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Old 02-02-12, 04:26 PM   #35
Grey Wolf
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Thanks for the info Vanilla!

Glad to hear that they actually fired cannons at submerged subs! Otherwise this would have been somewhat pointless in the first place!

I m still curious wether that getcontactdepth means your just as visible to the game as if you were surfaced when above 15 m. doesn t look that way since they stop shooting with peri down but anyways I WANT them to shoot if they spot me but I DONT want them to spot me like if I m surfaced when I sneak silent under the surface .
GetContactDepth only returns the depth of the contact and nothing more.
Yep, it doesn't mean that they can automaticly spot you if you are above 15 meters. If they have spotted you with sensors and you are above 15 meters, only then they can fire at you. So you can still sneak silently in periscope depth and they won't spot you.

Been messing with the scripts like crazy (yes, I'm a bit obsessed by this...) but no significant progress. However, I noticed one thing! When you are in periscope depth, and the periscope is up, and they have spotted you and started firing, do not lower the scope, but just dive to safety. Now when you pass the 15 meter line, enemies will see it and know that you are too deep to attack with cannons. This way even DD's will instantly stop firing you.

I'll try to explain it with example... If you just lower the scope when you are attacked with cannons in periscope depth, escorts lose your contact and continue firing the area several minutes. They think that you still might be there even if you are 100 meters below. But if you dive with periscope up (with -15 depth value it has to be all way up) they see you as you pass the magical line and understand to stop. Ofcourse this is not a perfect way either, you are basically helping the escorts by telling them your depth!

So close....
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