. Obviously we were approached and fired on by a enemy submarine just as we submerged, avoiding the incoming torpedoes.

0738:03 Torpedoes missed, passed above SKATE.

0738:44 Sound detected submerged submarine bearing 102 , closing. Went to silent running and 300 feet, turned to course 180 degrees.

0844 Lost sound contact with submarine. Resumed course 240 degrees , submerged. Maintained silent running.

1304 Sound has possible submarine contact bearing 120, distant.

Will remain submerged until night fall, will make up time with high speed run upon surfacing.

2000 Surfaced.

4 October

0830 50 NM NE Wake Island. Submerged to avoid possible detection.

2030 Surfaced.

5 October

0030 Arrived lifeguard station 19-10 N 166-32 E 10 NM WSW Wake Island.

0100 Cut engines and lying to with period sound and SJ sweeps.

0445 Submerged before dawn, 7.5 NM SSE of Wake Island.

0708 Periscope Depth. Extended SD mast. Multiple SD contacts8 NM closing. Assumed to be inbound strike.

0709 5 NM off Wake, large AK visible inside the lagoon.

0710 Single engine aircraft (TBF Avenger) spotted bearing 215 degrees.

0711 Witnessed mid air collision between two F6F Hellcats. No survivors, searched area.

0712 Large amounts of AA fire visible from Wake AA guns and the anchored AK.

0716 AK burning and sinking in lagoon after numerous bomb hits from dive bombers.

0735 As first wave began to turn for home, witnessed TBF on fire. Surfaced and began closing bearing at flank speed. Plane continued on, no messages regarding ditching air crew.

1007 Second wave detected on SD radar 11 NM.

1012 Smoke marker for downed air crew. Closed at flank speed. AA guns manned, enemy fighters in area.

1018 RESCUE NO.1
Rescued downed F6F pilot from water. 19-11 N 166-32 E 10 NM SSW of Wake Island.

LT O.T. Murray, USN. Independence CVL-22

1025 RESCUE NO.2

Rescued crew of TBF from life raft at 19-10 N 166-33 E 10 NM SSW of Wake Island.

Rescued- All crew were from Essex CV-9
LT. (jg) L.A. Fontana, USN.
ACOM R.W. Lawson, USN.
ARM2c P.R. Willecker, USN.

1026 Closed island for reports of downed TBF crew.

1141 PC and single engine patrol craft (JAKE) from Wake hunting for SKATE in area occupied during morning strikes.

1143 SD contact at 7 NM closing. Submerged

1233 SD Antenna extended. Two SD contacts at 5 and 6 NM steady range. Assisting PC in search for SKATE.

1309 SD contacts, multiple. 12 NM closing. Third wave inbound.

1312 PC attacked by F6F Hellcats , set afire.

1316 Report of downed pilot. Surfaced. Flank speed to reported position.

1323 No downed aircrew in reported location. No smoke marker visible, searching.

1324 While searching spotted small PC dead in water, bow up to pilot house submerged, damaged by air attack. Called General Quarters- Battle Surface Gun Action.

1326 Opened fired with four inch gun. 4800 yards

1329 Hit set off large explosion on target. Ceased fire.Target is sinking. Crew in life raft.

1330 SD contact 6 NM closing fast. Dive!

1336 165 ft. Secured General Quarters.

1350 Periscope Depth. SD sweep. All clear. Target sunk, debris field visible. Small Aux Subchaser (100 tons, estimated) sunk 19-13 N 166-33 E.

1609 SD has another wave, inbound. Surfaced.

1612 Sighted TBF F6F SB2C SBD aircraft inbound to Wake Island.

1616 Surfaced to search for survivors at crash site of SB2C Helldiver observed crashing at 1614

1618 Under heavy fire from shore batteries in spite of being 6 NM away from Wake. After a couple close splashes, submerged again until opened the range from island.

1713 Surfaced. Searched area, no survivors.

1930 With strikes over for the day, headed west away from Wake Island for battery charge before closing to assume new lifeguard station for day two of strikes.

6 October

0500 On Lifeguard Station 10 NM NE of Wake Island.

0711 SD contacts, multiple. First wave inbound.

1030 SD contacts. Second wave inbound.

1400 SD contacts, third wave inbound.

2100 Fires still burning on Wake Island visible from 8 NM.

2110 SD contacts, night time air raid inbound.

2120 Explosions visible on Wake Island.

2200 Raid cleared area, received no reports of downed air crew. Surfaced for last sweep over Wake Island area before departing for patrol area.

2233 RESCUE NO.3.

Rescued downed TBF aircrewman from water at 19-14 N 166-37 E 7000 yards south of Wake Island.


ARM2c E.Z. Leskovitz, USN. Lexington CV-16.

2240 Closing beach with decks awash, spotted possible downed aircrew in waters.

2301 RESCUE NO.4-Rescued downed TBF aircrew in raft at 19-14 N 166-36 E 6000 yards south of Wake Island.


CAP T.G. Haut, USN. VT-16, Lexington CV-16.
AOM1c W.S. Cusarinni, USN.Lexington CV-16.
ARM2c Leskovitz, USN. Lexington CV-16.-Rescued at 2233 from water in life preserver, part of this crew, seperated during bail out.

2321 RESCUE NO 5 Rescued downed TBF pilot from water in life preserver. 19-15 N 166-36 E 5400 yards south of Wake Island.Searched area for other crewman as were seperated after water landing.

Ens. H.H. Letford, USN. Cowpens CVL-25

7 October

0032 RESCUE NO.6

Rescued downed aviator, F6F from water at 19-17 N 166-35 E 6000 yards south Wake Island. Downed during afternoon strike, lost raft during low level bail out. Tides brought him in close to beach.


Lt. (jg) S.D. Just, USNR. Yorktown CV-10. Serious injuries.

0100 Decided to remain through the night to search area given number of unreported downed aircrew.

0309 Rescued downed SBD crew in raft at 19-1 N 166-35 E 17.5 NM South of Wake Island. Aircraft part of second strike wave on 5 October, ditched due to damage from AA fire.


LCDR. I.R. Byrd, USN. Yorktown CV-10
ARM1c C.C. Yosten, USN. Yorktown CV-10

Condition of both crew is well, considering over twenty four hours in an raft in open ocean.

0526 RESCUE NO. 7

Rescued downed SBD crew in raft at 19-33 NE 166-32 E 16.5 NM NE of Wake Island. Crew ditched en route back to carriers after first wave on morning of 7 October due to fuel exhaustion and battle damage.


Lt. L.L Peters, USN. Belleau Wood CVL-24
ACRM P.Q. Delmonico, USN. Belleau Wood CVL-24

0700 Released from Lifeguard Station, Set course for Midway to deliver downed aircrews before heading to patrol area.

See Air Strike Section for information on air strikes.

