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Old 05-19-22, 02:51 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by Mad Mardigan View Post
Bridge (F4):

A. No, but could it... no idea. Would be a very nice immersive addition, if it can be done.

B. See A, above.

C. As with B, see A, above.

D. Not that I am aware of... they're pretty much set in stone, as far as I know of... not to say, that I may be mistaken about that. Now, that said... you can move them about, in the... crew mgmt page (F7) but... beyond that... not as far, as I know... no.

Crew Mgmt.(F7):

A. Crew rotation, is preset to a... 8 hr shift, which... is a nice addition, since it frees you up to concentrate more on commanding the boat, a bit more than it did in 3.

B. Seeing as how, the Type II, is a smaller sub.. thereby is not going to need nowhere near the man power that say... a VII or IX is... 1 would be a bare minimum, I'd think... though feel 2 would be more... relative in terms of that room being manned. This would give the chief crew man there, a... runner if you will, an extra set of hands.

C. For that area, a simple calling it the... torpedo room, would be more apt... (especially on a Type II, seeing as how it only had 1 such room... unlike the VII's or the other follow up sus did. )

During a patrol, would figure that crew would only really be assigned in there... or... at least fully manned at any rate... during say, an attack.... yes.

Other times, keeping say... 1 or at best, 2 in the event of say... an emergency situation of damage occurring & flooding being a danger... but, outside of that... BUT... to be frank about it.. not real sure of what the operational doctrine was about all the sections & their 'manned readiness' state was to be. not having served in the navy, much less aboard a ship.

So... I can only surmise or take a very WAG here, about that. So, on that note... take that with a very big, T3 cargo load of sea salt, for what its worth...

D. From what I know, there is if you look to the bow while in the conning tower, is a set of controls there... that would operate the rudder, thereby the means to steer the sub to either port or starboard. Just as there would be, in the control room. While surfaced, it would make it to where the crew on bridge, (including the skipper, as well.) would NOT have to shout down into the sub through the conning tower.. or shout into those voice tubes, either... I would imagine...

Think, that it was left out, of having the animation & the space lacking the recognition of the player assigning a crew man to that position... is why we don't see them taking up that position &... being active while there.

E. When any ship comes in, to dock, you have a set of crew, that takes up 'docking stations' aka 'mooring'... that I know of. Those assigned to that, then toss to guys on the dock, mooring lines aka ropes that then get tied off... thereby, securing the ship while in dock.

As with D., above... think this is limited owing to the lack of proper animation to show that interaction when you do an RTB*. (Return To Base*)

Radio Crew:

A. On that... if you're using that interior mod for KSD II: Ace, then would have to ask them (the maker of said mod) about that... no ideas there... Sorry. Have wondered about that, as well.... but just shrugged & just let it slip by the wayside...

Radio Room (F8):

A. That, is auto filled in for you... as you progress, get radio flash traffic, aka messages & such... even when you run across target/s & sink them. So is not something you have to deal with, 'filling out'.

This, function... holds the same back in 3, as well... so if you're used to it there... that hasn't changed with 4, either.

Weapons Officer:


If by this, you're asking about using the weapons officer or the Wachoffizier (1WO), then... believe that would be the same methodology... as say in SH3... in the options menu. Selecting the... no contacts... (I believe is the right option there) & leaving the weapons officer assist option unchecked.

After that, is a matter of using the options in the peri icon on the command bar, to have them ID ships, plot a torp attack solution, as well as open up the tubes & finally... firing the torp off...

Again, if I have all that down right on the path to follow in using them, to do an attack... which, I think I do...

So, yes... it is possible to do & most of that as outlined I beieve is in the options menu... BUT... would NEED doing in the correct menu, as there is 2 of them.

The 1st one, is in the main menu before starting off on a career... the 2nd options menu is located in the office... that filing cabinet, to the left of the door, which is the exit back to main menu.

As for being sorry about asking all these questions... don't be.

The only stupid question, is the 1... never asked.

How else, are you going to learn... if you never ask or are afraid to ask...

As always... hope this is of help.

M. M.

Okay, onward ... I'm now on the A/A Training with a VIIB boat ...

I think I pretty much understand the crew mgmt., just takes some getting used to...

On the VII boat, there is also only one radio position in F7 and that guy is also manning the sonar station vs. the radio station ... oh well ...

There are however, 2 engine room positions to be manned in the VII boat.

I suppose, the kitchen is closed as of a certian time in the evening, because no matter where I position crew members in F7, there is nobody on that station, as of a certain time in the evening (at least in the type II boat).

I will come back to the Weapons Officer support, once I get to the Torpedo Training ...

F9 is supposed to take you to the Captains Room/Bunk, but takes you to the seat of the attack periscope instead (same for II and VII boat).

Still waiting to see, if this searchlight actually exists, once we come across a friendly uboat or enter the harbour. The same for the mooring crew ...

