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Old 02-15-24, 05:10 PM   #7
John Pancoast
Ocean Warrior
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Originally Posted by Hooston View Post
Well, you have some idea what is involved and have set yourself an achievable first goal. Good luck.

I've always thought the best subsim would be creeping around a darkened room with an old fashioned steel dustbin on your head looking through a tiny eyehole, trying to avoid someone else wearing a blindfold and wielding a cricket bat.
SH3 has hundreds of things wrong with it, and after a while you tend to forget the thousands of things right with it that are why we are still playing a 20 year old game.
For me the things that really let SH3 down late war are:
  • No shallow water (and cold water) acoustics
  • Much too effective homing torpedoes
  • Aircraft equipment - mk24 mine and sonobouys
  • Escort AI - no equipment or tactics against GNATs, no group tactics, no patience
Given the above the type XXI in SH3 might as well be a flying saucer Fortunately the game kills you in 1943 or early 1944 so this doesn't matter greatly.
Fwiw, Stiebler made a mk24 mod that works well.
"Realistic" is not always GAME-GOOD." - Wave Skipper
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