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Old 09-08-22, 12:58 PM   #3
Join Date: Jun 2017
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Hello! and welcome back :p
I don't know what do you mean by "behind the target" but I will assume that iy means that your torpedoes always go behind the ship...
First you don't need the distance of the ship for a 0 gyro attack. The only 2 tings you need is the speed of the target and his course.
The course is the first thing you need because your boat will need to be at a 90 degrees course vs your target. So this is why usually you will need the AOB of the target as a first step. First you search the distance with the RAOBF and with that and the target width you will find the AOB.
A trick is to set the AOB in the fire solution, unlock the periscope view then turn untill the AOB indicator point at the bottom. This way to will look exactly at the target course, just like if you were exactly behind him. Finally press the "." key, this is the shortcut for "set course to view". Your navigator will tell you what is the target course.
From that you will know what course you needfor a 90degree attack.

The speed will finally determine at wich bearing you will need to fire the fish, for exemple if the traget is running 6 knots, and your torp are set to fast, 44 knots, normally you will fire when the target pass throw 8 degrees from your bow, 352 or 008.

Hope this help but I would need more details of your problem if I am wrong
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