Thread: DD's DC storage
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Old 01-14-23, 05:08 PM   #6
Krusty Krab
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Originally Posted by Hooston View Post
Is it 40 charges per rack/projector or 40 charges per escort? 40 charges per escort would be about right for a flower class corvette or mid-war destroyer.
My own experience playing the game suggests it is 40 charges per rack, which would explain how the Fletcher class destroyers in particular can launch huge spreads of charges many times.
Anyone know the right answer? As I said in my earlier post I'm afraid using historical numbers would screw up the game balance unless the escort AI was made a lot smarter. Furthermore real sub hunts would take hours, which is more time than most people are willing to spend in a game playing session.
The way I understand it, it's 40 per escort. In your case there could have been 120 dc's dropped on you with several escorts. Keep in mind, the escorts either have passive sonar ( hydrophones ) on or active sonar ( ASDIC ). You had two escorts listening for your and one pinging away. Once the the escort makes it run it can switch off to listner, then it can go to passive sonar and one of the other listeners becomes the active sonar pinger. They likely dropped six in a salvo, that gives them at least seven runs at you then they switch off. The DC's are not dropped continuously but at intervals of 5 to 10 minutes so to reacquire your position and go for another run. With three escorts, this could easily go on for several hours in your case. Depending on what mods you are using the escorts could have more DC's than 40.

There is a few ASW mods out there that include historical load outs for DC's.

It seems that it is a lot more DC's, especially if you are on the receiving end.
Good judgment comes from experience. Unfortunately, the experience usually comes from bad judgment.

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