I also found an option that one can click "Rescue", if a pilot of a shot down airplane is sighted ... looking forward to that ...

I also found a radio that is supposed to air daily news reports but if I saw correctly, only as of 10 Sept.1939, which makes sense, and since I'm still in August 1939 with the training flotilla, that wouldn't work yet.

Now, just a few general questions:

- What exactly does "Realistic Sound Travel Time" in the Sound Options mean?

- What does the "Vertical Sync" do in the Graphics Options?

- How can one delete Game Saves?

- In the game data folder, is the Sound File, which has the amb.SubInterior.wav file. I like the background sound of the KSDII game but I like the GWX one even better. Could the KSDII file be replaced with the GX file, without causing any problems, since it is a Sh3 file?

Thanks again!
KSDII-Ace/GWX 3.0 Gold/CCoM 10.0 + h.sie-patch; Windows 7 (64-bit); NVIDIA GeForce GTX650 (310.90)
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Old 05-19-22, 03:40 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by Kapitän View Post
Okay, onward ... I'm now on the A/A Training with a VIIB boat ...

I think I pretty much understand the crew mgmt., just takes some getting used to...

On the VII boat, there is also only one radio position in F7 and that guy is also manning the sonar station vs. the radio station ... oh well ...

There are however, 2 engine room positions to be manned in the VII boat.

I suppose, the kitchen is closed as of a certian time in the evening, because no matter where I position crew members in F7, there is nobody on that station, as of a certain time in the evening (at least in the type II boat).

I will come back to the Weapons Officer support, once I get to the Torpedo Training ...

F9 is supposed to take you to the Captains Room/Bunk, but takes you to the seat of the attack periscope instead (same for II and VII boat).

Still waiting to see, if this searchlight actually exists, once we come across a friendly uboat or enter the harbour. The same for the mooring crew ...

I also found an option that one can click "Rescue", if a pilot of a shot down airplane is sighted ... looking forward to that ...

I also found a radio that is supposed to air daily news reports but if I saw correctly, only as of 10 Sept.1939, which makes sense, and since I'm still in August 1939 with the training flotilla, that wouldn't work yet.

Now, just a few general questions:

- What exactly does "Realistic Sound Travel Time" in the Sound Options mean?

- What does the "Vertical Sync" do in the Graphics Options?

- How can one delete Game Saves?

- In the game data folder, is the Sound File, which has the amb.SubInterior.wav file. I like the background sound of the KSDII game but I like the GWX one even better. Could the KSDII file be replaced with the GX file, without causing any problems, since it is a Sh3 file?

Thanks again!
Yeah... about that...

If you are using that recommended Type II & VII interiors mod, think the creator, probably (am guessing here) left out a few of the crew, so as to avoid performance issues () perhaps... or may have meant to add them in, but forgot.. as can happen... no idea. Not without doing some digging in & finding out (if they are still around or even active in the sub modding circle any more, to be frank about it. Just... don't know, either way. )

Any way... moving on.

Yeah, the F9 key, is tied in to... the cam.dat files... I believe, & am not well versed on the... black majix artz of that area... maybe... hopefully, another with knowledge in them, could be persuaded, to delve in & see if that couldn't be... corrected... fixed.

As for the search light... not sure if that is an... actual sub-simmer controlled item, though... think it is more, in the way of... aesthetics... i.e, eye candy... an immersion factor that is just visual, only. Just a... WAG here...

Did mention, that with the mooring crew aspect... that this area, is likely unfinished... probably owing to a lack in or better yet... of, proper animation, to encompass that... despite that, is not really much of an issue... in that it does leave one, wondering about it...

Yeah... "Realistic Sound Travel Time", realfancy schmancy high tech gadgetry there.. something to do with 3D sound system or some such...

Unless you actually have that sort of sound system, which in all likelihood is like.... major boo koo $$$, best advice... avoid check marking it.

Vertical Sync, or VSync, synchronizes the refresh rate and frame rate of a monitor to prevent screen tearing. VSync does this by limiting your GPU’s frame rate output to your monitor’s refresh rate.

Some have no issues with leaving that box unchecked... &... think, is recommended to activate it, if you see flickering going on when you are moving your cam view about... that's just the bare bones of info I have... not real sure on how... accurate that is... the vertical sync or Vsync quote there, I culled from a real quick & dirty look up I did on that, to be frank...

Perhaps one of the... other guru's, around here... will feel free to jump in & expand more on that...
1 thing I've learned about SH4... is... it's better at doing housekeeping on game saves, than SH3 was... up to a point.

The saves, can run into issues at times... as can be attested to, but... how much less than say... 3... who knows for really sure... yet.

As for the query on the sound of KSD II: Ace, being replaced or grafted with sound files from GWX (Any particular flava flave... of GWX, you had/have in mind to cull from here... ) & on that subject... am going to defer to another to jump in & answer on that...

