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Old 12-09-21, 12:24 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by wholymoly View Post
Playing regular old SH4 v1.5 while on 2nd patrol in the USS Kingfish mid 1942 off the coast of Honshu the game spawns a colossal convoy. I counted 54 destroyers of various classes and multiple copies of merchant ships. The frame rates drop from 200+ to about 60 fps. Until the game crashes that is, usually not too long after the sonarman picks up a few of the ships. I'm just trying to get back to Pearl Harbor, I've already expended all the torpedoes. I think I might have to restart this patrol, shame really since I had good success against a regular sized convoy.
These "groups", while looking like groups, usually are not. They are generally improperly "terminated" single ships, that "circle the globe" instead of disappearing when they reach their last waypoint. In most cases, these are supposed to have been "docked" ships that are not supposed to move, but were accidentally left at the default 5knot setting, and with their "DeleteOnLastWaypoint" set to "false". So they instead drive off in the direction of their heading, and this being a game controlled by a database now, instead of actually spawning the asset when you are nowhere near (like SH3 does), the computer will track the ship through the Artic circle, back up through Antartica, and back into game play. Each cycle of the group will spawn a new ship on the same heading. This continues, until the player comes along to within "spawn" range, of roughly 34nm, when all of the ships close-by will then actually generate and appear. You won't notice an issue until you get close enough to have 30 or 40 or more of the ships within range. I don't remember Stock having the issue, but it may have. There were roughly seven or eight groups in FOTRS (the original) that were like that. Some other mods have similar, but I am not familiar with their counts, nor which ones. If you previously had a mod activated, and then went back to Stock without having emptied the Save folder, that can also cause the issue, since a given group in the Save data might not be in Stock, and the game does not know what to do with it. My suspicion is that is what you might be experiencing.

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna
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