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Old 07-08-12, 06:01 PM   #68
Posts: n/a

It wasn't a war on terror? That's news to me.
Seeing Zarqawi worked for Al Qaeda, among many others.
Times and dates young man, preferably with the conflict of your choice being the key measure so they can be slightly relevant.
But please don't relate the tale of the one legged terrorist you couldn't find even though he was a "KNOWN not SUSPECTED terrorist"

And as for handing the country over to Islamic revolutionaries and Iran or whatever the hell else you spewed...
Simple stuff isn't it.
You do know who the goverment is and you do know where they were based and you do know that the Obama rejected the Sofa agreement because SCIRI handed the negotiations over to Iran for agreement.
Did someone mention sarcasm?

Guess you don't own a globe?
Old ones or new ones?

Look what is in the middle of Iraq and Afghanistan.
Exactly, a crazy persian shia theocracy with a saudi funded pashtun sunni fundamentalist nutjob on one side and a sunni arab nationalist dictatorship on the other side with a side order of nuclear armed sunni nuts on the south east side and some sunnii turkoman nationalists for good measure to seal the deal in the north
Did you just look at the pretty colours on your globe?

I wonder what borders those two countries with, those two countries with a large amount of American troops, equipment, bases, and airfields.... Hmmmm... If only I had a map....
If only
Maybe you should count another border, one of your allies who is happy to slaughter those kurds you think people don't know aboutand that happens to be the only border where you have relatively safe bases.
It seems you are well out of your depth

I must say though, I am almost amazed that you manage to introduce all these angles into an almost entirely unrelated topic, it does suggest that the mess that was Iraq has problems settling in your stomach and causing you problems of a digestive nature, but its Ok I think most people understand that and will treat you gently like I have.
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