Thread: SHO on RPS
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Old 09-04-12, 07:08 PM   #6
Join Date: Aug 2012
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This is my first post since joining this wonderful community. I recently dusted off my SH4 and figured I would give it a whirl since I had not actually played it yet (I purchased it just before moving a few years ago and forgot I had it).

I have to say SHO looks about as intruiging as the movie Battleship. I wholeheartedly agree with each response so far that Flash has been the death knock of the gaming community.

Low skilled developers and programmers have traded in truly hard earned experience historically attached to extremely high quality titles for products with a few thousand lines of code and subpar depth all in the goal of a quick buck. Shame on them...and everyone who accepts this material.

What is the defense? The most common response I have received is "People do not want to spend $50 on a game and then spend 5 hours just learning how to play and then go on 10 hour gaming sessions."

Ahem...well, how much does the average person spend on farmville? Let us see. My cousin, who is what I would call a highly intelligent person, spends an average of $20 a week on flash-based game upgrades (or micro-purchases as they like to call them) and then spends at least 5 hours a day upkeeping crops, fish or other nonsensical and unrewarding games.

So, from a big picture perspective (which I think is the key ability the current generation is missing), I buy SH4 at release for $40 and then buy...ummm...oh yeah, the expansion for $10 and then...welll...hrmmm...oh creative material released by the community costs....ummm...oh it is free...that is right.

In a year I would estimate the flash gamer spends easily over $500 while I enjoy quality games with depth and visual appeal for, what, you figure three games a year? Less than $100.

Yes, I think we will have to suck it up until this fad expires, just as the Facebook limelight is beginning to fade. Once the rotation is complete we will be back to some quality games and programs again...then again, maybe it is simply the end. I hope not.

Titles like Armed Assault, Silent Hunter 4 (and lower...not 5) give me solace. Thoughts?
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