I wanna... say, I would NOT think that swapping out sound byte files from say... OneAlex's GWX Reworx, couldn't be swapped out for those that don't quite tickle your fancy... but... know that some, are tied into control keys in the guts, &... tampering with them, could cause all sorts of... trouble.

That said, is why... I shall defer to someone with more knowledge & experience in answering on that.

Is that "amb.SubInterior.wav file", the only 1 you're asking about...?

M. M.
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Old 05-20-22, 06:31 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by Mad Mardigan View Post
Yeah... about that...

If you are using that recommended Type II & VII interiors mod, think the creator, probably (am guessing here) left out a few of the crew, so as to avoid performance issues () perhaps... or may have meant to add them in, but forgot.. as can happen... no idea. Not without doing some digging in & finding out (if they are still around or even active in the sub modding circle any more, to be frank about it. Just... don't know, either way. )

Any way... moving on.

Yeah, the F9 key, is tied in to... the cam.dat files... I believe, & am not well versed on the... black majix artz of that area... maybe... hopefully, another with knowledge in them, could be persuaded, to delve in & see if that couldn't be... corrected... fixed.

As for the search light... not sure if that is an... actual sub-simmer controlled item, though... think it is more, in the way of... aesthetics... i.e, eye candy... an immersion factor that is just visual, only. Just a... WAG here...

Did mention, that with the mooring crew aspect... that this area, is likely unfinished... probably owing to a lack in or better yet... of, proper animation, to encompass that... despite that, is not really much of an issue... in that it does leave one, wondering about it...

Yeah... "Realistic Sound Travel Time", realfancy schmancy high tech gadgetry there.. something to do with 3D sound system or some such...

Unless you actually have that sort of sound system, which in all likelihood is like.... major boo koo $$$, best advice... avoid check marking it.

Vertical Sync, or VSync, synchronizes the refresh rate and frame rate of a monitor to prevent screen tearing. VSync does this by limiting your GPU’s frame rate output to your monitor’s refresh rate.

Some have no issues with leaving that box unchecked... &... think, is recommended to activate it, if you see flickering going on when you are moving your cam view about... that's just the bare bones of info I have... not real sure on how... accurate that is... the vertical sync or Vsync quote there, I culled from a real quick & dirty look up I did on that, to be frank...

Perhaps one of the... other guru's, around here... will feel free to jump in & expand more on that...
1 thing I've learned about SH4... is... it's better at doing housekeeping on game saves, than SH3 was... up to a point.

The saves, can run into issues at times... as can be attested to, but... how much less than say... 3... who knows for really sure... yet.

As for the query on the sound of KSD II: Ace, being replaced or grafted with sound files from GWX (Any particular flava flave... of GWX, you had/have in mind to cull from here... ) & on that subject... am going to defer to another to jump in & answer on that...

I wanna... say, I would NOT think that swapping out sound byte files from say... OneAlex's GWX Reworx, couldn't be swapped out for those that don't quite tickle your fancy... but... know that some, are tied into control keys in the guts, &... tampering with them, could cause all sorts of... trouble.

That said, is why... I shall defer to someone with more knowledge & experience in answering on that.

Is that "amb.SubInterior.wav file", the only 1 you're asking about...?

M. M.

Thanks for all your answers!

Right now, I'm not using the II & VII Full Interior Mod, as I'm just trying things out in the Training Acadamy. I'm planning to move to a IXD2 boat in the Campaign and I don't think there is a Full Interior Mod available for that.

No issue about the F9 key. I was just wondering if I'm the only one who has this issue or if it is widely known. No problem for me here.

About the Search Light, I was merely wondering where to find the command button for it, because I can't seem to locate it (same for Rescue the Pilot) ...

The Graphics issues seem to be solved, as posted in the other thread.

Yes, as I don't have a 3D Sound System, I will keep the "Realistic Sound Travel Time" box un-ticked.

Yes, reg. the ambient interior sub sound, I'm refering to the "amb.SubmarineInterior.wav"- file

BTW: I arrived at the designated Op.area for the A/A Training but no airplanes there ... maybe, because I arrived after sunset ...
KSDII-Ace/GWX 3.0 Gold/CCoM 10.0 + h.sie-patch; Windows 7 (64-bit); NVIDIA GeForce GTX650 (310.90)
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Old 05-20-22, 08:25 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by Kapitän View Post
Thanks for all your answers!

Right now, I'm not using the II & VII Full Interior Mod, as I'm just trying things out in the Training Acadamy. I'm planning to move to a IXD2 boat in the Campaign and I don't think there is a Full Interior Mod available for that.

No issue about the F9 key. I was just wondering if I'm the only one who has this issue or if it is widely known. No problem for me here.

About the Search Light, I was merely wondering where to find the command button for it, because I can't seem to locate it (same for Rescue the Pilot) ...

The Graphics issues seem to be solved, as posted in the other thread.

Yes, as I don't have a 3D Sound System, I will keep the "Realistic Sound Travel Time" box un-ticked.

