Thread: A bugbear
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Old 11-24-21, 10:16 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Zero Niner View Post
One thing that has always irked me about SH4 - why on earth is there a Lancaster in USAAF colours (a few years too early - afaik they left their planes unpainted from 1944 onwards) instead of a B17 or B24? And I don't think the Lancaster ever saw service in the PTO. Was there a copyright issue (I doubt it - MicroProse made a B-17 sim in 1992) or sheer laziness on the part of the devs?

I agree, Allied aircraft are in pretty much every way FUBAR in SH from the generic types provided to way they spawn, behave etc.

If I recall UBI was being cheap and did not want to pay to use the proper allied aircraft, likely a matter out of devs hands.

The way they spawn, behave etc reeks of bad design designs and in and failure to properly test things. Instead of creating a new way in SH 4, basically copied SH 3 from what I understand. Just how US fleetboats only have two engines instead of four, no independent engine control etc.
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