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Old 04-30-21, 12:15 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by propbeanie View Post
Now, I might have this backwards, but in FotRSU, the "Medic" in SpecialAbilities is set to:
[SpecialAbility 5]
AbilityType= HealSpeed, CrewFatigue
AbilityValue=50, -50
AbylityActsIn= ALL
SkillRequiredLeadership= 0
SkillRequiredMechanical= 0
SkillRequiredElectrics= 0
SkillRequiredGuns= 0
SkillRequiredWatchman= 0
Which I thought that meant "no requirements", other than the Ranks requirement of:
[Rank 7]
TreeType= USNavy
NameDisplayable=Chief Petty Officer
3DClothingIDLink= ClothingCPOs
XPRequirement= 3650
LevelUp= Base
MaxQualifications= 1
MaxSpecialAbilities= 1
AvailableQualifications= NULL
AvailableSpecialAbilities= Ability-Master-Engineer, Ability-Sharpshooter, Ability-Torpedo-Specialist, Ability-Torpedo-Expert, Ability-Medic, Ability-Engines-Expert, Ability-Propulsion-Specialist, Ability-Expert-Sonarman, Ability-Expert-Radarman, Ability-Watchman, Ability-Radioman, Ability-Theoretician, Ability-Active-Stalker, Ability-Active-Overcharge, Ability-Active-Riposte, Ability-Active-Bombarde, Ability-Active-Quick-Repair, Ability-Active-Quick-Escape, Ability-Active-Perfect-Pitch, Ability-Active-Medic, Ability-Active-Sensors-Alert
GetSpecialAbilityChance= 0.15
EfficiencyMod= 1.0
Which (again, my understanding) means that you have to have a CPO, and you have a 15% chance each go-round upon returning to base, of a CPO acquiring the "skill". Most of those other skills have the 70% level in one of the "SkillRequired" fields in the SpecialAbilities file. There are generally several CPO in the player's crew at the start, and would usually have a medic after several patrols, since the game's "chance" ("random seed") defaults to giving a player the "hit" before the "no". Now, I could very well be completely wrong in this, but I get a "medic" ("Pharmacist's Mate" in the description) rather often, and the same with the battery re-charge fix (Propulsion Specialist) and Theoretician. These are FotRSU attempts to "fix" some deficiencies. The other special abilities can indeed be rather difficult to come by, and none of the regular "rates" in the crew are eligible for them. Only CPO and higher (only Rank 7 and higher).

Sorry for derailing the original post, Bubblehead1980 - btw, the "wound" name in the game is either the "Liver wound", or "Sucking chest wound". I'm not certain which one can do the continual decline, but it looks like the player has to ignore the crewman that sustained the wound, or do something else to cause them to die, because it looks like they should heal after 240 hours... apparently (a well-known fact among the available crew pool), I am a bad skipper...

No problem. I have seen the liver wound etc in the files before, was wondering if it was something planned to be more in detail but never implemented. Seen a bit of that in the files, as I am sure you have.

Like I said, in this incident was first for me because, the initial physical wound was minor, I mean health went from 100 to 95 or so I believe, it seemed a mental breakdown because of the "shaken" and "manic" moral after some brutal and prolonged depth charging attacks, which the physical health then declined afterward. I have had crewmembers injured in battle surface before where their health declined and they died while most others heal and return to duty.

Far as a pharmacists mate, may look into it since subs did have a PM. I have basically eliminated most special abilities from the sim for my TMO upgrade. I kept the master mechanic and made it where his ability only is active when he is put on with the damage control party. Basically, this offsets the horribly slow repair speed at key moments, such as stopping flooding but also stops the amazing rapid repairs of everything else if remove from the DC party. I don't keep people permanently in the DC party, when needed I pull them from the crew (as it would really happen) . Also kept the "Ahead emergency" ability, so can get extra speed when really need it, alas USS Barb when it attacked Namkwan Harbor in 1945 making 22 knots overloading the engines. Last one kept was the chief for engine rooms who can make the dive happen faster, fleet boats could submerged in 40 seconds or less. I hate having to use the "crash dive" key (very Hollywood) to get under quickly, so the compromise the special ability.

Something I really want to do but has taken back seat while finish other things is change up the crews. Something I hated about the change from V1.4 to V1.5 is how the crews are done. I remember had a large selection of crew and got basically different crew each time start a career. In V1.5 you get nearly the same crew every time start a career. The older boats and S class have different crews than the Gato/Balao/Tambor/Gar/Tench but still still get same guys over and over. Needs some other changes as well.
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