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Old 12-20-21, 11:07 PM   #8
Silent Otto
Posts: n/a

Thanks John!

C'mon guys, there are more that play the game than just John and I. Let's hear what others are doing?

Don't have to be story-like, just some tips or whatever you want to add. I started with the Mediterranean as I keep reading there are no ships there. There are but granted, going to the Med is more about hunting warships and I think the experience is good to learn. There are military convoys in the Atlantic once in awhile too, just need to be ready when you run into one.

Re: Attacking Atlantic Merchant Convoys.

This really applies to convoys anywhere but you need a few things:

- Deep enough water to evade escorts and depth charges.
- Enough torpedoes to make it worth the effort.
- Guts and patience.

Note: Convoy escorts (lightly escorted = 2 to 4 escorts; moderately escorted = 4 - 6 escorts; and heavily escorted = 7 or more escorts, usually 7 to 9 but can be as high as 11)

I like to decimate convoys if possible, especially early on where you find convoys lightly escorted and with primitive radars. I use my deck gun to the fullest extent possible, augmenting my torpedoes. I like to penetrate the convoys and work from inside, hence my "nickname" - Silent Otto.

What I find is, attacking the escorts first (if lightly to moderately escorted) pays off, as once the escorts are finished I can take my time eliminating the merchants at my leisure. More than moderately escorted, only out of necessity as its a waste of torpedoes.

1) Watch your time compression and when it goes to 900 or less. a convoy is near. You can keep heading in the same direction and hope of running into it or, dive periodically to periscope depth and drop to 1/3 and listen on the hydrophones. Look for the telltale white line and then surface, speed to flank and find that convoy.

2) You want the black icon on the map to show the convoy as once you dive, it could change course and you might lose it altogether. This is especially true in low visibility. Dive and listen as needed. Make a convoy report to get the icon, course, speed, escort level.

3) Approach the convoy and watch what type of escorts make up the guarding force. You can outrun corvettes, so don't waste precious torpedoes on them unless you really have to. All destroyers are faster than you and will chase you down, especially in daytime hours. Frigates and Sloops can as well, but they are a bit more skittish in nature. Remember, not all escorts are near the convoy itself, some are distant pickets.

Let them chase you and dive, taking them out one by one. Then, approach the convoy from behind and let your deck crew have their way with them.

Practice, and remember, the official U-boat Commander's Handbook states the U-boat is not designed as a "Gunnery Vessel" and should not be used as such. Refer to Section V, para 271 - 279. The on-scene Captain has the authority to use his best judgement in any case. Good Hunting!
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