8 October

En route Midway

9 October

En route Midway

10 October

1215 Docked at Midway.

1220-1600 Disembarked passengers, refueled and reprovisioned.

1605 Departed Midway for patrol area.

11 October

En route patrol area

12 October

En route patrol area.

13 October

En route patrol area.

1212 SD contact 8 NM closing. 190 NM E of Wake Island. Submerged.

1531 Surfaced.

1640 SD contact 9 NM steady.

1644 SD contact visually identified as H6K MAVIS flying boat, surely from Wake Island. Contact began rapidly closing. Range 7 NM. Dive! Emergency depth, 200 feet.

1645 Depth: 220 feet. Multiple large explosions above, astern.

2015 Surfaced.

14 October

En route patrol area

15 October

En route patrol area

0820 Sighted surfaced Gato Class submarine. Position 14-12 N 162-23 E bearing 330 Course 085 Speed 16 knots. Unable to exchange recognition signals.

16 October

En route patrol area

17 October

0400 Entered patrol area-Truk.

1952 SJ contacts at bearing 334-345 degrees 9 NM. 7-41 N 152-57 E 63 NM East of Truk Atoll. Set course to intercept.

1955 Many tall pips on scope. General Quarters-Torpedo.

1956 Silhouette of pagoda masts of BB visible bearing 005 range 8 NM.

2000 Submerged for attack.

2014 Inside forward screen at 300 feet, began ascending to periscope depth. As passed 250 feet, pinging began , enemy DD detected SKATE and began closing fast. Ordered 450 feet, Rigged for Depth Charge and Silent Running.

2015 DD passing above, splashes heard.

2015:44 DC explosions not close.

2025 Depth. 505 ft. Multiple vessels hunting SKATE.

2100 Lost contact with enemy.

2314 Surfaced.

18 October

No contacts

19 October

No contacts

20 October

1614 SD contact 11 NM closing. Submerged.

1857 Surfaced

18 October

Patrolled east of Truk

19 October

Patrolled east of Truk

1121 SD contact 11 NM. Submerged

1300 Surfaced

20 October

Patrolled east of Truk

21 October

Patrolled east of Truk.

22 October

0958 SJ contacts bearing 002 9 NM. 7-24 N 153 43 E

0959 Smoke sighted bearing 002. General Quarters-Torpedo.

1000 Convoy. Estimated course 061 degrees. Estimated speed 9 knots.

1004 Submerged for attack.

1010 Depth 400 ft. Closing trarget track at high speed.

1030 Periscope depth. Convoy is 5000 yards bearing 085, course 061 speed 9 knots. One DD leading two AK.

1052 (TORPEDO ATTACK NO.1) Fired tubes 1,2,3

1052:30 Torpedo Impact!

1052:340 Torpedo impact!

1054 Adjusted solution. Fired tube 4.

1055:04 Torpedo impact! Torpedo hit forward of fore mast, near bow. Target rapidly took down angle by bow.

1056:00 SHAJIMA MARU 6450 tons sunk 7-21 N 153-45 E. DD (Wakatake Class) closing fast. Pinging. Rigged for Depth Charge and Silent Running. Ordered 425 feet.

1057 Pinging.

1104 On second pass, DD dropped pattern, splashes audible.

1105 DC explosions, none close.

1114 Boat depth: 450 feet. Two charges, close. Increased depth to 500 ft.

1118 DD passing above.

1119 DC explosions.

1216 Last DC explosion. Target searching area, appears to have lost contact with SKATE.

1310 Secured General Quarters. Maintained Silent Running. Depth: 500 ft.

1500 Periscope depth.

1510 Secured Silent Running. Surfaced for end around down last known course to regain contact.

1639 Running down course 051 spotted smoke estimated range 13 NM.

1642 SJ contact bearing 358. 9 NM. 7-41 N 154-12 E 30 NM south of Oroluk Island, Caroline Islands. Moving ahead for night surface attack.

1925 Convoy sailing along east coast of Oroluk Island. Another contact joined them, presumably an escort. SJ range 9 NM.

2035 Believe convoy rounded Oroluk Island or made a quick stopover. Now on course to SW, believe this was a ruse of sorts. Racing ahead at flank speed for night attack.

2311 Battery Recharge completed. Position 8 NM ahead of convoy.

2312 General Quarters-Torpedo-Surface.

2347 Convoy on course 214 speed 9 knots.

2357 Readied all stern tubes.

23 October

0009 (TORPEDO ATTACK NO.2) Fired Tubes 7,8 at Target #1 (AK) and tubes 9,10 at Target #2 (DD) -Night Surface attack.

0010:15 Torpedo Impact! (Target #1)

0010:20 Torpedo Impact! (Target #1)

0011:02 Torpedo Impact! (Target #2)

0011:07 Torpedo Impact! (Target#2)

0011:30 DD demolished by two torpedo hits, drifting. AK appears severely damaged, likely sinking.

0013 Wakatake Class 1200 tons Destroyer sunk 7-43 N 153-55 E.

0015 WATANABE MARU 3600 tons sunk 7-44 N 153-55 E

0030 Secured General Quarters.

1354 SD contact 14 NM closing

1355 SD contact at 10 NM. Submerged

1550 Surfaced.

23 October

Patrolled East of Truk

24 October

0942 SD contact 10 NM closing. Submerged.

1155 Surfaced.

25 October

1734 SD contact 8 NM closing. Submerged.

1736 Two explosions, believe plane dropped depth charges.

1055 Surfaced

26 October

Patrolled East of Truk

27 October

Patrolled East of Truk

28 October

Patrolled East of Truk

29 October

Patrolled East of Truk

30 October

Patrolled East of Truk

31 October

1606 SJ contacts bearing 359 10 NM. 7-28 N 153-12 E 78 NM E of Truk.

1607 Sighted smoke bearing 352, possible convoy. General Quarters-Torpedo.

1720 Submerged for attack.

1750 Periscope depth. Convoy shifted track, right on top of SKATE. Turned course 000 increased speed at 450 feet to open range.

1801 As SKATE ascended passed 100 feet to periscope depth, heard depth charge explosions. The escort was alerted, but was close. At periscope depth, escort was 1000 yards away in opposite direction. Made snap shot on large AK.

1806 (TORPEDO ATTACK NO .3 ) Fired tubes 7,8,9, 10 at large AK. Escort closing fast 800 yards. Ordered 500 feet, emergency!

1810 Torpedoes missed!

1815 Depth charges.

1820 Depth charges.

1825 Depth 500 ft.

1836 Very close depth charges , boat shaken. Damage reported (See damage section) Depth 500 ft.

1840 Another close charge at depth 550 ft.

2000 Escort appears to have lost contact. SKATE at 585 feet.

2139 Periscope Depth. No.1 and No.2 periscopes damaged, inoperable.

2144 Surfaced. End around. Secured General Quarters.

1 November

0025 Regained SJ contact with convoy. General Quarters-Torpedo-Surface.

0059 Spotted convoy, escort not present, apparently had not caught up with convoy yet. Taking advantage of this, ordered all forward tubes made ready. Moved in for surface torpedo attack.

