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Old 07-08-12, 04:58 AM   #56
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Well, not for me. Ban Nazis, smack Nazi, crack down on them and leave them no room to move and no air to breath.
I take the other view give them plenty of room and publicity and let themselves show very openly what they are so no one can have any doubt about the nature of the scum.

Two small things 19Herr, that crap rap sheet you think people have forgotten about, you seem to forget that he was your buddy back then when he was piling the crap on his sheet.
But thank you for enlightening me, I had never realised that handing Iraq over to the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution and its Iranian friends from the theocracy was striking a blow for freedom, I humbly thank you for showing me the truth of your speading freedom as until I read your words I had thought you just handed the country to some fundamentalist nuts of the shia persuation.

All this "undeclared war", "War on Terror was wrong" stuff makes me sick to my stomach.
That is not surprising, your stomach must really churn so you can still keep down the rubbish you swallowed.
Perhaps it would be easier for you to avoid the sickness feeling if you finally seperated Iraq from the "war on terror".
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