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Old 10-23-20, 09:36 AM   #2048
CTD - it's not just a job
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Originally Posted by captaintpaul View Post
A true masterpiece

I just started a campaign and I noticed the following hiccups:
US fleet boat campaign USS PLUNGER left home port of Pearl harbor and proceeded as ordered to patrol Sagami Nada and wan area outside Tokyo bay and stay in the area for 10 days,upon reaching the area I spotted a Maya heavy cruiser and a Modern composite freighter sunk them both with 6 mark 14 torpedoes all contact.

After three days I encountered a task force,the Battleship was riding too low on the water and one of the escorts was riding the water to high above its waterline up to the point were you could see its screws almost above water.

Attempted to sink a KONGO class Battleship fired all remaining 6 mark 14 torpedoes and she came to a full stop with a heavy list to starboard.I waited for a few hours but she would not go down.

I decided to do something crazy I surfaced right next to her stern on the port side and it was so close that none of her guns could fire at me and started pounding her with the deck gun,got a few more explosions and fires going but of course she did not go down.With 7 more days of required patrol and with no more ammunition I decided to give up and load the previous save without saving the current one.

When the previous game save was loaded I kept on sweeping the area for merchants for about another 30 minutes of real world time and saved the game again.

The next real world day I loaded that game save and noticed that all gauges all over the sub were stuck solid on the 12 o'clock position and no matter what I tried nothing worked however the gauges on the lower right HUD were working perfectly fine and the boat was responding to all commands.

Forced to reload a previous game save before arriving at the designated area and everything seems fine once again but I would like to know why this happened and how to avoid it.


I apologize for the huge letter but you did say you require as much information as possible about any weird things happening in the game so here it is,should you require any further info please feel free to ask as I will happily oblige.

Once again this is a great mod and the amount of detail and eye candy you have added is simply amazing keep it up. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

:K aleun_Applaud:
Just a few comments for feedback, but after you activated the mod, had you emptied the Save game folder? By default, SH4 uses "C:\Users \UserName \Documents \SH4", with "UserName" being what you log into Windows with. Prior to starting a freshly modded game, whether FotRSU, any other mod, or after the removal of a set of mods, you should empty that folder to make certain you do not "cross-contaminate" your game with old data that does not get overwritten in the modding process. Secondly, what you describe almost sounds like either you or the computer itself "shelled-out" to the Windows desktop while the game was running. That can occur even when Windows interrupts you with a message of some form. Usually, a Save, Exit, re-start and Load of the Save will fix those, though. In your case, it almost sounds like you had not cleared the Save folder before starting FotRSU. If you could let us know about that, please. Lastly, if you could check your LAA setting on the SH4.exe file, and make certain that it did indeed "take", and that it is set to "True".

Originally Posted by jldjs View Post
"Just for clarification jldjs, had you looked at your crew page, and there were no slots for a deck gun crew, or you looked on the hardware page, and no gun listed on the boat, or no gun listed in the left-hand column (inventory), or all of the above, "
All of the above
I figured that was what you had... thanks!

Originally Posted by torpedobait View Post
1. I was docking at Fremantle on April 7, 1942 when I was offered the new Tambor class boat; On acceptance I was taken to the office, where the calendar showed 4/8/42.

2. In the "data /cfg /UPCInitial /CareerTrack.upc" file, the PlayerCurrentObjective is ID123, with a date/time stamp = 1942-07-06 00:08:32;

3. In the SaveGames folder, file = 00000018 (the last one there) the PlayerCurrentObjective is ID408, with a date/time stamp = 1942-08-28 00:02:45.

Hope this is useful!
It is. However, when looking for the most recent Save folder, such as your 00000018, use the date / time stamp of the Windows folder for the most recent. As you delete Saves in the game, it will come in behind you, and possibly use folder 00000000 as the newest Save, so double-check that please, and if it is indeed 00000018, then we have a problem problem...

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna
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