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Old 02-02-23, 07:19 AM   #27
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Since many years in evolving and development, now listed at Steam as "soon".

Funny. When i was a boy and still at school, I one day pinned a Din-A3-worldmap on a cardbox, and started to "sail around the world", in "real time". I used a needle to mark my daily position changes. I estimated speeds for rivers, lakes and oceans. I scanned the weather forecast to reduce speeds when bad weather in my region was coming up, or stayed in harbour. I followed coastlines and rivers, estimated harbour times, fantasized of being here and there and staying for a day or two before moving on. All without internet or computer! Every day I spend a few minutes to log my latest trip advancements. I even hosted some VIP guests on my imagined boat, a revamped former German Seenotrettungskreuzer from the 70s, and these guests usually were the stars and heroes of some TV series or movies. I even wrote a daily logbook. And almost six months later, I returned back home, on river, to Berlin. It was the most creative use of human fantasy and imagination you can think of!

Possible that this laid the inner foundation deep inside me for my decision years later to do several longer journeys to the ME and North Africa, sometimes privately, sometimes for a special job. It may have paved the road for my motivation, and courage to make those steps (I was very shy and insecure as a young boy, and needed to learn to be stronger).

I wonder if this sandbox will allow me, 45 years later, to repeat that global voyage, just in a more sophisticated fashion...? That would be a stunner. I did it in Flight Sinmualtor already, FSX. Once around the globe, in short hops of 1-2 hours duration, in a Cessna Caravan mostly. But on a small boat - well, flying and sailing are not really the same things, aren't they...

If its possible, maybe I will even start a daily thread documenting my travel and adventures then. Writing on places, posting photos and warningb you when I am nearing a place where you are.

Outerra World Sandbox. Sounds fascinating to me. Lets indianajonesing around a bit.
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