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Old 02-19-22, 10:41 AM   #2
Argentinian Skipper
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fitzcarraldo has made a Best of SUBSIM nomination.
Thread of the Year
Post: Best thread on February 2022
Forum: SH4 Mods Workshop

Posted by: FotRSU Mod Team
Nominated Post: Team and Other Videos

If you are into watching vidz, here is a new one from Wolfpack345:


Fall of the Rising Sun Ultimate Cinematic This is from Wolfpack345, using grabs from a later war mission, with the opening vid soundtrack from the game's "splash" opening. Nicely done.
As a team though, we don't have much of anything recent, except the last one by propbeanie, but you can get an idea of the mod from these:


Battleship Night ActionThat is from Rockin Robbins, and is very early in the development cycle, so you will see some glitches from ships that don't match each other, plus the fact that there is a LOT going on there. A similar battle scene runs better now, but we have not "produced" one yet...


Japanese Fleet ParadeAlso from RR, this one is "obsolete" now, in that more ships have been added, some altered, but could still be found to be useful.

Explosions Smoke Fire Mayhem - From propbeanie (forgive him the use of a strange username for his vidz), and can show daylight arendering of smoke and fire, but also shows why some viewing angles look different from others. Just remember, your submarine is the expected "stage" view, and if you change the angle or the distance much, you will see things that are supposed to be "behind the curtain"...

Robert H. Smith - A surface engagement between two DD, with the Robert H. Smith being the victor every time... It even took out IJN heavy CA, with minimal damage to itself. That has been changed of course, since.

Sole Survivor - This is an early vid, as all of the above are. This uses the game's music soundtrack for its backing track, and might be restricted in some countries, due to DRM.

No Sunrise Today - Nothing fancy and rather boring, this is the USS Narwhal just after surfacing, having avoided a sub-hunter off Truk (need some fresh air in there!). It had been a boring patrol, and the sub-hunter just passed us on by, never sniffed us. The boat will be taking off on the surface in 15ms churned waves - looks like a Nor'Easter! The watch crew get their snoots full of water while the view is through the skipper's binoculars, so we do miss getting to see the wave wash over the conn and poop the boat. Oh well. For whatever reason, the sides of the display were cut off during either the rendering or uploading process, so you cannot see too well that it is after 0700 hours by a good bit, and sunrise should be about 0730 hours. The boat is submerged just a bit after the end of the video so we can "lay in wait" on the next unsuspecting merchant to pass by...

We plan to have more, time permitting of course, and will remove some of these, due to their age. You might notice that some are from v0.3 beta, and all of them were used as "test" views of what we had thus far. You might also notice "issues" with certain aspects of the game. All possible effort was expended in attempting to correct the same... :salute:
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