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Old 06-22-20, 10:30 AM   #1370
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Originally Posted by Havan_IronOak View Post
Hit an unusual glitch today with the free camera. When I used the NumPad 1 key to move the camera down, the camera went from free camera to free-falling it kept moving down and down and down none of the other camera movement keys could stop it.

Finally got it cleared by going back into the ship and using a camera movement key in there to regain control.

I WAS a good distance from the sub when the error occurred but doubt that that had any bearing on the issue.

I had a problem with my last save. After sinking a larger tanker I saved and broke for the night. But when I tried to reload that save I started taking damage.

Last night the tanker didn't go down after I put two torpedoes in her (the third and fourth that I'd fired this patrol) so I surfaced and finished her with the deck gun. I was close enough that she opened up on me with her AA gun (all she had) but I took zero damage. After watching her sink (ooh! Fire! Pretty!) I got back on course - all was quiet and I decided that I was tired so did the save and went to bed.

Now this morning when I tried to load that save, I started taking damage.

I had my gun crews injured and the main deck gun damaged.

More out of curiosity than anything else. I completely exited SH4 and tried again with the same result.

Not liking that, I tried loading an earlier save I had one from just before I activated time compression waiting for the tanker to come into a good firing range.

When that one activated it immediately told me I was taking damage followed by two torpedo in the water messages.

Thinking that that just made things worse, I quit out of SH4 completely and restarted loading a save from even earlier. I was in that one and had a feeling that I should be finding a tanker soon.

Just out of curiosity I went to my External camera and encountered the glitch I started this post with.

I'm guessing that NONE of this is the fault of the FotRSU mod but thought I'd post it here just in case.

Oh.. and did I mention the Loch Ness monster?
You don't mention your boat, where you sailed from, etc., plus how far out you might have been with the camera, such as 2 seconds from my boat, or 10 seconds from my boat, etc. The free camera is easy to confuse, and the further you get from your boat, the more "strangeness" you will see. We'll double-check the camera though. We need at least the boat, to look at the proper camera cfg.

As for the "taking damage", the Save might not have been complete, or wrote bad data last night, or maybe you hadn't noticed the damage. My guess is that you should most likely have taken damage last night from the AA guns on the enemy vessel, because they can an will hit you within 1800 yards almost without fail, especially if given more than 30 seconds to target you. Why you were not informed of the damage, I don't know. But the Save is probably accurate on that. The damages were not repaired, nor the wounded healed prior to the Save, so that took up where the game first encountered them.

Loading the previous Save, you most likely encountered what happens all of the time with loading Saves in this squirrellie game, and that is the "sound" of something happening previously. So you probably heard at least one torpedo shot, or the air expulsion, then the "Torpedo in the water" and "We're taking damage sir!" along with possible explosions and "screeches" of metal-on-metal or some-such, and all relatively close together???

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna
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