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Old 02-03-21, 06:37 AM   #214
Dmitry Markov
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My complain in this Navalny story remains the same: when a simple (non-media) person breakes the rules of conditional detention only one time - there's 90% that he goes to jail immediately. Why Navalny was allowed to break those rules so many times all these years and was finaly put to jail only now using a very formal occasion ? He was allowed to provide non-approved meetings, tens times been detained then freed ( while according to Russian laws he should have been put to jail immediately after administrative detainment since it breaks rules of conditional detention most severly)? More to say - after beeing magically freed after these detainments he somehow was allowed to spend his vacations on expensive resorts abroad - being there he missed his scheduled check-ups in FSIN - which is also a severe breakage of rules of conditional detention. So for six years he was allowed to do everything he wanted with Russian laws and only now he is put to jail... To me it's all about that "some animals are more equal than the others" thing. Wonder who is really standing behind this figure in our "hights". As an "opposition" he is very so-so since he
a) doesn't show any programme and only tells that "those guys are wrong and I'm a D'Artagnan" and "hey, schoolchildren - those old men have taken everything that's in fact yours" - no suggestions how to improve economy or social sphere or else. Argument that "He is not allowed to show his programme" - can be rejected since his platform is an internet mainly - he adresses to the youth and they do not watch TV - only youtube where everyone can see his videos in which he never tells what to do to improve life other than blame current powers in all sins and calls for illegal anti-social actions.
b) even within his target audience he cannot gather enough followers to influence authorities to change their decisions - latest "protests" weren't any multiple (I don't know what pictures were translated to Western TV but in reality it was nowhere near close to even 2011/2012 years). Where are your millions, Лёша ?

Just like that :-)
Большому кораблю - большая торпеда!
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