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Old 10-17-23, 10:55 AM   #15
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Nova Zeelandia
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Thou shalt not be weak and indecisive.

Choose an action and prosecute it with extreme aggression - especially if you're skippering a Soviet boat.

Seize the initiative and keep it. Panic the enemy so much that he can longer think of anything but escape.

And speaking as a Soviet skipper of a hard-shelled Akula, sometimes it's ok to take a hit from a low-yield torpedo if it means keeping your wires for long enough to ensure that the targets are killed.

Your mileage may vary, but for me in a Soviet boat, high aggression pays off.

I recently solved an irritating Allied ASW problem by charging up to decks awash depth at flank speed, swatting two ASW choppers and a P-3 out of the sky before the enemy realised that I was even there. There was some incoming fire from the battlegroup that I was assigned to destroy but nothing effective because they were so far away.

They then charged at me, which is exactly what I wanted. Cue escorts down and two Ticonderogas turning and running, both getting a couple of heavy-duty wake-homers up their rear ends for their trouble.

Keep the enemy reacting to you, not you to them.

Be the bully, not the victim.

Oh, and distraction kills.. it can kill your masts, your listening boom, and sometimes your boat if you don't keep an eye on the elevation changes in the ocean floor below you.

Happy hunting and please shoot a seagull with an S-300 for me. There is no such thing as overkill.

Silence is Golden
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