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Old 04-19-21, 08:02 AM   #103
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Battery degeneration over the years is one of the issues I would be at war with. Some weeks ago I red an article about some of the older ecars, some years old now, now have maximum ranges that render the practiclaly uselss - becasue replacing the batteries would cost almost a smuch as the whole car had costed fresh from factory. Batteries grow old, no matter whether you use them or not. You cpuld store them under iedal conditions, and they still would loose in maximum capacity they can hold.

Cold temperatures is an issue. You can easily halve the range you used to have during summer. Or more.

Hot temperatures also are an issue degenerating batteries. Thats why ecars in the US, in those states that are hot and dry, suffer more than those in many European countries with their more modest climate. Want to resell your used ecar? By prepared for a bad surprise. Only stupid buy an old battery. And battery repoalcement , material and working hours, can easily cost you 20,000 coins, and then steeply upwards. AndMusk said he does want people top buy complete new cars every couple of years anyway. So much for sustainability and ecological ressource management.

Oh, did I mentioin the enormous ecological footprint to actually just produce an ecar and especially he battery? Dont look too close, it will ruin your sweet illusions in no time.

Charging infrastructure - a bad joke, in all regards. Avialabiltiy, read.-yxstatus, payment systems.

You live in constant fear that you end up on the road, died down over your battery being empty.

Travel times to reach distant destinations multiplay by several factors. And you have to waste, even if yous tay in your city, hours of your weekls time for sitting still and watch as your battery gets loaded at a commercial charging point.

If this is their idea of a progressive future, they can shove it. I would not want such a car even if I would need a car. IMO, ecars serve just one purpose: annihiating money. Your money. They will deceive this fact by making the working, functional alternative even more expansive without need.

This is what you get when you leave the shaping of the future to a hysterical chorus of stupid wretches who, apart from precocious nonsense and hysteria, learn nothing at school, and opportunistic politicians who are not shameless enough to not serve to these spoiled brats to get their votes.

Ecars - Okay. With cars that can refuel, like gasoline, hydrogene or something like that. Electric motors must not be bad, in princicple can be better and demand less maintenance than fossil fuel-driven engines, and be more powerful at the same time. But rechargable batteries? Scorn and ridicule! Only on a company compound, on a golf course, inside very small cities. There is a reason I assume why the eco-friendly busses in my town do not drive by battery, but hydrogene or plant-made fuel. But I oppose the idea of wasting precious agricultural farming soil for producing - fuel, instead of healthier plants for eating. Its obscene, and in the light of 8+ bn people on this little planet: unexcusable.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 04-19-21 at 08:13 AM.
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