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Old 06-22-21, 05:52 PM   #3489
Join Date: Nov 2012
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I have a new question... I just got a mission to patrol Lamon bay for 10 days, but the circle around the target area is absolutely tiny at ~25NM. Now its been a while since I've played, but iirc you have to finish at least one assignment to avoid a failed mission result, so I'm wondering if I've got to stay within that little circle for 10 days, or if the actual area is larger? This is especially true for this bay since most of it is too shallow to dive, which would force me into hiding in the few areas that are deeper than 50ft...


EDIT: IIRC in previous iterations of my playthroughs, you had to be within 100NM for it to count, so I'm just not sure if the circle is the actual zone required for completion or just a visual indicator of the place you're supposed to patrol near.

EDIT2: I've noticed that I keep getting messages to use one engine only to conserve fuel. Is this a feature that's been added by the mod, or maybe something that's always been there that I've never known about, or is it really just some flavor text? Thanks again.

Last edited by AviatorMan; 06-22-21 at 06:03 PM.
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