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Old 05-30-23, 07:46 PM   #7
CTD - it's not just a job
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Run Silent Run Deep Campaign (RSRDC) does alter some of the AI settings, but does not make them "easier". The mod is more of a "traffic" mod, in that when lurker_hlb3 wrote it, he researched all of the convoys he could find, and their historical routing, date of departure and arrival (if it did). He then plotted them in the mod. Some "artistic license" was necessary to make things reasonably "on time", and certain aspects had to be assumed. In line with that, lurker_hlb3 reduced the rrates for andomly spawned groups of Stock and TMO, but did keep some for variability. He also tracked down quite a few Task Force movements, both Japanese and American, and put those in. Some call it predictable - which it is - but there is so much going on in the world at any given time, I can only ever remember the important dates, and then at that, I am usually nowhere near the event I remembered... It definitely makes "hunting" much more difficult, since the traffic patterns are more "realistic", but does not change the DD behavior of TMO much. There is an RSRDC version for Stock, which can also be used on top of GFO. What you want to do, is get used to "proper technique" in the game, such as only short looks on the periscope when tracking a group or ship. Get out in front of the group, go deep and approach the last bit at Silent Running and 1 knot speed. Come up once you have passed the screen, do your shooting, go deep and try to reload, if you get to take it off Silent Running. You might have to let the DD drop cans for a few hours and then go away, come back up top, and do another run-around move. Lather Rinse Repeat.

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna
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