0135 Tracking large AK estimated 8000-1000 tons. The "Wild Ride" began here..

0140 At 2200 yards, as SKATE prepared to fire target made sudden zig, putting it on course towards SKATE with a zero AOB. Unable to maneuver in time and no desiring a dive, decided to fire down the throat on the large freighter, ordered a turn to bring target to zero AOB.

0141 (TORPEDO ATTACK NO 4) Fired tubes 1,2,3 "down the throat" of on rushing AK.

0142 Torpedoes missed, barely. One observed to skim so close along the hull, the fish and AK "traded paint". This incident somewhat made us long for a torpedo had a magnetic detonator. SKATE was now maneuvering out of the AK's way at full power. Suddenly, SKATE illuminated by searchlights from the close AK and others followed. SKATE came under heavy machine gun fire, with a few hits on the boat. Large shell splashes from deck guns began landing from the five vessels all within 1000-4000 yards of SKATE. Ordered a dive to avoid risk of being holed by heavy guns.

0144:21 As SKATE passed 70 ft, two torpedo impacts were clearly heard. Apparently two of out missed torpedoes found someone to land.

0200 Surfaced. Came under heavy gun fire from 5000 yards. New SJ pip, believing by lone bearing escort racing in, responding to distress signals. Upon surfacing, also observed large AK sinking by stern, presumed to be the AK hit by our two torpedoes at 0144.

0204 Large AK tenatively identified as KOBAYASHI MARU class 9980 tons, sunk 7-31 N 152 18 E 30 NM E of Truk Lagoon.

0238 (TORPEDO ATTACK NO.5) Having maneuvered back in for firing, with escort closing the scene at high speed from just 4000 yards to starboard, fired tubes 1,2,3,4,5,6 at two targets.

0239:25 Torpedo impact!

0239:30 Torpedo impact!

0239:35 Torpedo impact!

0239:40 Torpedo impact! SEIA MARU 7390 tons decimated by four torpedo hits with third and fourth setting off massive explosions.

0239:50 Torpedo impact!

0239:56 Torpedo impact! Two torpedoes impacted smaller AK AKITA MARU. Large fires observed and vessel lost its way.

0240 SKATE under heavy gunfire away from other AK in convoy. Escort at 2900 yards closing, firing star shells. SKATE rushing away on surface dodging shell splashes. The escort, identified as a W-19 MS class began to fire its deck gun but soon fell behind and ceased fire, losing contact with SKATE.

0254 Escort ceased pursuit, turned back to remnants of convoy. Three torpedoes remaining, reload underway.

0257 SEIA MARU 7590 tons sunk at 7-30 N 152-16 E.

0259 AKITA MARU 3936 tons sunk at 7-30 N 152-16 E

0300 Analysis of situation showed that could not regain position and complete reload in time to two remaining vessels in convoy before they entered Truk's east pass, as we were now just 15 NM away. Anticipating a massive ASW response from Truk at dawn, decided to withdraw and save three remaining torpedoes for other targets.

0305 Secured General Quarters and set course to SE at 18 knots.

0700 Submerged at dawn for crew rest and to complete repairs.

0900 No. 2 (Attack) Periscope restored to operation. Repairs on No.1 (observation continue)

1008 SD contact 9 NM closing Submerged.

1902 Distant prop sounds bearing 211.

1909 Surfaced. Pursuit course to close contact.

1915 Sighted smoke bearing 001

1917 SJ contact bearing 355 9 NM 6-59 N 154-16 E

1952 Directly astern of convoy on course 245. Trailed until night fall for anticipated zig.

2037 Convoy zigged. New course 314 degrees. Began end around

2124 General Quarters-Torpedo-Surface. End around, completed, closing for attack.

2155 Bow tubes made ready for firing.

2206:58 (TORPEDO ATTACK NO. 6) Fired tubes 1,2,3. All torpedoes expended.

2207:10 Torpedo #2 went erratic with jog to starboard, did not track properly.

2208:05 Torpedo impact!

2207:10 Torpedo Impact! Large explosion amidships of target. Heavy smoke visible. Escort searched, but did not locate SKATE. The small AK aft did point her spotlight in our direction and fire machine guns briefly as SKATE sped away into the night.

2215: KIGAN MARU 7390 tons sunk at 7-07 N 153-50 E.

2225 Secured General Quarters. All torpedoes expended, set course for for Pearl Harbor.

2 November

0150 No.1 (Observation) Periscope repairs completed.

1924 SD contact 12 NM closing. Submerged.

2000 Surfaced

3 November

En route Pearl Harbor

4 November

En route Pearl Harbor

5 November

En route Pearl Harbor

En route Pearl Harbor

6 November

En route Pearl Harbor

7 November

En route Pearl Harbor

8 November

En route Pearl Harbor

9 November

En route Pearl Harbor

10 November

En route Pearl Harbor

11 November

1901 Arrived Pearl Harbor Submarine Base, T.H. Terminated war patrol.

C. Weather

Weather on this patrol was generally favorable during transit and in operational areas, typically with calm seas and clear skies. A few squalls in Truk area were encountered but quickly passed.

D. Attack Data

Torpedo Data

Twenty-four MK 14 Mod Two torpedoes with new MK 6 Mod Five contact exploders from Submarine Base, P.H. Torpedo Shop on board.

Number of Torpedoes Fired :24


Misses: 6

Malfunctioning/Erratic torpedoes: 1 (Gyro failure caused a miss in TORPEDO ATTACK NO. 6- Torpedo #2)

Number of Vessels sunk by torpedo: 7

Total tonnage sunk by torpedo. 40,360 tons.

Torpedo Attack Data

USS Skate SS-305 War Patrol Number One Torpedo Attack No. 1
Date 22 October 1943 Time 10 Location 7-22 N 153-45 E 123 NM East of Truk


SJ contact at 9 NM developed into two AK one escort convoy.

Type of attack Periscope, submerged. No.2 (Attack) periscope, bow tubes 1,2,3,4.

Ships Sunk
TONS 6540
DATE 22 October 1943
TIME 1056
LOCATION 7-21 N 253-45 E 120 NM East of Truk

Observed three torpedoes hit target via No.2 (Attack) periscope. Observed target rapidly sink by the bow.

Ships Damaged

Ships Probably Sunk

Torpedo Attack No. 1 Target Data (at firing)

Type AK
Tons 6450
Course 061
Speed 9.5 kts
Range 1200 yards
Bearing 004
True Bearing 152
AOB 90
Mid sized AK with large gun mounted forward.

