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Old 02-09-09, 08:20 AM   #83
Sea Lord
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*Comes stumbling out of the kitchen looking tired and very dissheveled and looks round at the full bar! She screams loud and hurls down the drinks and food at the floor*

Look at the state of the lot of you?! There is a crisis on, and all you can think about... is getting lashed or stuffing your faces!!!

Can you not see I'm on my own here in this stinking inn! I should be in bed now, but I'm too scared to sleep and too tired to deal with all of you!! Has anybody seen Nokia!? No! I'm here all by my lonesome serving, cooking, tidying up... my feet... look at my feet!!

*Everybody looks at the feet*

I've been working here, flat out all day and into the night... and for minimum wage!! When I was working for Kpt. Lehmann as his Navigator I was getting benefits, leave time, and company U-Boat... here... I get a great big helping of nothing with a side order of sod all to go with it!! Its not even my Inn!!! But that stingy get Nokia... who is freaking AWOL... won't take on any other bar staff!

I really need to rest now. Instead of treating me like your servant... here's a better idea... why don't you come up with a plan of some sort to deal with those... those... THINGS!! That doesn't include drinking and eating eh!? Because if a creature of some horrific description shows up here... what are you gonna do? Drink it under the table!?

I think you need a more concrete plan than that!!! Consider this, the bar is closed and it won't be open till morning. Now start acting like men instead of a bunch of drunken students!! Get the hell out there and protect us for Godssakes!!! The Fuhrer would be disgusted!!

*Chases out the men into the night!! Slams door shut complete with closed sign, saying "open tomorrow morning" lock clicks.*

I SURVIVED THE FIRST EVER SUBSIM WEREWOLF HUNT - and... I actually won the game for the humans too!
Penelope_Grey is offline