Yes, reg. the ambient interior sub sound, I'm refering to the "amb.SubmarineInterior.wav"- file

BTW: I arrived at the designated Op.area for the A/A Training but no airplanes there ... maybe, because I arrived after sunset ...

Yeahhhhh.... not sure if that ever got finished. I seem to recall there was some mention of doing an interior for the IX, but.. after that... nada.

Any how... moving on...

Yeah, you were not alone in that... about the F9 key.

Search light, no idea if there is a control switch for that... think that, was added into the subs damage screen menu... for flava flave, nothing more... though, I could be wrong. If there is indeed a means to operate a search light, would be cool to do so... hwever, considering the nature of the beast... it is war time, so yeah... maybe not so good a time to be using it...

As for rescue the pilot operating button... go through there... in the bridge menu bar, & should be the icon that looks like... a life preserver aka life ring.

To be able to use it, means you 1st have to be within range of the downed pilot, (think like... 40-60 meters away... maybe a bit further back, not sure...) & have eyes on them, by... use of the Bino's... that's binoculars to the rest of ye gents & all. Once that is achieved, that ring, should light up & be clickable.

On the overall graphics side, glad ya got that all... dare I say it... ahhh what the heck... ship shape.

But in all seriousness... am glad it worked out for ya.

If that sound file, is set up the same... the naming of it is the same... then by all rights, it should work... I do believe... but... don't hang Me if it don't.

Make a back up copy of the /sound folder in game... before pasting that sound byte from GWX in to the KSD II: Ace, so that way.. if things go... pear shaped... at least you'll have the back up copy to fall back to.

Yeah, after dark flight op's... NOT real sure that is modeled into the sim, as well as it should have been.

Back then air op's were grounded after dark... though, not sure when the advent of them making it to where they could go round the clock, per say... though.

Will have to dig into that some... never really thought about it before now, to do so.

Think that when Carriers were thought of, it was probably for a safety factor that flights didn't happen after dark.. I think, anther thing I'll have to see of doing some digging about on... (sticks a pin into that idea along with the other one, as well)

Any way, glad to have provided assistance, where I was able to...

Gute jagd, ihr Himmelhunde.!

M. M.
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Old 05-20-22, 01:49 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Mad Mardigan View Post
Yeahhhhh.... not sure if that ever got finished. I seem to recall there was some mention of doing an interior for the IX, but.. after that... nada.

Any how... moving on...

Yeah, you were not alone in that... about the F9 key.

Search light, no idea if there is a control switch for that... think that, was added into the subs damage screen menu... for flava flave, nothing more... though, I could be wrong. If there is indeed a means to operate a search light, would be cool to do so... hwever, considering the nature of the beast... it is war time, so yeah... maybe not so good a time to be using it...

As for rescue the pilot operating button... go through there... in the bridge menu bar, & should be the icon that looks like... a life preserver aka life ring.

To be able to use it, means you 1st have to be within range of the downed pilot, (think like... 40-60 meters away... maybe a bit further back, not sure...) & have eyes on them, by... use of the Bino's... that's binoculars to the rest of ye gents & all. Once that is achieved, that ring, should light up & be clickable.

On the overall graphics side, glad ya got that all... dare I say it... ahhh what the heck... ship shape.

But in all seriousness... am glad it worked out for ya.

If that sound file, is set up the same... the naming of it is the same... then by all rights, it should work... I do believe... but... don't hang Me if it don't.

Make a back up copy of the /sound folder in game... before pasting that sound byte from GWX in to the KSD II: Ace, so that way.. if things go... pear shaped... at least you'll have the back up copy to fall back to.

Yeah, after dark flight op's... NOT real sure that is modeled into the sim, as well as it should have been.

Back then air op's were grounded after dark... though, not sure when the advent of them making it to where they could go round the clock, per say... though.

Will have to dig into that some... never really thought about it before now, to do so.

Think that when Carriers were thought of, it was probably for a safety factor that flights didn't happen after dark.. I think, anther thing I'll have to see of doing some digging about on... (sticks a pin into that idea along with the other one, as well)

Any way, glad to have provided assistance, where I was able to...

Gute jagd, ihr Himmelhunde.!

M. M.

Yes, found the Life Vest icon ... only thing missing are the A/C:

Went to the designated area in the Training Academy twice, second time at daylight ... nothing ... weird ...

Yes, will try to swap the sound file at a later time ... thanks for the tips!

Will move on to the deck gun training now ...


Did the gun training and torpedo firing range ... actually found a target ... an old Wheel Steamer:

For the gun training, it seemed that I had to use all my ammo to have any effect (and yes, I used the high explosive rounds) ... but didn't get as far as to sink her, because of a CTD, when the steamer started to catch fire ...

The same happened with the torpedo firing: The first eel I set for magnetic fuse and 1.3m under the keel, but passed right underneath ... does the "back-breaker"-technique not work in KSDII?
The second eel I set to contact fuse and exploded and again I got a CTD, when the srteamer caught fire.