USS Skate SS-305 War Patrol Number One Torpedo Attack No. 1 Torpedo Data (at firing)

Torpedo Type MK 14-2
Serial No. 63479
Gyro 351 L
Track 103 P
Course 139
Exploder MK 6-5
Serial No. 7876
Exploder Contact
Speed Setting High
Depth Setting 8 ft
Firing Method Individual bearing-Periscope-TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 0
Hit Yes[X] No[]
Erratic Yes[] No[X] Circular run ? Yes[] No [X]
Malfunction? Yes[] No[X] Dud[] Premature[] Depth Control [] Uknown []
Impacted as aimed. Target on fire and slowed.

Torpedo Type MK 14-2
Serial No. 63491
Gyro 351 L
Track 103 P
Course 139
Exploder MK 6-5
Serial No. 7821
Exploder Contact
Speed Setting High
Depth Setting 8 ft
Firing Method Individual bearing-Periscope-TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
POA Mast, Forward
Spread 0
Hit Yes[] No[X]
Erratic Yes[] No[X] Circular run ? Yes[] No [X]
Malfunction? Yes[] No[X] Dud[] Premature[] Depth Control [] Unknown []
Torpedo missed just forward of bow about 6-10 yards due to target slowing and evasive action just before/after torpedo #1 impacted.

Torpedo Type MK 14-2
Serial No. 71479
Gyro 351 L
Track 103 P
Course 139
Exploder MK 6-5
Serial No. 7896
Exploder Contact
Speed Setting High
Depth Setting 8 ft
Firing Method Individual bearing-Periscope-TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
POA Mast, Aft
Spread 0
Hit Yes[X] No[]
POI Mast, aft
Erratic Yes[] No[X] Circular run ? Yes[] No [X]
Malfunction? Yes[] No[X] Dud[] Premature[] Depth Control [] Unknown []
Impacted as aimed, caused large secondary fire, vessel took list to port.

Torpedo Type MK 14-2
Serial No. 64313
Gyro 0 L
Track 355 P
Course 135
Exploder MK 6-5
Serial No. 7898
Exploder Contact
Speed Setting High
Depth Setting 8 ft
Firing Method Individual bearing-Periscope-TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 0
Hit Yes[X] No[]
POI Forward of mast, bow.
Erratic Yes[] No[X] Circular run ? Yes[] No [X]
Malfunction? Yes[] No[X] Dud[] Premature[] Depth Control [] Unknown []
Impacted as aimed. Large hole visible near bow, vessels quickly took angle down by the bow and sinking by the bow in less than two minutes.

Own Ship Data (at firing)
Depth 64 ft
Course 145
Speed 2 knots
AOB 90

================================================== ================================================== ==============

USS Skate SS-305 War Patrol Number One Torpedo Attack No. 2
Date October 1943 Time Location 7-45N 153-55 E 32 NM SSE of Oroluk, Caroline Islands.


After prolonged chase and end around following Torpedo Attack No.1, attacked remaining AK and DD from convoy is SKATE's first ever night surface torpedo attack.

Type of attack Night Surface-Torpedo via Aft Target Bearing Transmitted (TBT), stern tubes 7,8,9,10.

Ships Sunk

TONS 3600
DATE 23 October 1943
TIME 0009
LOCATION 7-44N 143-55 E 32 NM SSE Oroluk, Caroline Islands.
Fired while submarine surfaced, observed torpedoes hit target. Observed vessel sink.

NAME/CLASS Wakatake Class
TONS 1215
DATE 23 October 1943
TIME 0013
LOCATION 7-44N 143-55 E
Fired while submarine surfaced, observed two torpedoes hit and demolish the destroyer, which quickly sank by the stern.

Ships Damaged

Ships Probably Sunk

Torpedo Attack No. 2 Target Data (at firing)

Type AK
Tons 3600
Course 214
Speed 9.5 kts
Range yards 2700
Bearing 152
True Bearing 098
AOB 62 S
Smaller AK with European lines and build, possibly captured by Japanese. Appears unarmed, but riding low in water.


Name/Class Wakatake Class
Type DD
Tons 1215
Course 214
Speed 9.5 kts
Range 2500 yards
Bearing 186
True Bearing 132
AOB 94 S
Older destroyer, apparently pressed into service as escort.

USS Skate SS-305 War Patrol Number One Torpedo Attack No. 2 Torpedo Data (at firing)

Torpedo Type MK 14-2
Serial No. 63800
Gyro 341 L
Track 107 S
Course 287
Exploder MK 6-5
Serial No. 8033
Exploder Contact
Speed Setting High
Depth Setting 3 ft
Firing Method Single Bearing-TBT-TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 0
Hit Yes[X] No[]
Erratic Yes[] No[X] Circular run ? Yes[] No [X]
Malfunction? Yes[] No[X] Dud[] Premature[] Depth Control [] Unknown []

Torpedo Type MK 14-2
Serial No. 63801
Gyro 341 L
Track 107 S
Course 287
Exploder MK 6-5
Serial No. 8034
Exploder Contact
Speed Setting High
Depth Setting 3 ft
Firing Method Single Bearing-TBT-TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 0
Hit Yes[X] No[]
Erratic Yes[] No[X] Circular run ? Yes[] No []
Malfunction? Yes[] No[X] Dud[] Premature[] Depth Control [] Unknown []
Torpedo impact started a fire and caused a list to starboard.

Torpedo Type MK 14-2
Serial No. 63802
Gyro 19 R
Track 73 S
Course 325
Exploder MK 6-5
Serial No. 8035
Exploder Contact
Speed Setting High
Depth Setting 3 ft
Firing Method Single Bearing-TBT-TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 0
Hit Yes[X] No[]
POI Stern
Erratic Yes[] No[X] Circular run ? Yes[] No []
Malfunction? Yes[] No[X] Dud[] Premature[] Depth Control [] Unknown []
Impacted on destroyer's stern nearly severed it. Set off depth charge racks and throwers in massive series of explosions.

Torpedo Type MK 14-2
Serial No. 63805
Gyro 19 R
Track 73 S
Course 325
Exploder MK 6-5
Serial No. 8037
Exploder Contact
Speed Setting High
Depth Setting 3 ft
Firing Method Single Bearing-TBT-TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 0
Hit Yes[X] No[]
POI Aft of amidships, stern.
Erratic Yes[] No[X] Circular run ? Yes[] No []
Malfunction? Yes[] No[X] Dud[] Premature[] Depth Control [] Unknown []
Torpedo impact effectively demolished the rest of the ship, setting off a series of internal explosions. Destroyer quickly lost its way and went down by the stern.

Own Ship Data (at firing)

Depth Surfaced
Course 305
Speed 1.5 kts
AOB 62 S (Target#1) 95 S (Target #2)

================================================== ========================================

USS Skate SS-305 War Patrol Number One Torpedo Attack No. 3
Date 31 October 1943 Time 1806 Location 7-36 N 152-52 E 65 NM East of Truk.


