Thread: Mods Glitch?
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Old 08-21-17, 06:59 AM   #9
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In JSGME there is an ability to check your stock game files (provided you took a "Snapshot" of your clean game files before adding your first modification) by Comparing that previously taken "Snapshot" with the files you have now.

If all is well with your stock game, the "Comparison" will state so by all files reporting "Same" after the comparison is done. If not, you either understand that some things could be "New", like a taken in-game picture you have in the "main" game folder, or it could be a "New" modded file that's a leftover from a previous mod install that's messing up the works.

Some files may be reported to be "Differant"....this is never good. Some files may be reported as "Removed"......this isn't good either for obvious reasons.

The feature is found in the "Tasks...." menu in the center of JSGME's main page. However, if you didn't take that clean, unmodded image of your complete game files before adding your first shouldn't think to take a "Snapshot" now.......too late, the cows out of the barn, why shut the gate now?!?

Remove the game completely from installation (follow the post's that tell you how), delete the Documents/SH4 folder, reinstall, then take the "Snapshot" after adding JSGME to your game.

The HMS Shannon vs. USS Chesapeake outside Boston Harbor June 1, 1813

USS Chesapeake Captain James Lawrence lay mortally wounded...
.."tell the men to fire faster, fight 'till she sinks,..boys don't give up the ship!"
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