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Old 10-13-07, 01:15 AM   #47
Ace of the Deep
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Default Harpoon 3 scenarios for the PlayersDB

The 279th NEW Harpoon scenario of the year!

The Third Temple

A surprise attack by Egypt and Syria on Israel during Yom Kippur yesterday has been astonishingly successful.

Using the element of surprise, the Egyptian and Syrian Air Forces destroyed scores of Israeli planes in their revetments. Under cover of the strongest SAM-belts the world has ever seen, Syrian ground forces have broken through Israeli defences along the Golan Heights and are pushing south towards Jerusalem. Israeli ground-attack planes destroyed scores of tanks, but were decimated by SAMs.

As the Syrians are moving out of the protection of their SAM belt, they rely on the Air force to support the advancing tanks.

In desperation, Israel and has ordered the arming of F-4 Phantoms with Nuclear bombs.

Author: Freek Schepers

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Just unzip the file(s) into your Harpoon3 folder normally found at C:\...\Harpoon3

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This scenario requires the latest release of the PlayersDB v7.4.7

Get it via: HarPlonkHQ, GameSquad, HarpGamer, SimHQ, Matrix, SubSim, or Frugal's World of Simulation.

Harpoon ANW users can get the:
Complete Harpoon ANW Library [PlayersDB-7.4.7-ANW]

Just unzip the file into your ANW Databases folder normally found at:
C:\Matrix Games\Harpoon 3 Advanced Naval Warfare\Databases

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