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Old 04-23-13, 05:02 PM   #15
Eternal Patrol
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you hit it on the head Golden, and startrekmike is right too. I have noticed (heck i am only 20 this year) that my generation is more into the fast action shooters like Battlefield 3 and now 4. I even enjoy these games but they don't call to me like silent hunter 3 does.

This brings me to make this point we (and many others) have called for a SDK kit for SH3 but why don't they oblidge us? i can only imagine they are afraid of the fact we would revive the game and make it what SH5 and SH4 could have been. I point to a source code project called freespace2 open a while back volition released the source code and the game has been updated with really cool modern day shinny graphics and many moders have made their own models for ships.

Unfortunatly i thik Ubi is doing this to see if the multiplayer will revive the genre. and they look to many other games that are successful because of multiplayer. i point to call of duty battlefeild 3 and many more where you can complete the "story" in under 8 hours but then the devs design a multilayer that is more than the story and is designed to be the backbone of the game.

now if you want to know what really scares me about SHO it is what are they going to do to get money from players. yes it is free to play but all games that are F2P have some "hook" to get money will that stick us to basic torpedoes? a little type 2 and to get a better sub you have to pay? to join whatever form of alliance/guild you have to pay to join/ start? or oh you want a new conning tower or something that will be $20, or heaven forbid pay to repair.
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