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Old 09-16-10, 12:09 PM   #775
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Originally Posted by TheDarkWraith View Post
Are you saying that the current version of IRAI doesn't leave them behind? The whole convoy slows down for the slowest unit? I can see this for the leader but it does this for ship's other than the leader?

Also Magnum was stating that all the escorts leave the convoy...ALL the escorts leave the convoy?? Some are assigned the role of guard convoy and should stay with the convoy UNLESS you are inside the convoy. That is the only time escorts assigned the role of guard convoy are allowed to 'break rank'.

I'm still really confused as to what some people are finding so wrong with the current version of IRAI Feedback in the form of starting the AI debugger and telling me what tactics are set, not set, etc. would really help me figure out if there is something wrong with the current version or not.
I try to explain again. The escorts strategy is the main problem, they leave the convoy unprotected just to hunt a single sub for days. 2 bad that I forgot to make a screenie about these 8 escorts camping me for 2 days while the rest of the merchants were sitting 5km away and waiting for them to finish me off. This is just wrong 2 or 3 escort ship is just enough for a single sub, is no need for a whole fleet to keep a sub underwater. Also, their main role should be to keep the sub away from the convoy, not delay the convoy from their schedule. To bring the cargo at the destination should be the main priority, not hunting a solo sub in the middle of Atlantic while a whole nation is in major distress

An yes, all escorts left the convoy behind to hunt me down. True, one of them was just sitting silent a bit away from the rest of the escorts, seems like he was the commander. But the rest of the convoy were completely stooped about 5-8km further waiting for the escort group to come back in position. Not to mention that the escorts consumed their ammo in just few hours, still they were just passing over and over above me for days. Absolutely pointless strategy for an escort group. If this were made by a dedicated KH group, I would have no objection as this is their role, hunt the sub no matter what. But a large convoy with vital cargo for a whole nation in war stooping in the middle of Atlantic and hunt a single sub for 2 days.. it's just impossible to accept. I will put back IRAI on and if it happens again, I will post images just to prove my words.
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