Thread: [TEC] Wake torpedo..
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Old 07-25-23, 11:42 PM   #24
Bartholomew Roberts
Join Date: Sep 2021
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Found where the problem is, it is the Torpedo.val makes the difference. the mod maker set the length = 200; fixed lenght = 10 ; MaxOpacitySpeed = 1. so the wake is long and last. I understand the fixed length is the min unit of wake, increase it would cause the whole wake to be extremly long.

And the topic might need further discussion

I know the main purpose he mod this file is to have a long wake lead to your own sub as it shoud be. He actually did it, but due to game engine limit, the long wake behind we call it the "back wake" is the actuall wake length of you torpedo wake, since the game won't mask off the part behind you, it stays back. But evantually it will pass you to make every thing normal.

So let's look at the original file of Torpedo.val and understand the mechanism of torpedo wake.

Very simple isn't it. There are three ShipWake nodes and they all work! In different weight. The latter one has higher weight than the previous one. And the main factor to affact wake length is the length parameter.

As I said the third has the highest weight. So a 2000, 20, 10 set wake

(I fired two torpedo in sequence so foget the front wake)

is shorter than the 200, 50, 10 set

Even a very drastic number like 10000 for the first wake would not affect that much, So let's play with numbers then I got 10000, 30, 15 in lengths and 0.1, 0.5, 1 in ApertureAngle to make the wake more interesting. and set the first ShipWake texture to Wake_Torp1.tga to make full use of resources.

And here is the result.

Start firing wake , its acceptble as it will move on soon

final wake.

That is my compromised solution to the problem.

Last edited by Bartholomew Roberts; 07-26-23 at 03:11 AM.
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