SJ contact on convoy heading for Truk. Ended around until ahead and submerged for periscope attack. Upon observation , convoy track shifted and would overtake SKATE. Went deep with speed burst to move off track for stern shot. As ascended back to periscope depth, convoy apparently detected skate as a depth charge explosion was heard. At periscope depth, fired snap shot at closest AK from 1700 yards.

Ships Sunk

Ships Damaged

Ships Probably Sunk

Torpedo Attack No. 3 Target Data (at firing)

Name/Class SANYO MARU (See Remark)
Type AK
Tons 4252
Course 261
Speed 5.5 kts, zigging
Range 1700 yards
Bearing 180
True Bearing 177
AOB 86
True identity unknown, this was a rapid snap shot with stern tubes, did not have time to study target due to the dynamic nature of this attack.

USS Skate SS-305 War Patrol Number One Torpedo Attack No. 3 Torpedo Data (at firing)

Torpedo Type MK 14-2
Serial No. 80020
Gyro 03 R
Track 11 S
Course 185
Exploder MK 6-5
Serial No. 6440
Exploder Contact
Speed Setting High
Depth Setting 6 ft
Firing Method Single bearing-Periscope-TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 0
Hit Yes[] No[X]
POI -----
Erratic Yes[] No[X] Circular run ? Yes[] No []
Malfunction Yes[] No[X] Dud[] Premature[] Depth Control [] Gyro [] Uknown []
Torpedo missed. Likely due to evasive movements by target. Did not observe visually as SKATE was avoiding depth charge attack below periscope depth.

Torpedo Type MK 14-2
Serial No. 80025
Gyro 03 R
Track 11 S
Course 185
Exploder MK 6-5
Serial No. 6445
Exploder Contact
Speed Setting High
Depth Setting 6 ft
Firing Method Single bearing-Periscope-TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 0
Hit Yes[] No[X]
POI -----
Erratic Yes[] No[X] Circular run ? Yes[] No []
Malfunction Yes[] No[X] Dud[] Premature[] Depth Control [] Gyro [] Uknown []
Torpedo missed. Likely due to evasive movements by target. Did not observe visually as SKATE was avoiding depth charge attack below periscope depth.

Torpedo Type MK 14-2
Serial No. 80030
Gyro 03 R
Track 11 S
Course 185
Exploder MK 6-5
Serial No. 6450
Exploder Contact
Speed Setting High
Depth Setting 6 ft
Firing Method Single bearing-Periscope-TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 0
Hit Yes[] No[X]
POI -----
Erratic Yes[] No[X] Circular run ? Yes[] No []
Malfunction Yes[] No[X] Dud[] Premature[] Depth Control [] Gyro [] Uknown []
Torpedo missed. Likely due to evasive movements by target. Did not observe visually as SKATE was avoiding depth charge attack below periscope depth.

Torpedo Type MK 14-2
Serial No. 80035
Gyro 03 R
Track 11 S
Course 185
Exploder MK 6-5
Serial No. 6455
Exploder Contact
Speed Setting High
Depth Setting 6 ft
Firing Method Single bearing-Periscope-TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 0
Hit Yes[] No[X]
POI -----
Erratic Yes[] No[X] Circular run ? Yes[] No []
Malfunction Yes[] No[X] Dud[] Premature[] Depth Control [] Gyro [] Unknown []
Torpedo missed. Likely due to evasive movements by target. Did not observe visually as SKATE was avoiding depth charge attack below periscope depth.

Own Ship Data (at firing)

Depth: 64 ft
Course 001
Speed 2 knots
AOB 86 S


USS Skate SS-305 War Patrol Number One Torpedo Attack No. 4
Date 1 November 1943 Time 0141 Location 7-31 N 152 18 E 30 NM E of Truk


Follow up night surface torpedo attack to ATTACK NO.3 during afternoon. Convoy had proceeded on while escort remained behind, believing SKATE to still be submerged.

onvoy heading for Truk. Ended around until ahead and submerged for periscope attack. Upon observation , convoy track shifted and would overtake SKATE. Went deep with speed burst to move off track for stern shot. As ascended back to periscope depth, convoy apparently detected skate as a depth charge explosion was heard. At periscope depth, fired snap shot at closest AK from 1700 yards.

Ships Sunk
TONS 9980
DATE 1 November 1943
TIME 0204
LOCATION 7-31 N 152-18 E 30 NM E of Truk
Heard torpedo hits when submerged. When surfaced, witnessed vessel down by stern and ultimately sinking at 0204 hours.

Ships Damaged

Ships Probably Sunk

Torpedo Attack No. 4 Target Data (at firing)

Name/Class Unknown possible
Type AK
Tons 6000-8000 ton
Course 264
Speed 6-8 kts, zigging.
Range 1800 yards
Bearing 0
True Bearing 177
True identity of initial target unknown, but was possibly SEIA MARU (sunk in ATTACK NO. 5). Torpedoes were fired down the throat as freighter rapidly closed, possibly to ram SKATE. Due to coming under gunfire, SKATE submerged and as passed 70 ft at 0144:21, heard two torpedo impacts, but were on another member of the convoy as hitting time for initial target had passed. Upon surfacing, found a large AK similar to KOBYASHI MARU 9980 tons sinking and witnessed her sinking at 0204.

USS Skate SS-305 War Patrol Number One Torpedo Attack No. 4 Torpedo Data (at firing)

Torpedo Type MK 14-2
Serial No. 66780
Gyro 0
Track 0
Course 177
Exploder MK 6-5
Serial No. 8540
Exploder Contact
Speed Setting High
Depth Setting 3 feet
Firing Method Single bearing-TBT-TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 0
Hit Yes[] No[X]
POI ----
Erratic Yes[] No[X] Circular run ? Yes[] No [X]
Malfunction? Yes[] No[X] Dud[] Premature[] Depth Control [] Uknown []
Observed wakes of torpedo run along side, torpedo no doubt skimming the hull of target. Target's expert evasive movements saved her.

Torpedo Type MK 14-2
Serial No. 66798
Gyro 0
Track 0
Course 177
Exploder MK 6-5
Serial No. 8111
Exploder Contact
Speed Setting High
Depth Setting 3 feet
Firing Method Single bearing-TBT-TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 0
Hit Yes[] No[X]
POI ----
Erratic Yes[] No[X] Circular run ? Yes[] No [X]
Malfunction? Yes[] No[X] Dud[] Premature[] Depth Control [] Uknown []
Observed wakes of torpedo run along side, torpedo no doubt skimming the hull of target. Target's expert evasive movements saved her.

Torpedo Type MK 14-2
Serial No. 74456
Gyro 0
Track 0
Course 177
Exploder MK 6-5
Serial No. 7003
Exploder Contact
Speed Setting High
Depth Setting 3 feet
Firing Method Single bearing-TBT-TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 0
Hit Yes[] No[X]
POI -----
Erratic Yes[] No[X] Circular run ? Yes[] No [X]
Malfunction? Yes[] No[X] Dud[] Premature[] Depth Control [] Unknown []
Observed wakes of torpedo run along side, torpedo no doubt skimming the hull of target. Target's expert evasive movements saved her.

