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Old 04-08-24, 12:18 AM   #5
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It seems you’re encountering a crash to desktop (CTD) issue when accessing certain parts of the recognition manual in Silent Hunter 4 with the TMO and RSRDC mods. This could be due to a variety of reasons, including mod conflicts or corrupted files.
To address the issue with the recognition manual, you might need to edit the game’s configuration files. These files are usually located in the game’s installation directory, often within a ‘Data’ or ‘Config’ subfolder. However, the exact location can vary depending on how the game is modded.

Here are some general steps you can take to troubleshoot and potentially fix the issue.

Check for Mod Conflicts Ensure that there are no conflicts between the mods you have installed. Use a mod manager like JoneSoft Generic Mod Enabler (JSGME) to manage your mods and check for conflicts.
Verify Game Files If you’re using a platform like Steam, use the ‘Verify Integrity of Game Files’ feature to check for and repair any corrupted files.
Edit Recognition Manual Files If the issue is specifically with the recognition manual, you may need to locate the manual files within the game’s directory structure and check them for errors. These files might be in a format that can be edited with a text editor.
Apply Bug Fixes Check out the Silent Hunter Wiki for known bug fixes that might address your issue.
Large Address Aware Patch If you’re running the game on a modern system, applying a Large Address Aware patch can help prevent CTDs by allowing the game to use more memory.
Remember to back up your game files before making any changes, so you can restore them if something goes wrong.
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