I hope the CTD's are because it's the Training Academy and not a "feature" of the game ...

FYI: For the Game Graphic settings, I ticked every box, except for the "Windowed Mode" ... are there any settings that would cause CTD's and one could do without?
KSDII-Ace/GWX 3.0 Gold/CCoM 10.0 + h.sie-patch; Windows 7 (64-bit); NVIDIA GeForce GTX650 (310.90)

Last edited by Kapitän; 05-20-22 at 03:24 PM.
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Old 05-20-22, 04:04 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by Kapitän View Post
Yes, found the Life Vest icon ... only thing missing are the A/C:

Went to the designated area in the Training Academy twice, second time at daylight ... nothing ... weird ...

Yes, will try to swap the sound file at a later time ... thanks for the tips!

Will move on to the deck gun training now ...


Did the gun training and torpedo firing range ... actually found a target ... an old Wheel Steamer:

For the gun training, it seemed that I had to use all my ammo to have any effect (and yes, I used the high explosive rounds) ... but didn't get as far as to sink her, because of a CTD, when the steamer started to catch fire ...

The same happened with the torpedo firing: The first eel I set for magnetic fuse and 1.3m under the keel, but passed right underneath ... does the "back-breaker"-technique not work in KSDII?
The second eel I set to contact fuse and exploded and again I got a CTD, when the srteamer caught fire.

I hope the CTD's are because it's the Training Academy and not a "feature" of the game ...

FYI: For the Game Graphic settings, I ticked every box, except for the "Windowed Mode" ... are there any settings that would cause CTD's and one could do without?
the 1st couple, 2... the nav one & the one right after.. might be usable... not sure about the 3rd one right after that... nut from what I understand, is best to avoid running the training missions for the most part.

Am playing the career side, using LAA assigned to the SH4.exe &... running like a champ.

When KSD II: Ace, is loading... you are (in the bottom right corner) seeing it reading v1.4.1, yes...??

On the torp training issue you noted... depends on the year date, that is... not recalling that right off... but, know that the Uboat fleet, did run into (just as the U. S. fleet boats did... ) had issues with torp malfunctions & this is.. modeled into KSD II: Ace, as well.

The upside is... the U-boat HQ officers/admiralty... did listen a lot more than the U.S. side of it did... & as an end result, solved it, for the most part.

If, I am recalling it rightly... magnetic exploders, got pulled from use & they went back to using impact only with the torps... I think. Think the main part that got resolved was with the depth keeping when torps were launched. The Mag Det triggers... NOT so much.

On the query on graphic settings:

This snap shot, is the setting in that section, that I roll with...

Can't recall all the particulars on why... but, is best to avoid having the volumetric fog one, checked... & since I don't deal with a lot of ripping/tearing when moving the cam view about... don't really need to use the vsync one, either.... that & the windowed one... as I prefer to have My view, be full screen.

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Old 05-20-22, 05:14 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by Mad Mardigan View Post
the 1st couple, 2... the nav one & the one right after.. might be usable... not sure about the 3rd one right after that... nut from what I understand, is best to avoid running the training missions for the most part.

Am playing the career side, using LAA assigned to the SH4.exe &... running like a champ.

When KSD II: Ace, is loading... you are (in the bottom right corner) seeing it reading v1.4.1, yes...??

On the torp training issue you noted... depends on the year date, that is... not recalling that right off... but, know that the Uboat fleet, did run into (just as the U. S. fleet boats did... ) had issues with torp malfunctions & this is.. modeled into KSD II: Ace, as well.

The upside is... the U-boat HQ officers/admiralty... did listen a lot more than the U.S. side of it did... & as an end result, solved it, for the most part.

If, I am recalling it rightly... magnetic exploders, got pulled from use & they went back to using impact only with the torps... I think. Think the main part that got resolved was with the depth keeping when torps were launched. The Mag Det triggers... NOT so much.

On the query on graphic settings:

This snap shot, is the setting in that section, that I roll with...

Can't recall all the particulars on why... but, is best to avoid having the volumetric fog one, checked... & since I don't deal with a lot of ripping/tearing when moving the cam view about... don't really need to use the vsync one, either.... that & the windowed one... as I prefer to have My view, be full screen.

M. M.

Yes, on bottom right corner it shows 1.4.1 ... and I also applied LAA.

All the Training Missions are in 1939.

Okay, I adjusted the Game Graphic Settings as suggested. What is "Volumetric Fog", anyway?

Coming back to the Game Saves:
- What is the Option "Replay" all about?
- Is there any way to delete Game Saves?
KSDII-Ace/GWX 3.0 Gold/CCoM 10.0 + h.sie-patch; Windows 7 (64-bit); NVIDIA GeForce GTX650 (310.90)
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Old 05-20-22, 06:06 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by Kapitän View Post
Yes, on bottom right corner it shows 1.4.1 ... and I also applied LAA. Good.

