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Old 11-27-19, 12:20 AM   #153
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I'll have to see what you are getting with the Quick Patrols. Different files load for the different modes. You might be getting the game's Single Mission file, which I did not attempt to fix, and which is completely different from the Career mode... That being said, I have found old files back in the mod, which is not good... I'll look into that Balikpapan thing later today...

Originally Posted by von Zelda View Post
Propbeanie, I have a question after seeing nine destroyers in each of two different 14 ship Japanese invasion fleets.

Side view using the unit camera buttons (< & >), destroyers with #5 and #18 on their bow (don't know them by name) seem to be riding abnormally high in the water. The red band around the hull appears extremely high as the propellers and rudders are seen at or above sea level. The other ships appeared normal.

Career mode, Manila was home port, located outside the Lingayen Gulf in my 4th patrol area in an S-boat. Dates were 12/24/41 and 12/26/41. Window 7 laptop, 4 gig memory, 64-bit, using LAA.

360 degree Bearing Plotter Mod
NMMO Reverse Ocean Colors Add-on Mod
Clean and Quiet Map Mod
Webster’s 300” Underwater Visibility Mod for v1.5
Remove Grain Effect Mod
Lee’s custom Additional Messages Mod
amb_SubmarineInterior sound Mod from Pacific
Lee’s custom Commands
The Reverse Colors, Clean & Quiet, Underwater Visibility, Remove Grain are all basically "overlay" mods, and should be OK, though they have not been tested. The 360 Plotter is basically already in the game, though not as big as that one, but it also does not take as much memory to display. The Additional Messages should be OK, but does ruin all of the base notifications you would normally get. What you could do with it, is to use WinMerge and combine the two files. You really have to be careful with Sound and Command mods in FotRSU, since some of them do things that are not good for the FotRSU mod, and they might also not comply with "Stock" specs. Certain sound files that do not comply to time lengths and bit-depth or resolution of the stock sound files can and do cause trouble, so be aware of that. All of that being said, none of those are the likely cause of the ships wearing hot pants and mini-skirts, dancing around with their skivvies showing... As mentioned in your other post, I am reasonably certain it was the Groups that had duplicate ship names, especially the sub chasers and Akatsuki DD, since there were four SC, and probably almost a half-dozen Akatsuki that had duplicated names in that particular mis file. Add-in that several of the groups with the Small Passenger troop ships exceeded their MaxSpeed setting, and I'm surprised the game ran. This is one of the files that 'reverted' to a previous state some how. Not good...

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna
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