Thread: [REL] KSDII New Version 1.4.2
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Old 01-03-23, 05:35 AM   #18
Join Date: Sep 2007
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Hi there, I'm not sure if I'm doing this wrong or its a feature of KSD II which I'm not aware.

I am attempting to calculate range of a ship using the method from Solution_Solver_Angriffsscheibe_Wiz-Wheel_Attack_Disc_Handbook.pdf
page 13. The problem is when I tried using the periscope, I get a figure less than half of the actual range calculated by the auto TDC. what am I doing wrong?

1. Once you have visually identified the class of ship using your Ship Recognition Manual (Schiffserkennungshandbuch), you know the mast height of the <ship> is X meters.
2. Using your optics, measure the angle from the waterline to the top of the mast (see Appendix A). Angle θ is Y degrees.
2. From the chart above, you find that the tangent of Y degrees is approximately Z.
3. Divide X meters by Z. The target range is approximately <range> meters.

The convoy lights are dead ahead
The merchantmen lay in their bed
The thump of diesels hammers down
In the oily sea-the killing ground
His knuckles white his eyes alight
He slams the hatch on the deadly night
A cunning fox in the chickens lair
A hound of hell and the devil dont care

-Iron Maiden

Last edited by bratwurstdimsum; 01-03-23 at 05:51 AM.
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