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Old 02-05-07, 08:36 PM   #162
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Originally Posted by robj250
Originally Posted by neo111
Originally Posted by fredbass
Originally Posted by neo111
I keep reading "Install when your U-boat is in base." What does this mean? Is it that I have to have the game running to install the mod, or is the term, "in base" simply referring to the fact that the game has not been started? Sorry if this is a dumb question but I am not familier with the terms being used yet.

Great site by the way. Fantastic and friendly atmosphere. Thank you.
What happens is that once you've started a patrol and you are at sea, the game is recognizing certain variables that you currently are using. If you enable a mod at sea, you basically are interrupting the current variable with something that the current gameplay might not recognize and could possibly crash the game. So to be safe, it's best to always enable them in base so you can avoid any possible problems since the game is basically starting fresh from that point and will read your setup as a whole and not fractional.
OK. Yes, I grasp that and thanks for taking the time to reply. What I mean is, do you mean, run the game, pause it and then add the mods or, can the mods be added without running the game? Is that clear? I don't think I made it clear in my original question.
NO. finish your patrol and take your sub back to base and then turn off the game. Now you can install or do whatever it is you want to do. If you are using SH3 Commander, roll-back before you install a new mod.
OK. Thanks, I understand that now. However, (there is always a "however") I am having real problems understanding how to use the JSGME software to install these new mods. At the moment I have no mods installed. I have read the instructions over and over again but they seem so confusing I can't get to grips with them. I have looked carefully at the JPG file picture included with the program but still cannot make any sense out of them. Is there a blow by blow account on the site somewhere I can read?

Thnak you for your patience with me.
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