All the Training Missions are in 1939.

Okay, I adjusted the Game Graphic Settings as suggested. What is "Volumetric Fog", anyway?

Coming back to the Game Saves:
- What is the Option "Replay" all about?
- Is there any way to delete Game Saves?

Ok, some info I pulled up, concerning just what is ''volumetric fog'', though note... the article covers both aspects of volumetrics... fog, as well as light.

Basically, it is a game system or.. for better want of a more proper word, to do with creating the impression of fog... in game/sim environment... which, if it worked, as it is 'supposed to', would be grand.

But... (& a very BIG but, here... mind you... ) this optional graphics setting, as I know of it & understand it, works fine...

For newer games/sims...

SH4 (& I think, in 5, as well... I think... )...

NOT so much, or well, for that matter.

Have seen times, when I've... tried... attempted to, more like... using that, in the settings, of having crew pull a... Casper the friendly ghost routine. Meaning, you could see right throuh them... & it wasn't just relegated to crew only. Ohhhh no... uhh uhh.

It also affected ships, well... some of them, as well.

NOT a good look... not, at all.

So... only thing that can be done... is to just avoid using that, in the graphics settings, at all.

And... that's not including the probability, of taking a huge fps hit, either... which can occur, as you'll note in that page I pulled up &... can attest to, as well.

if you have a grand, newer game as well as a grand gaming computer rig that would excel at using those settings, then it's fine to use.

Thing is... SH4 (as well as 3 & in a short time here soon, 5 as well) are seriously going to start showing their age.

In the mean time, enjoy it for as long as you can... hopefully, that will be for quite a long time, at that.

Replay, I believe is a save of a patrol/mission (either solo, a rerun f 1 that occurred in real life... or a in-game career one... I think here... was hoping someone else could step up & answer that, as well as about the game saves...) that makes it able to be watched... sort of like a recorded... event, like say... as an example here.. only... football/baseball/basketball... take your pick here... but, that's just a WAG, at that.

Saves, am not going to reply much on that but to say, that saves were radically redone from 3 to 4, & in doing so... did make deleting them, a bit... less risky than 3's were... but... even then, there still is some risk in messing them up... the newest save files, are not near as hard wired dependent on older ones, as was the case with saves in SH3.

4, after a fashion, will do its own house keeping & start dropping older saves, starting with the oldest one's 1st... & work its way toward the newer ones, after a time, stopping when there is a set # of saves left.

Wanna say I think is around maybe... 20 saves, before the house keeper starts doing the sweeping out... but, can't confirm that for definite, as I haven't really did a hard case study on that exact #, to be frank about it.

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Old 05-21-22, 06:01 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by Mad Mardigan View Post
Ok, some info I pulled up, concerning just what is ''volumetric fog'', though note... the article covers both aspects of volumetrics... fog, as well as light.

Basically, it is a game system or.. for better want of a more proper word, to do with creating the impression of fog... in game/sim environment... which, if it worked, as it is 'supposed to', would be grand.

But... (& a very BIG but, here... mind you... ) this optional graphics setting, as I know of it & understand it, works fine...

For newer games/sims...

SH4 (& I think, in 5, as well... I think... )...

NOT so much, or well, for that matter.

Have seen times, when I've... tried... attempted to, more like... using that, in the settings, of having crew pull a... Casper the friendly ghost routine. Meaning, you could see right throuh them... & it wasn't just relegated to crew only. Ohhhh no... uhh uhh.

It also affected ships, well... some of them, as well.

NOT a good look... not, at all.

So... only thing that can be done... is to just avoid using that, in the graphics settings, at all.

And... that's not including the probability, of taking a huge fps hit, either... which can occur, as you'll note in that page I pulled up &... can attest to, as well.

if you have a grand, newer game as well as a grand gaming computer rig that would excel at using those settings, then it's fine to use.

Thing is... SH4 (as well as 3 & in a short time here soon, 5 as well) are seriously going to start showing their age.

In the mean time, enjoy it for as long as you can... hopefully, that will be for quite a long time, at that.

Replay, I believe is a save of a patrol/mission (either solo, a rerun f 1 that occurred in real life... or a in-game career one... I think here... was hoping someone else could step up & answer that, as well as about the game saves...) that makes it able to be watched... sort of like a recorded... event, like say... as an example here.. only... football/baseball/basketball... take your pick here... but, that's just a WAG, at that.

Saves, am not going to reply much on that but to say, that saves were radically redone from 3 to 4, & in doing so... did make deleting them, a bit... less risky than 3's were... but... even then, there still is some risk in messing them up... the newest save files, are not near as hard wired dependent on older ones, as was the case with saves in SH3.

4, after a fashion, will do its own house keeping & start dropping older saves, starting with the oldest one's 1st... & work its way toward the newer ones, after a time, stopping when there is a set # of saves left.

