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Old 09-16-11, 06:28 PM   #45
Posts: n/a

Was a rough week and had no time to work on a public example.
Played Tunnel Rat for a few days,
Got stung by a Hornet while doing that and couldn't walk for 2 days,
and had to baby sit younger workers who think they know it all!

I'll get it done this weekend and post it here.

Again, this is not a release that I would call anywhere near it's potential.
You will not be able to walk the entire Bunker,
There are major 3D problems that need corrected,
stuff added or moved.
The list is nearly endless!
I hope that all that check it out keep a sharp eye for the details!
It can all be fixed and more over time.

In the interm?
If you wish to do the same things you will need a few programs and learn to use them.
A Hex Editor (I recommend SweetScape's 010)
A 3D modeling program that works with obj files for now.
EditPad Pro.
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