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Old 08-23-23, 06:46 AM   #2750
Silent Hunter
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Originally Posted by Jeff-Groves View Post
On AI for different Countries? It's an easy job to create custom AI Sensors.
One can create those for diffent sized and equipped Units.
That has been done many times in the past.
Yes; quite right. The stock game already gives Japan different sonar from what the Allies have, and it is easy to mod in sensors for different nationalities. I agree this is important, Oliver. Some nationalities will not even have hydrophones very often, while others like the Royal Navy will tend to have them quite early. There will be different ASW craft like drifters, trawlers, motor boats, and steam/motor launches.

"What kind of "hear" will have them (if there will be them in WotK)? Some kind of nerfed sonar or just the stock sh4 hydrophone? "

I have included a weakened sonar plus hydrophones as the most state of the art sensors. No sonar caused very nonagressive AI; this solution has worked well and I am happy with it. I successfully deleted the "ping" noise (which also had the nice effect of stopping certain CTD's). So basically, my weakened sonar represents good hydrophones, plus the intuition of the enemy crew. So far results have been very nice....You get hammered if you run at high speed, but no pinpoint drops, especially if you go to silent running at about 1-2 knots.

"the real enemy of central power submarines were mine fields. what will you do for them?"

There will be lots and lots of mines at varying depths. Early on, many will be duds - by 1917-1918 they will be much more reliable, and you may just run into one. Mines will usually mean instant death....DC's and shells will kill you slower but will still cause severe damage.

Many units will be the drifters/patrol boats/trawlers you mentioned, Oliver. There will be no "tank submarine", so even a 37mm or 57mm shell (like what small escort boats had) will damage the pressure hull badly. And kill you due to progressive flooding -> inability to surface -> sinking to crush depth before repairs can be completed. 3 inch/4 inch shells and larger will be VERY deadly....your sub will only survive 1-2 such hits.

I am using the U-31 Class as a testbed for all damage models; basically the DM has very high hit points so no sudden explosions, instant death except with mine hits, instead, if you take a shell or close DC you will die most of the time from gradual flooding (like in real life). Also increased crew injury probability which is fun....often times near DC's will drop the sailors' health to 80% or even 33%. Makes it much more challenging. Morale also deteriorates more during depth charge attacks.

In totally unrelated news, the naming system has been updated to make characters more interesting! Just part of the high detail level we are striving for:

-First and last names are based on common German names of the time period

-Each crewmember now has a hometown or home region of Germany, in addition to his name (Berlin, Wilhelmshaven, Hamburg, etc.)

-Occasional probability of Austro-Hungarian hometowns

-Resolved problem with SH4 .upc files repeating the same names over and over, and not using the entire crew name file. All that was needed was to create new entries in CrewMembersNames

-Many thousands of possible name combos

-Statistical weighting to make certain names much more common (Muller, Schmidt, etc.)

-Greater likelihood of "aristocratic" names for officers (Graf, Von [whatever])
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