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Old 12-10-21, 02:06 AM   #3626
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OK, this will wind up sounding a bit odd..

As some of you know, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis back in 2009-2010. Its why I get all of my health care done at the VA. I had really good luck with injecting Interferon (after I built up a tolerance to it) to the point where some of the old damaged areas "healed" back close to normal and my MRI scans showed either no signs or very minimal signs of MS progression.

Then the pandemic hit and I had to put the Neurology appointments on the back burner during the lock downs. I was finally able to set up a Neurology appt. a couple of weeks ago where I had wanted to talk with my Dr. about being on the same medicine vs. switching to one of the other MS meds (doing a shot of Interferon every other day for 13 years starts to take its toll).

My Dr. came back with a curve ball: "Be honest, when was the last time your MS flared up?" I had to think about that, it was something like four years after I started the shots. I ask why and he says "Its a little early with you, but I think we can take you off your meds. What do you think?"

So, we set up an MRI scan appt. which happened yesterday and I got the call this morning: no signs of activity. I'm just waiting now for my Neuro to call back where we can map out a plan to get me off these meds.

This isn't a decision I'm taking lightly. As far as I know, I'm not cured. That never really happens. What does happen with some MS patients is that the disease goes dormant or "burns itself out" once the patient gets into their mid-60's. I just turned 60 last summer so that outcome wasn't even on my RADAR yet.

It is NOW.

To be clear, this ISN'T one of those "cruel VA stories" where they kick me into a snow drift and cut off my meds. I doubt I'll be getting off the good 'ole disability pension any time soon (my disability % is pretty high). Still, I've been able to keep my basic mobility intact and adapt to the stuff that changed.

Anyway, if any of you noticed me walking three inches above the ground in the last two weeks, that was why.

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