Thread: sound mod
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Old 05-12-22, 12:21 AM   #1
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Default sound mod

Hi captains. I have been trying different mods on SH3 for a while now, and find some OK, some not so. However after getting settled with the "Mods" I like am now pretty much settled .
HOWEVER, in one of the mods I tried there was one feature that now I can't find it It is a sound mod and basically it's the sound of the subs engine when submerged. For want of a better way to describe it, I can only say that it sounds like a washing machine on full spin but not as loud electric (battery engine)
Obviously I am trying to find it but have spent "Day's" but cannot find it anywhere.
Please can someone who may know what I'm after, fintd it and drop me a link???
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