Own Ship Data (at firing)

Depth Surfaced
Course 180
Speed 4 kts

USS Skate SS-305 War Patrol Number One Torpedo Attack No. 5
Date 1 November 1943 Time 0238 Location 7-30 N 152-16 E 20 NM E of Truk


After Attack No.4, pulled ahead of four remaining AK in convoy, closing in on safety of Truk's east pass for a follow up night surface-torpedo attack.
Escort was detected on radar, with bearing rapidly changing, likely rushing in after last attack.

Type of attack Night Surface-Torpedo with Forward TBT and bow torpedoes.

Ships Sunk

TONS 7590
DATE 1 November 1943
TIME 0257
LOCATION 7-30 N 152-16 E 19 NM East of Truk
Fired while submarine surfaced, observed four torpedoes hit target, demolishing it. Later, Observed vessel sink.

Ships Sunk

TONS 3936
DATE 1 November 1943
TIME 0259
LOCATION 7-30 N 152-16 E 19 NM East of Truk
Fired while submarine surfaced. Observed two torpedoes hit target. Later, observed vessel sink.

Ships Damaged

Ships Probably Sunk

Torpedo Attack No. 5 Target Data (at firing)

Name/Class SEIA MARU
Type AK
Tons 7590
Course 264
Speed 5-7 kts, zigging.
Range 2100 yards
Bearing 015
True Bearing 177
AOB 62 S
Large AK with guns mounted forward, aft.

Type AK
Tons 3936
Course 264
Speed 5-7 kts, zigging.
Range 1980 yards
Bearing 000
True Bearing 164
AOB 88 S
Mid sized AK riding low in water. Guns ivsible forward and aft.

USS Skate SS-305 War Patrol Number One Torpedo Attack No. 5 Torpedo Data (at firing)

Torpedo Type MK 14-2
Serial No. 75005
Gyro 08 R
Track 21 S
Course 030
Exploder MK 6-5
Serial No. 8833
Exploder Contact
Speed Setting High
Depth Setting 10 ft
Firing Method Single bearing-TBT-TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 0
Hit Yes[X] No[]
Erratic Yes[] No[X] Circular run ? Yes[] No [X]
Malfunction? Yes[] No[X] Dud[] Premature[] Depth Control [] Unknown []
Solid hit caused targe to "jump" out of the water.

Torpedo Type MK 14-2
Serial No. 75225
Gyro 08 R
Track 21 S
Course 030
Exploder MK 6-5
Serial No. 8233
Exploder Contact
Speed Setting High
Depth Setting 10 ft
Firing Method Single bearing-TBT-TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 0
Hit Yes[X] No[]
Erratic Yes[] No[X] Circular run ? Yes[] No [X]
Malfunction? Yes[] No[X] Dud[] Premature[] Depth Control [] Unknown []
Solid hit just forward of stack. Smoke likely from internal fire visible.

Torpedo Type MK 14-2
Serial No. 71005
Gyro 08 R
Track 21 S
Course 030
Exploder MK 6-5
Serial No. 6833
Exploder Contact
Speed Setting High
Depth Setting 10 ft
Firing Method Single bearing-TBT-TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 0
Hit Yes[X] No[]
Erratic Yes[] No[X] Circular run ? Yes[] No [X]
Malfunction? Yes[] No[X] Dud[] Premature[] Depth Control [] Unknown []
Four hits decimated target, last two hits induced massive secondary explosions.

Torpedo Type MK 14-2
Serial No. 65005
Gyro 08 R
Track 21 S
Course 030
Exploder MK 6-5
Serial No. 7833
Exploder Contact
Speed Setting High
Depth Setting 10 ft
Firing Method Single bearing-TBT-TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 0
Hit Yes[X] No[]
Erratic Yes[] No[X] Circular run ? Yes[] No [X]
Malfunction? Yes[] No[X] Dud[] Premature[] Depth Control [] Uknown []
Four hits decimated target, last two hits induced massive secondary explosions.

Torpedo Type MK 14-2
Serial No. 75008
Gyro 0
Track 10 P
Course 349
Exploder MK 6-5
Serial No. 8891
Exploder Contact
Speed Setting High
Depth Setting 10 ft
Firing Method Single bearing-TBT-TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 0
Hit Yes[X] No[]
Erratic Yes[] No[X] Circular run ? Yes[] No [X]
Malfunction? Yes[] No[X] Dud[] Premature[] Depth Control [] Unknown []
Solid hit amidships

Torpedo Type MK 14-2
Serial No. 75008
Gyro 0
Track 10 P
Course 349
Exploder MK 6-5
Serial No. 8891
Exploder Contact
Speed Setting High
Depth Setting 10 ft
Firing Method Single bearing-TBT-TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 0
Hit Yes[X] No[]
POI Slightly forward of amidships area.
Erratic Yes[] No[X] Circular run ? Yes[] No [X]
Malfunction? Yes[] No[X] Dud[] Premature[] Depth Control [] Unknown []
Solid hit forward of amidships area. Smoke from fires grew visible.

Own Ship Data (at firing)

Depth Surfaced
Course 025
Speed 4 kts


USS Skate SS-305 War Patrol Number One Torpedo Attack No. 6
Date 1 November 1943 Time 2206 Location 7-07 N 153-50 E


While submerged, sound contact on distant props at 245 degrees. Surfaced on course towards contact bearing. Sighted smoke, then mad SJ contact shortly after. With night fall approaching. Trailed until convoy zigged after dusk, conducted end around for night surface attack. Convoy is one SC type escorting one large AK and one small AK.

Type of attack
Night Surface-Torpedo via forward TBT and bow tubes.

Ships Sunk

TONS 7390
DATE 1 November 1943
TIME 2215
LOCATION 7-07 N 153-50 E
Submarine on surface for night attack. Observed two torpedoes hit target and target sink eight and one half minutes after torpedo impact.

Ships Damaged

Ships Probably Sunk

Type AK
Tons 7390
Course 313
Speed 8 kts
Range 2550
Bearing 350
True Bearing 210
AOB 84 S

USS Skate SS-305 War Patrol Number One Torpedo Attack No. 6 Torpedo Data (at firing)

Torpedo Type MK 14-2
Serial No. 65760
Gyro 0
Track 83 S
Course 220
Exploder MK 6-5
Serial No. 8540
Exploder Contact
Speed Setting High
Depth Setting
Firing Method Single bearing-TBT-TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 0
Hit Yes[X] No[]
Erratic Yes[] No[X] Circular run ? Yes[] No [X]
Malfunction? Yes[] No[X] Dud[] Premature[] Depth Control [] Uknown []

Torpedo Type MK 14-2
Serial No. 65761
Gyro 0
Track 83 S
Course 220
Exploder MK 6-5
Serial No. 8541
Exploder Contact
Speed Setting High
Depth Setting
Firing Method Single Bearing-TBT-TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 0
Hit Yes[] No[X]
POI ---
Erratic Yes[X] No[] Circular run ? Yes[] No [X]
Malfunction Dud[] Premature[] Depth Control [] Gyro [X] Unknown []
Suspected gyro failure, torpedo did not track properly. After initial launch, torpedo took a hard jog to starboard about 30 degrees off proper track.

