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Old 06-05-07, 04:22 AM   #14
Grey Wolf
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I apologize for not giving any sources to my statements, now I realize that it can be hard to believe me when I introduce so much different historic knowledge. If anyone is interested in further reading and in getting to know a different approach to polish war efforts in WW2, I recommend the following web pages:

You will find loads of information and a lot of myths will be busted, such as the polish air force being destroyed on the ground.
The first web page is very credible since it is administrated by the Polish government. Both web pages provide very credible sources, such as state archives and likewise.

I have spent my share of time in western countries and I’ve read many “western” history books. Unfortunately they provide a very wrong picture of Poland and WW2.
I believe that this is mostly caused by the fact that we where enemies throughout the cold war, and we had the iron curtain dividing us. And why should two enemies create a good historical picture of each other?

The natural thing is to believe your own sources and your own history books, so history as a discussion topic is a great conflict starter. I personally believe that an opened mind is needed when approaching history, I can clearly see that you guys have an opened mind.
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