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Old 06-15-14, 02:31 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by PanicEnsues View Post
Can you clarify what you mean by that? Is the pacing too slow? If so, have you tried using the Time Scale control at the top left to speed it up?
What I meant is the map shows too much of what is happening around the sub. It would be nice if there was more ambiguity, especially when submerged.

The fire arc is about 45 degrees (22.5 each way) from the bow and from the stern. When I tried higher values than that, it felt really odd to have torpedoes coming out the side of the sub.
In real life the torpedoes run straight for a bit before the gyro kicks in and turns them onto the correct track, but the actual firing arc is something like +/- 135 degrees or so to each side.

>Still entertaining, though.

Glad you liked it, and thanks again for the feedback. If you have any more, I'm always open to suggestions.
There is something more. On the war patrol, it'd be better if it didn't say straight up how many merchants and escorts you are going up against. This could also be kept more ambiguous.
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