Torpedo Type MK 14-2
Serial No. 65762
Gyro 0
Track 83 S
Course 220
Exploder MK 6-5
Serial No. 8542
Exploder Contact
Speed Setting High
Depth Setting 10 ft
Firing Method Single bearing-TBT-TDC
Firing Interval 5 seconds
Spread 0
Hit Yes[X] No[]
POI Aft of MOT.
Erratic Yes[] No[] Circular run ? Yes[] No [X]
Malfunction? Yes[] No[] Dud[] Premature[] Depth Control [] Unknown []
Torpedo caused large explosion. Target sunk eight and one half minutes after impact. This was SKATE's twenty-fourth and final torpedo fired for this patrol. All torpedoes expended.

Own Ship Data (at firing)

Depth Surfaced
Course 219
Speed 2 kts
AOB 84 S


Gunnery Attacks

USS Skate SS-205 War Patrol One Gunnery Action No. 1
Date 5 October 194 Time 1326 Location 19-13 N 166-33 5 NM South of Wake Island


While performing lifeguard operations for carrier air strikes on Wake Island, detected a small SC type vessel emerge from the Lagoon after the first air strike on morning of 5 October.
Avoided PC as too small for torpedo as well as to keep SKATE free for primary assignment. During the second wave on 5 October, PC was attacked by numerous aircraft. Most of this was heard, as SKATE had to go below periscope depth after enemy fighter (ZERO) attacked SKATE at periscope depth.
Later surfaced to find the PC down by the bow, but apparently holding on. Surfaced and put a few deck gun rounds into the stubborn little craft to help the process along.

Ships Sunk by Gunfire
Name/Class Small Auxiliary Subchaser
Type SC/PC
Tons 101
Date 5 October
Time 1329
Location 19-13 N 166-33 E 5 NM South of Wake Island.

Ships Damaged by Gunfire

Ships Probably Sunk by Gunfire

Gunnery Action No. 1 Target Data (at firing)

Name/Class Small Auxiliary Subchaser
Tons 101
Course ---
Speed 0
Range 3800
Target was down by the bow damaged in air strikes. Crew still board on stern, the stern mounted machine gun opened fire on SKATE upon surfacing. No damage to SKATE.

Gunnery Action No. 1 Gunnery Data

Type 4 inch 50 Caliber
Serial No. 5-6798C
Disposition Forward Mount
Ammunition Type HE
Total Rounds (at start) 150-HE
Total Rounds expended 15
Total hits 8
Total misses 7
Rounds remaining after action: 135-HE.
Target sunk.

Own Ship Data (at firing)

Course 085
Speed 5-6 kts
AOB 21
Radar Assist Yes [X] No []
Sea state Calm

E. Lifeguard


A total of seven rescues were made during lifeguard assignment off Wake Island on 5/6 October, with eleven aircrew rescued in total .Some rescues were made as far out as 16 NM and some as close as 4000 yards off the beach at night, with decks awash to minimize SKATE's profile to shore.
SKATE came under shore battery fire from Wake at one point, in addition to dodging enemy aircraft. There were communication issues as SKATE did not receive reports of some downed aircraft, discovering crews during her own sweeps. Each and every report was investigated and every visible smoke marker was investigated as well. Due to the number aboard and injuries of some, proceeded to deliver them to Midway before heading to patrol area. During the transit to Midway, those recused who were physically able, assisted with operations of boat by standing watch as lookouts, and proved assets to the SKATE.

A mid-air collision between two F6F Hellcats was observed on morning of 5 October. SKATE searched the area but found no survivors, only debris and oil slicks.

USS SKATE SS-30 War Patrol One Lifeguard Rescue No. 1

Date 5 October 1943
Time 1018
Location 19-11 N 166-32 E 10 NM SSW of Wake Island
LT O.T. Murray, USN.
F6F pilot from Independence CVL-22, pulled from water in life preserver.

USS Skate War Patrol One Lifeguard Rescue No.2
Date 5 October 1943
Time 1025
Location 19-10 N 166-33 E 10 NM SSW Wake Island
LT. (jg) L.A. Fontana, USN.
ACOM R.W. Lawson, USN.
ARM2c P.R. Willecker, USN.
TBF crew from Essex CV-9, in life raft.

USS Skate War Patrol One Lifeguard Rescue No.3
Date 6 October 1943
Time 2233
Location 19-14 N 166-37 E 7000 yards South of Wake Island.
ARM2c E.Z. Leskovitz, USN.
Downed TBF radioman/gunner from Lexington, CV-16 ARM2c E.Z. Leskovitz, USN. Rest of his crew were picked up in Rescue No.4

USS Skate War Patrol One Lifeguard Rescue No.4
Date 6 October 1943
Time 2233
Location 19-14 N 166-36 E 6000 yards South of Wake Island.
AP1c T.G. Haut, USN.
AOM1c W.S. Cusarinni, USN.
ARM2c E.Z. Leskovitz, USN.
TBF crew from Lexington CV-16 , AP1c Haut and AOM1c Cursarinni located in raft. ARM2c Leskovitz (Rescue No 3) part of same crew, separated in bail out.

USS Skate War Patrol One Lifeguard Rescue No.5
Date 6 October 1943
Time 2313
Location 19-15 N 166-36 5000 yards South of Wake Island
Ens. H.H. Letford, USN.
Downed TBF pilot Cowpens CVL-25 in life preserver.

USS Skate War Patrol One Lifeguard Rescue No. 6
Date 7 October 1943
Time 0032
Location 19-17 N 166-35 6000 yards South of Wake Island
Lt. (jg) S.D. Just, USNR.
Rescued F6F pilot, Yorktown CV-10, from waters 6000 yards off beach. Serious injuries, received treatment.

USS Skate War Patrol One Lifeguard Rescue No. 7
Date 7 October
Time 0526
Location 19-33 NE 166-32 E 16.5 NM NE of Wake Island
Lt. L.L Peters, USN.
ACRM P.Q. Delmonico, USN.
Downed SBD crew from Bealleau Wood CVL-24 in raft 16.5 NM NE of Wake Island.

F. Air Strike Observations

The carrier air strikes of five and six October were quite effective. Heavy damage was observed to the islands facilities with fires visible long into the nights far as way as 11 NM off shore. One large AK, observable from off shore in the lagoon was sunk by dive and torpedo bombers. Last viewed down by stern and burning.
The small SC/PC SKATE attacked with deck gun (Gunnery Attack No.1) on 5 October was crippled by aircraft strikes.

