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Old 10-23-14, 06:41 AM   #2
Sea Lord
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Originally Posted by Tindahbawx View Post
Hi guys,

I've only ever played SH5, and I'm used to having a long and temperamental JSGME mod list to fiddle around with to get the game "just right".

But I thought I'd give SH4 a go, I've never played it before, the Pacific campaign would be nice. So I'm looking on the SH4 mods sub-forum, and have elected to go with one of the big mods, RFB along with RSRD.

To me though this seems to be a ridiculously short mod load order in JSGME, and before I start a game, and potentially don't have the ability to change mods mid camapaign (I just know SH5 is tempermental in this regard) is there any other mods I should be adding to the mod before I start?

As an example, in SH5 I'm running Sobers Mega Mod, plus extra mods on top, at around 95 entries in my JSGME load order, having such a short load order is just making me nervous, like I'm missing something?

So aside from RFB and RSRD, is there anything else I should be adding to the game? Any graphical mods to make those waves and clouds look extra pretty?

Sorry if this seems a little odd and is just down to SH5 being a broken piece of crap, requiring many mods to fix?

Thanks in advance guys!
Ahoy, TB!

There are several reasons for the shorter mod lists for SH4. One is that the megamods - RFB, TMO, GFO, FOTRS, and OM) all incorporate a lot of the essential game fixes. SH4 has had a couple more years for modders to consolidate the mods needed to make the game stable. Another is that there is frankly less interest in SH4 among the modding community. The game lacks much of the high-tech appeal of SH5. And let's face it, few gamers outside the US know or care about the history of the Silent Service. Interest and support for SH3 and SH5 is world-wide.

Beyond the supermods, most mods for SH4 are small and cosmetic, graphics or sound changes. AFAIK, the only SH4 mod that affects gameplay is Cap'n Scurvy's Optical Targeting Correction. (I hope I haven't overlooked anybody's handiwork. I haven't followed SH4 closely for a while.) OTC is a must-have. But it only works for stock and TMO (with and without RSRDC). There is no version for RFB 2.0.

Anyway, here is my mod list:

Generic Mod Enabler - v2.6.0.157
TMOPlot Final
Sub Class Info - RFB
Sub Class Info - RSRDC - RFB
Improved Stock Environment_v3_TMO&RFB
Speech Overhaul
Strategic Map Symbols
Radio RAK-7 (CND-46155)
Webster's Torpedo Test Missions for v1.5
Bigger Better Protractors
USHO Chart Color Scheme
3000 Yard Bearing Tool (1920x)
High Realism Mission
Custom Keyboard
Office Images
Office Window - Palm Trees 4
Patchman's Über Navigation Charts
SofuGan for RSRDC V575
Range Dial for RFB v2.0

Caveat: A couple of them are homebrews that you won't find online:

USHO Chart Color Scheme
Custom Keyboard
SofuGan for RSRDC V575
Range Dial for RFB v2.0

Of these, only the range dial affects game play. I shamelessly copied that from Cap'n Scurvy's OTC.

I'd also recommend using Eric Knepfler's SHSpeech. It allows voice command instead of keyboard-and-mouse. It's a great addition to any of the SH games. As downloaded, some of the files require tweaking for best performance, but if you are interested, I can send you the tweaked files.

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