Thread: The new guy
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Old 04-01-09, 12:55 PM   #8
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Spokane W.A.
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OK, I got SH3 all pimped out with GWX 3.0, and some other neat mods I found, still looking for some new Type VII B and C skins. I got SH4, but I have the u-boat missions, I had it downloaded from a site, but can't find it and might have to buy it again. I plan to install the RFB 1.52 or something onto it.

well, I'm eager to get to multiplayer with the gang, do you guy have any events schedualed or anything? I mostly play in the mornings, 5am-10am pacific time. And was wondering if there are any other activities I can get involved with.

also, I found this really cool enigma machine simulator thingy, its really detailed, it comes with a tool that lets you creat code books for day, month over even a whole year. I just wish I had an escuse to use it.
therefor i'll post later on a code sheet for the month of april, and post coded messages for times and days i'll be over in SH3, or 4 in multiplayer mode and your welcome to join the hunt.
to get the enigma machine i'll have to post a link to the site I got it from later today. its not too tricky to use, just set up the rotors, and the plugs can get complex.
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