Wanna say I think is around maybe... 20 saves, before the house keeper starts doing the sweeping out... but, can't confirm that for definite, as I haven't really did a hard case study on that exact #, to be frank about it.

M. M.

Okay, thanks for explaining!

I might tinker around with the V-Fog from time to time ... let's see ...

Okay, so, Sh4 does it's own Game Save-"Clean-up" ... okay, good to know ... I'll watch for that ...

I guess, it's better to use a "Short Mission" instead of the "Training Academy", for getting to know the game ...

Thanks again!
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Old 05-21-22, 10:54 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by Kapitän View Post
Okay, thanks for explaining!

I might tinker around with the V-Fog from time to time ... let's see ...

Okay, so, Sh4 does it's own Game Save-"Clean-up" ... okay, good to know ... I'll watch for that ...

I guess, it's better to use a "Short Mission" instead of the "Training Academy", for getting to know the game ...

Thanks again!
Maybe, with your system... you might... (& I stress a highly doubtful might here, but... *shrug* you never know, until you try... ) have better luck with using volumetric fog. Don't really know what your specs are for your rig, but... on both the ones I have... it never ended well with using that graphic option.

That's 1 of the better things about 4, over 3... (not to be taken for dissing 3... it stil has a place in My & always will... warts & all )

is the save folder clean up aka house keeping it does.

I'll give Ubi credit for that... but... shhhh.... I wouldn't want them to hear that, & get a swelled head over it...

Yeah, short replay historicals or short missions, would probably be easier on the set up than the training missions... though, you could use just the very 1st 3... alone &... avoid the rest.

As is, have ran those 3, without issues... but the remaining ones... yeah.... nothing but head aches... in My experience.

As always, glad to have... & hope that what I have imparted, was helpful & useful... not to forget... as accurate, as possible.

Gute jagd, ihr Himmelhunde.!

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Old 05-21-22, 01:40 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by Mad Mardigan View Post
Maybe, with your system... you might... (& I stress a highly doubtful might here, but... *shrug* you never know, until you try... ) have better luck with using volumetric fog. Don't really know what your specs are for your rig, but... on both the ones I have... it never ended well with using that graphic option.

That's 1 of the better things about 4, over 3... (not to be taken for dissing 3... it stil has a place in My & always will... warts & all )

is the save folder clean up aka house keeping it does.

I'll give Ubi credit for that... but... shhhh.... I wouldn't want them to hear that, & get a swelled head over it...

Yeah, short replay historicals or short missions, would probably be easier on the set up than the training missions... though, you could use just the very 1st 3... alone &... avoid the rest.

As is, have ran those 3, without issues... but the remaining ones... yeah.... nothing but head aches... in My experience.

As always, glad to have... & hope that what I have imparted, was helpful & useful... not to forget... as accurate, as possible.

Gute jagd, ihr Himmelhunde.!

M. M.

So, my PC system is the followig:
Intel Core i7-3770; CPU 3.40GHz; RAM 8GB; 64-bit Op.-System
Just FYI ...

What about the available Mod's that are pre-available in the JSGME of KSDII:
- Salvo type lable for type IX - what's this?
- Convoy radio reports ON ... I suppose, if this is not enabled, one doesn't receive any reports about convoys in the area?
- English objectives names (vs. Russian names?)
- No radio antenna poles - can't seem to recall, that I have noticed any (and I have not enabled this)?
- No UMARK ... no mark of my own boat on the map?
- Old Sonar ping: I listened to both ... okay they are somewhat different. The question is: Did they change historically, as of a certain point in time?

Many thanks!
KSDII-Ace/GWX 3.0 Gold/CCoM 10.0 + h.sie-patch; Windows 7 (64-bit); NVIDIA GeForce GTX650 (310.90)
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Old 05-21-22, 02:12 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Kapitän View Post
So, my PC system is the followig:
Intel Core i7-3770; CPU 3.40GHz; RAM 8GB; 64-bit Op.-System
Just FYI ...

What about the available Mod's that are pre-available in the JSGME of KSDII:
- Salvo type lable for type IX - what's this?
- Convoy radio reports ON ... I suppose, if this is not enabled, one doesn't receive any reports about convoys in the area?
- English objectives names (vs. Russian names?)
- No radio antenna poles - can't seem to recall, that I have noticed any (and I have not enabled this)?
- No UMARK ... no mark of my own boat on the map?
- Old Sonar ping: I listened to both ... okay they are somewhat different. The question is: Did they change historically, as of a certain point in time?

Many thanks!
Type IX, iIrc, had a different labeling set up than that of the Type II's & the VII's... that there... if you chose to go with a career in a IX, just makes it so the torp control panel is rightly configured.... as I understand it. Have yet to roll in a career, in a Type IX, so haven't had a chance to note the differences outright.

