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Old 05-11-22, 05:32 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by mapuc View Post
I don't know how exact this is, 'cause it's taken from a book by Tom Clancy.
(Can't remember the title though)

In the book the author says that a SAM needs some sec after launch before being active-That's why Ships has CIWS or 40 mm anti air guns because the SM 2 need some sec or distance before getting active.

Can have remembered wrong though.

The rotary SA-N-9 system (S300) can only fire 1 missile from each rotary VLS at one time, the onboard system can manage up to 6 missiles at once but, the system needs an active air search radar and also the targeting radar to be switched on.

The rotary VLS is not as clean as the MK41 which can launch multiple missiles in one go and the aegis system can handle a decent number of missiles in one go too.
The same is for the type 996 and sea ceptor missiles on the type 23 and the Sampson S1850 system on the type 45 with its Viper missiles.

They all do need to be a distance away from the ship before they activate that's more for safety reasons, and I wont confirm to you the actual ranges on that.

CIWS such as goal keeper or Phalanx are a great tool they are point defence weapons systems, this will include sea ram as well.

Imagine an onion

The outer layer and for this lets say 30nm is covered by your best SAMs these being something like Aster 30 or SM2 for example.

The next layer is your Aster 15 or ESSM these have a shorter range lets just say 15nm

The next layer is your CIWS these are the goal keeper Phalanx and sea ram

Obvious reasons I have just pulled numbers from my backside but I am sure you get the picture

when you look at detection its pretty much the same as the missile defense its a layered defense.
If you were going platform v platform it might look something like this:

beyond that outer layer your likely going to have a submarine which will pick up and track major units and contacts subsurface and surface this can be 600nm away from a carrier group

AWACS or an AEW capable aircraft be the next layer operating anywhere between 300-400nm from the group

Long range air and surface search radars they are out to 200nm

Short range search radar 75nm

Targeting radar 50nm

Its all layered defense it gives you multiple chances to detect an incoming threat, if my memory serves me right the type 45 has 8 radar operators on the surface and air search radars, the burkes have 8-10.

Again I have just pulled some numbers out the backside here as I don't want to give anything away.
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