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Old 10-31-14, 04:51 AM   #7
Royal Kinotropist
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Starting work on the Pennant Number. I began by typing it out on Photoshop to the correct dimensions. It took a while to find a suitable font, this ended up being the closest, though I had to add the flat top to the '3' myself. I then printed it out, and cut the letters out to make a template which I then transferred onto a double layer of Frog Tape, and carefully cut out.

This was then carefully peeled up and placed on the model.

Then given a coat of neat Rubber Black to minimise bleeding.

Turned out better than I could have hoped tbh! Just needed a little touching up.

While the Klear on the hull ready for weathering was drying I turned my attention to the wooden decks. I began by cutting the Plastruct strip into 3cm lengths and creating a border around where the planking will be.

This was as far as I could manage to get tonight before losing my sanity. Quite pleased with it though.

I then weathered the hull in the same manner as the rest of the ship. Bear in mind the photos make it look a LOT more pronounced than it actually is, plus it still needs a coat of Dark dirt which will tone everything down.

So, as I say, next job will be a wash on the hull and some streaking, then I need to start getting the ballast sorted. I bought some £3 rebar from B&Q today which I'm hoping will be a good start after I lop it in half with an angle grinder. then I can add some lead and stuff.



Carrying on with the weathering, I gave the hull a coat of matt then sprayed down a coat of slightly thinned Flory Models Dark Dirt wash, plus a few patches of Mud Brown. I then got a large wet brush and streaked the wash downwards, aiming to take most of it off. Takes a bit of time but I like the effect.

It then got a coat of Klear followed by a good final coat of Xtracrylix Matt.

Sea trials! She floats!

It took a meter of rebar, about a foot square of lead sheet, some wheel weights and some chain links to get her to float right, but she sits in the water nicely now

Really pleased with how it's coming on now.


Don't judge a ship by the number of it's guns, but by the skill of it's crew.
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