Convoy reports on... that would be My understanding there, as well... though, I know that some prefer to play a career... in essence, deaf, dumb & blind... casually strolling across targets of opportunity, is just how they roll with it. NOT to say, that there is anything wrong with it... mind you.

As I recall, Uboat HQ... was very.... iron fisted in staying in communication with its uboat forces & that there... just... simulates that, I figure.

Yeah, the original KSD II, was all in Russian, which... for those who don't know the language... kind of makes it difficult to follow along, if you decided to pursue, a career in game/sim. There was an... initial workup of putting messages, flash traffic, Rec Man info, the works... in Eng. & while a noce touch... to be frank, is still... NOT without its... quirks still to date. Is still a fair bit, that needs a bit of, spit & polish yet to iron it out... & that's NOT even touching the translating it, into other languages still.

Yeah, again... as with radio reports, another thing to... further enhance the realism effect... of NOT having that orange arrow marker, denoting just where your sub is, if you were to say... utilize the 'next/previous' or the free cam views.

This is not related to just where you are, on the nav map, by any means...

As for the sonar pings... old new... no idea about the differences in them, to be frank... I just went with searching for the 1, that sounded the scariest when heard while in the sub... from any point in it, while roaming from 1 room view, to another... even while using free roam utilizing the Type II & VII full interiors mod, in My mix.

Well, scariest & closest to that sound in the movie 'Das Boot'... as long as it fit those 2 focal points, it was the 1 I went with... Myself. As with MPG, preferences for that, may vary from 1 sub simmer, to another... yanno...

As for that no radio antenna... I left that 1 out. Call Me... old fashioned, but... I want My sub, looking as near to what it did... as is feasibly possible... & that there, mod... sorta puts a... kink, in that view, but... that's just My own opinion... again, just like with MPG as well, here.

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Old 05-21-22, 02:21 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by Mad Mardigan View Post
Type IX, iIrc, had a different labeling set up than that of the Type II's & the VII's... that there... if you chose to go with a career in a IX, just makes it so the torp control panel is rightly configured.... as I understand it. Have yet to roll in a career, in a Type IX, so haven't had a chance to note the differences outright.

Convoy reports on... that would be My understanding there, as well... though, I know that some prefer to play a career... in essence, deaf, dumb & blind... casually strolling across targets of opportunity, is just how they roll with it. NOT to say, that there is anything wrong with it... mind you.

As I recall, Uboat HQ... was very.... iron fisted in staying in communication with its uboat forces & that there... just... simulates that, I figure.

Yeah, the original KSD II, was all in Russian, which... for those who don't know the language... kind of makes it difficult to follow along, if you decided to pursue, a career in game/sim. There was an... initial workup of putting messages, flash traffic, Rec Man info, the works... in Eng. & while a noce touch... to be frank, is still... NOT without its... quirks still to date. Is still a fair bit, that needs a bit of, spit & polish yet to iron it out... & that's NOT even touching the translating it, into other languages still.

Yeah, again... as with radio reports, another thing to... further enhance the realism effect... of NOT having that orange arrow marker, denoting just where your sub is, if you were to say... utilize the 'next/previous' or the free cam views.

This is not related to just where you are, on the nav map, by any means...

As for the sonar pings... old new... no idea about the differences in them, to be frank... I just went with searching for the 1, that sounded the scariest when heard while in the sub... from any point in it, while roaming from 1 room view, to another... even while using free roam utilizing the Type II & VII full interiors mod, in My mix.

Well, scariest & closest to that sound in the movie 'Das Boot'... as long as it fit those 2 focal points, it was the 1 I went with... Myself. As with MPG, preferences for that, may vary from 1 sub simmer, to another... yanno...

As for that no radio antenna... I left that 1 out. Call Me... old fashioned, but... I want My sub, looking as near to what it did... as is feasibly possible... & that there, mod... sorta puts a... kink, in that view, but... that's just My own opinion... again, just like with MPG as well, here.

M. M.
Okay, very clear, thanks!

Just to be sure: What exactly is meant with "Radio Antenna"? The round rotating beacon locator antenna or something else?
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Old 05-21-22, 03:21 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by Kapitän View Post
Okay, very clear, thanks!

Just to be sure: What exactly is meant with "Radio Antenna"? The round rotating beacon locator antenna or something else?
Either that rotating hoop contraption... or that spiky pole sticking up, on the left hand side, of the bridge, when your up there... looking about.

1 or the other of them. though... am leaning very heavily, towards it being that long, spikey pole on the left side of the conning tower bridge...

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Old 05-22-22, 12:09 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by Mad Mardigan View Post
Either that rotating hoop contraption... or that spiky pole sticking up, on the left hand side, of the bridge, when your up there... looking about.

1 or the other of them. though... am leaning very heavily, towards it being that long, spikey pole on the left side of the conning tower bridge...

M. M.
Okay, I will have a look at that ...

Any ideas how one can adjust the renown (was realtivly easy to do in the game save files of Sh3)?
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