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Old 11-26-21, 07:21 AM   #18
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Setting it up, callibrating, programming for ACC now is done. I like the wheel, and ver ymuch, its incredibly much bang for the buck, even when consideirng that to the price for the wheel the costs of the mount must be added, it is not included with this one.

The stickers and button caps all were included, but there is a separate set of labels and coloured button caps avisalable for even more extensive setups. Costly, but thigns are wiorth whast people will to pay for it. I give the link, its at least interesting that such things are available.

They have black friday sales until end of the month, and some interetsing entry level offers, especially the R300 wheelrim combined with the CSL hub look intereszing, its 200 instead of 300 coins. Mind you, the wheelbase is not included. For Fanatec standards, its a steal.

And then there is their new BMW wheel for 1800 coins, which is a total and complete original 1:1 replica, design wise and functionality-wise. (My GT3 wheel is a replica, too, but has two differences, where it has a small OLED display, the real wheel has a forth rotary, and the X-box button in the right bottom corner that I mapped for VR recentering and camera change on my wheel - ACC allows maping of up to four functions on one button - , is missing, else it is identical to the real one). Take it off your PC, take it to the real world track, plug it into a real BMW, and drive with full functionality. What is that? The redefinition of "immersion"! No joke, both Fanatec advertize that you could do this. If you own that BMW. There is a hook in anything.

They also raised the curtain over the long kept secret, Fanatex now pürovides the offically licenses Playstation Grand Turismo wheel. Its ther wheel, pedla shiftes on it, wheelbase and pedal set (2). Available in four combinations (2 pedal combos, two wheelbases), the cheapest combination nevertheless will cost the player 700 coins. It looks not bad, but for that lot of money I would nevertheless prefer a wheel looking less toyish and fanatsy-driven.

And yes, I am a wheel junkey, I do not collect them or own many, just two, but already as a little kid I painted my own wheel and dashboard and glued it to the back of the carseat of my father when we were in the car, and then I "driove". Looking at different complex wheel designs just turns me on. Its not the driving, actually I have amost no interets inc ars and I do nopt own a car nor do I drive (and have no need to do so, btw), its the gadget itself. I just like HOTAS things and the technology behind such things. That would turn me probably more into an engineer than driver.

However, I love to drive racing, in sims.

I do not like alcoghol-free beer, tastes not good. I do not like white beer, tastes awful. But I like acohol-free white beer, and prefer it over normal alcoholic beer. You see the pattern.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 11-26-21 at 07:32 AM.
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