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Old 10-23-07, 09:26 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by TarJak

I'd like to see Indonesia's rainforests preserved so Organ-utans have somewhere to live.
Granted. Unfortunately, too close contact between Orang and human, combined with the pernicious effect of sign-language education among upper order primates as a whole(The Koko Factor), contributes to accelerated development in Chimps, Gorillas, Baboons and Orangs.

While left alone in research labs at night, enterprising chimps research University computers and the internet concentrating on weapons systems development, comparative religions, Early Native American Governance and petropolitics.

Finally, the Orangs strike, after Hacking into Indonesian government computers to increase the exchange of Zoo exhibits, special Orang commando units or Ornaz strike every zoo in the land, releasing all upper and lower order primates. They then reveal the true genius of their plan.

Attacking at dawn on a broad front across Borneo, Java and all the islands, they appear armed and armored entirely with weapons made with pig feces laminated and laquered in layers. The largely Muslim Indonesian Army is hard-pressed to find countering tactics and strategy due to religious instructions regarding pork and pork byproducts. The Orang Army, by now reinforced with all other primates, roll their blitzkrieg over the entire country seizing the oil fields and holding the human economy hostage to their demands. In return for a membership seat at OPEC and a place in the round of traditional tribal kings of the Islands, The Orangs form a new government with their human partners based on the Iroquois Confederacy. At the establishment of the new government, the surviving tribal chiefs of the Iroquois attend the inaugural session.

(Very good, Letum. A few typos and misspellings, but the overall feel and effect of the story was quite good. If I was in that position, seppuku always appealed to me. Must be having to commit it in a past life myself.)

I wish I had some toast.
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