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Old 02-25-09, 07:03 PM   #1
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Default 688(i) Hunter Killer, years later

It's been a while i have not replayed 688(i) Hunter Killer, mostly because i am always toying around with Sub Command.

For nostalgia kick, i launched 688 and after playing 3 missions in a row of the campaign ... i had a very good time, in fact i had even more fun than playing with Sub Command.

Sub Command features most of 688(i) stations, has the same visuals with just better resolution (especially the "ping station").
And of course features more material in mission editor and 2 more playable subs (without counting scx).

But what Sub Commands does not have anymore for some reason is :
-distinct sounds in the broadband in the sonar for more than just torpedoes (as Sonalyst lowered apparently a lot those specific sounds in a Sub Command patch so most of the time you don't hear the difference with the garbage noise and so must only use the visual of the waterfall) . In 688 the "hearable" sounds gives the sonar station a more interesting feel, as the waterfall is certainly very usefull, but being able to hear the sound yourself contribute even more to the immersion.

-the pseudo 3D display inside of the sub instead of just clicking the station icons, in 688 you had a button that gave you a display of each rooms if you wanted to use them instead of using only the icons to go directly to a station like in Sub Command (thought the icons were there too in 688 if you didn't wanted to use the rooms display).
Of course that's useless for gameplay, but in my opinion it is again a bit more immersive.

-the campaign had for me a better interest, not because of the nature of the missions as the Sub Command missions are interesting (and apparently you can convert them overall to Sub Command), but because the points you earn but filling your primary and secondary objectives are not only used for your own ego, they have an impact in the campaign because you can use those earned point to customise the sub.

It may be unrealistic (especially some of the parts you can buy), but for my own fun it adds a lot of replay value, as once you have enough of those points you can customise the 688 in different ways, and you ahve the choice to ignore that if you strictly want to play realistically.
But it simulate a bit that technology improve with time, so as 688 does not feature other more modern subs, this "gamey" feature help to imaging you are assigned to a newer sub class

-The videos, i found it to be really a nice touch to have those videos after some missions with your boss, according to your current score, telling you if you screwed up or congratulating you.
This i think was helping to get the player more inside the story.

Certainly Sub Command had a great thing for it that 688 can't deliver : having a choice between the 688, the Akula and the Seawolf.
But when i play mostly with the 688, i feel doing so with 688 Hunter Killer is more fun and rewarding than with Sub Command.

Anyone felt something similar ?
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