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Old 05-01-07, 08:06 PM   #10
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Default DftD status

As far as I know, cargo derricks are topped or lowered down and lashed before the ship proceed to sea. All of your ships have their booms in a "working" condition.... Meaning they'd sway around and whack into stuff in a seaway.
i thought about that, i honestly did, but the models looked so much better with the derricks in different positions. In any case, we just added transformations support for the models. Altough in-game you don't see any changes yet, the models, most of them (but not all) were already updated with this information, so that you can have rotating propellers, rudders, turrets, elevating guns in turrets, etc... it would be trivial to add support for rotating derricks, altough it would be far trickier for the game to know when to rotate them (when in a base/port, but easier said than done ), but you're absolutely right, still don't know if i should fix this, i'll have to check some things later, but atm, i'll leave it as it is, but once again, you're absolutely right, and i feel a bit embarrassed that someone noticed eheheheh

The Tribal class destroyer had some issues, and basically work had to be, not restarted, but almost, on this model. The good news is that the new one, has a far better structure, which mean that should be trivial to make all the different versions (and skins )
More models... Type IIA, IIB, IIC, and IID uboats were added, together with skins for each type.
Work is underway in physics (boyancy/damage calculation), and sonar code (in fact, wave/signal processing, so it will apply to sonar and radar). As you can imagine, both these areas are heavy in math&physics, but it'll be done.
As a bonus, you'll have a realistic sonar & radar behaviour, which means you actually have to learn how to operate the devices, but hey, we all like realism
As for physics (boyancy mainly), it will take a bit more time, but as a bonus, the player will have full boyancy control, meaning torpedo trim tanks, ballasts, etc... player will be responsible to balance the ship after firing torpedos, keep an eye on torpedos and fuel load (ex: if you didn't fired any torpedos in the type IX, and spent all the fuel, you would sink (fuel = lesser density than water = positive boyancy))...
Another note, code is now multithreaded, sound has its own thread, and sound code was updated too.
So, altough we've been very silent, we've also been busy working on dangerdeep
Just thought i should post a small update status here. I'll post here again as soon as we're close to a release, or when a release is ready
Stay tuned

P.S.: i forgot, new captain's cabin screen, and ship log, altough ship log still needs some tweaking, and the captain cabin's subscreens still need to be added (in-game help, ship recognition manual, career info, etc...)

P.P.S.: the one i'm more proud of is the CAM ship, you can even notice the 12.7mm "burn" marks in the wings, on the Hawker Sea Hurricane (and there will be another CAM ship, based on the Empire class freighter, but later)
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