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Old 12-16-21, 10:51 PM   #3
Ocean Warrior
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Originally Posted by Schiffmorder View Post
Would it benefit me to manually set 10 kts for transits on the chance this is the figure Ubi based fuel usage on?
Manually setting speed is probably your best option until you learn what works for you.

(I've been using mods for so long, I don't remember what stock is like anymore, so take this with a grain of salt.)

Each class has it's own "best" speed. I think it's somewhere between 2/3 and full.
There should be an option to determine range at current speed. Use that. Make sure you are not charging batteries, as that will affect the results. Also, make sure that the weather conditions are the same for each test, as the sea state will change results.

Set 2/3, wait until your speed is stable, and check maximum range at current speed.
Set Ahead Standard, wait, and check max range.
Set Ahead Full, wait, check.

Take note of the speed and range for each.
Note the two best ranges. Switch to the manual speed selection, and muck around with different speeds, checking each for max range, until you find the best speed to range option.

Once you know that value, you can use that to get the most out of your boat.
After a while, you will get a feel for what works best. Choose a speed that gets you to your patrol area without driving you insane with waiting, then patrol around at a slower speed. Kick it back up to move to a new area, then slow back down. (You can hear further at slower speeds.) Keep an idea of how much fuel you need to return to base in mind, at whatever speed keeps you sane. Once you get close to that value, start back for the barn. Remember your limitations, and don't burn too much fuel chasing a fast target that you end up stranded. Remember that charging batteries will reduce your range.
"Never ask a World War II history buff for a 'final solution' to your problem!"
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