Anti-Aircraft fire was intense at times and visible from SKATE's position off shore.

G. Major Damage and Defects

At 1836 on 31 October 1943, SKATE was at a depth of 500 feet following an attack. One or possibly two close depth charges exploded above SKATE, very close. Boat was shaken terribly and caused damage listed below.

Conning tower

1.Bulkhead damage. Minor leaks with flooding.
2.No.1 (Observation) periscope- Inoperable
3.No.2 (Attack) periscope - Inoperable
4.Piping and Air line leaks.
5.SJ Radar Cabinet

1.SJ Radar Antenna
2.SD Radar Antenna
3.Target Bearing Transmitter (TBT)
4.No.1 (Observation)
5.No.2 (Attack) Periscope Head
6.4' 50 Caliber Deck Gun
7. Radio Antenna

Forward Torpedo Room

1.Forward Batteries
2.Torpedo Tube #3
3. Torpedo Tube #5

Control Room

1.Trim Pump
2.Hydraulic Pump
4. Piping leaks, minor flooding.
5. Air line leaks.


Damage Control party assigned and address most pressing of damage, namely any flooding.

Upon coming to periscope depth, it was determined that neither periscope was functional.

SJ radar performance did appear degraded for rest of patrol following damage to the antenna, in spite of repairs.

Forward batteries remained damage and SKATE was never able to reach more than 96 percent charge for remainder of the patrol.

H. Anti-Submarine Countermeasures

Enemy ASW was overall ineffective during this patrol, in spite of the damage caused to SKATE on 31 October. With the ability to submerge to great depths if required in the Balao Class, enemy sonar and sound equipment does not appear to be up to the job. This applies to even their apparent first team Destroyers escorting the Task Force which attacked SKATE on the 17 October. Although, they were on alert and somehow detected SKATE as ascended periscope depth for attack.

The enemy depth charges appeared more effective compared to my previous six patrols as Executive Officer of SEAL from December 1941-January 1943.

Enemy air patrols were encountered near daily basis both in vicinity of Truk and Wake Island.

Surface patrols were encountered in Truk area. Wake Island appeared to have a small PC/SC assigned, which SKATE sunk by gunfire, after carrier aircrew crippled her.

I. Mines

No mines were encountered.

J. Radar

SJ radar performed well until damaged in depth charge attack on 31 October. Prior to attack, typical detection range was somewhere at or above 10 NM. After attack, in spite of repairs to antenna and set, detection was around 8-8.5 NM with tracking difficult at times.

SD radar performance was normal typically detecting aircraft around 10 NM.

K. Radio

Radio performance was optimal.

L. Major Enemy Warship Contacts

On 17 October at time 1956, SKATE established SJ Radar contacts on a enemy task force bearing 334-345 degrees 9 NM at 7-41 N 152-57 E 63 NM East of Truk Atoll. Task Force was ascertained to be on a course of 080 degrees at a speed of 21 knots.

Soon, the striking, tall pagoda masts of Japanese Battleships were visible at some distance in the dusk sky. Prior to diving for a attack, was able to make out a rough estimation composition of the task force.

BBx3-4 Possibly Kongo Class
CVx2-3 Possiby Shokaku Class
CAx4? Takao Class
CLx4? Unknown
DDx10+ One Akizuki confirmed

The detection of SKATE is regrettable, as not being able to get a shot off at these choice targets was a source of great disappointment. The enemy destroyers, at least one identified as their best, the AKIZUKI CLASS, was spotted as lead escort. The enemy force fled at high speed once SKATE was detected with a couple of DD remaining behind, dropping depth charges to cover the escape of the fleet. After they had cleared, the DD's left in a hurry. SKATE was unable to regain contact due to enemy speed.

M. Crew

The crew performed well on the first patrol of SKATE, as evidenced by the sinking of seven enemy vessels and rescue of eleven downed airmen.Morale remained high through the patrol.

One Officer and 12 Crewmembers achieved Qualification in Submarines on this patrol.

N. Health and Habitability

Conditions on the board were relatively comfortable for most of the patrol, even with the addition of eleven men for a days en route to Midway after their rescue.

O. Navigational Aids

Wake Island proved a sufficient aid to navigation, especially with large fires burning through the night from the air strikes during the day time.

Oroluk Island in the Carolines inadvertently became a navigational aid while pursuing a fleeing convoy. No lights were sighted but the atoll is visible from miles, as well as SJ contact.

P. Sound Gear and Sound Conditions

Sound Conditions were excellent for most of the patrol. Hydrophones and Sonar were at peak performance.

Q. Thermal Layers

Thermal layers were encountered at 150, 175, 220, 244 and 300 feet.

R.Miles Steamed//Fuel Used

Miles Gallons
Pearl Harbor to Midway 1350 14231
Midway to Wake Island 1187 17245
Lifeguard Station 1000 11045
Lifeguard Station to Midway 1187 18241
Midway to Patrol Area 2300 30344
Patrol Area 4542 45665
Patrol Area to Pearl Harbor 2696 39994

S. Duration
Pearl Harbor to Midway 4
Midway to Lifeguard Station 5
On Lifeguard Station 2
Lifeguard Station to Midway 5
Midway to Patrol Area 9
In Patrol Area 14
Days Submerged 4
Patrol Area to Pearl Harbor 11
Total Days on Patrol 50

T. Factors in Duration

Torpedoes 0
Fuel 21645 gallons
Food: 15 days
Damage No

Reason for termination of patrol: All torpedoes expended.

U. Remarks

A busy and successful patrol. The rescue of eleven downed airmen was the highlight of the patrol, only before the sinking of seven enemy vessels for estimated 40, 461 tons.

The performance of the new MK 14-2 Torpedoes and MK6-5 exploders was excellent on this patrol, as evidenced by the success. No torpedoes were duds, no deep runners. One torpedo did suffer an apparent gyro failure and veered off course, causing a miss, but the other two found their targets and sunk the enemy vessel. This is a remarkable turn around to previous experiences firing this weapon on six patrols in SEAL.

One does hope magnetic exploders will be figured out sooner than later, as would prove useful in situations, such as SKATE found herself in on 1 November (TORPEDO ATTACK NO.4) when the torpedoes skimmed the side of the enemy vessel, "trading paint" but could not be actuated for explosion by contact.

The Balao Class Submarine and it's ability to dive deep, with high speed endurance on the surface, along with properly functioning torpedoes provides a true advantage in the campaign against enemy shipping.

Finally, the night surface attack provides a previously unknown mobility and flexibility in attacking enemy shipping and although has its own risks, is worth the effort. I have found this to now be preferred method of attack for SKATE, when able.

Last edited by Bubblehead1980; 10-15-21 at 09:10 PM.
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