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Old 10-23-21, 01:31 PM   #5143
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Default USS Tang Second War Patrol 16 March-17 May 1944

TMO 2.5 Update with forthcoming patch.

100 difficulty, contacts off, cameras on for a change

Edited report, some how left out some torpedo data See Attack Section.

USS Tang SS-306
War Patrol Report
Second War Patrol
16 March-17 May 1944
Area VESTIBLE-Philippine Sea.


Returned from first war patrol on March 3, 1944 and docked at Midway Island. After repairs and refit, loaded sixteen MK 23-2 torpedoes in forward torpedo room and eight MK 18-2 torpedoes in stern tubes. Ready for sea March 16, 1944.


March 16-25

On the morning of the sixteenth, departed Midway for assigned patrol area(Vestible) in the Philippine Sea. Conducted trim dive at 1300 with diving and attack drills from 1400-1630. Over next few days continued en route on steady speed in mostly calm weather of 14 knots. Arrived in patrol area on the evening of the twenty fifth.

March 25-29

Conducted search of the area with no contacts during this period, aside from patrol planes on the twenty-seventh and twenty-ninth, which were avoided by submerging.

March 30

Attack #1

At 0930 on the morning of the thirtieth, SJ made contact on multiple pips at 27345 yards. TANG increased speed and and headed for the contacts. Soon the PPI display showed a formation, that a long with rapidly changing bearing indicating high speed, indicated a task force or important convoy. APR-1 detected radar emissions from bearing of contacts further indicating warships. After racing at high speed to get ahead, TANG submerged and closed for an attack, going to General Quarters. Upon first observation, in the distance about six nautical miles, TANG could see the masts of warships, including in the distance, toward the rear of the single main column, the massive pagoda mast structure of a Japanese battleship. Others ahead in column appeared to be CA or CL with seven or eight DD providing a screen.

TANG went to 200 feet and continued to close at high speed until 1500 yards off projected track, turned to course towards the targets and went to periscope depth. On observation task force appeared to be on course 000 at a speed of twenty knots. On subsequent observations, it appeared the task force's track had shifted towards TANG, requiring a turn to port off the track and switching to stern tube set up. On next observation, the BB was clearly visible and identified as a YAMATO Class Battleship of 63200 tons. A contact report was sent to COMBSUBPAC at 1147. Soon a DD was spotted racing up along side the starboard side of the main body, his track would put him right on top of TANG near time of firing. Gambling the high speed of the DD along with heavy seas would hinder his sound gear and preventing TANG's detection, ordered 100 ft depth and bow pointed towards DD, turning slowly to maintain small profile to beam in case of active sonar use. This depth would also allow TANG to return to periscope depth in time for an attack once DD had passed. DD passed off TANG's bow about 1200-1400 yards.

TANG returned to periscope depth and readied all stern tubes. The BB was clearly visible in he scope. In the main body, a single column of three TAKAO Class CA leading the YAMATO Class BB. (TORPEDO ATTACK NO.1) At 1156, fired tubes 7,8,9,10 at BB. At 1159:30-1159:50, four torpedoes hit the BB. Explosions and fires were visible after hits, but vessel seemed to take the hits in stride. Preventing an immediate turn for follow up attack, three DD quickly honed on TANG, forcing TANG to rig for silent running, depth charge, and descend to 500 feet. The initial depth charge attack was accurate, persistent, and intense. TANG went to 575 feet and was able to evade the hunters after a couple of hours.

At 1325, as TANG was ascending to periscope depth, apparently bombed by an aircraft at depth of 250 ft. TANG returned to 500 ft . Enemy DD's arrived in general area hunting for the submarine the aircraft bombed, but did not detect TANG.

Finally at 1804, at periscope depth, to our surprise spotted The BB at bearing 300 9000 yards and apparently dead in the water or moving slowly. TANG went deep and began an approach from starboard side. At 1948, TANG was at periscope depth and just 2000 yards from the stricken BB,, which had a list and was dead in water, but afloat. A DD remained in the area about 4000 yards off searching. (ATTACK No.1-A) At 1950 TANG fired six MK 14-3A torpedoes, all of which hit. TANG went deep after observing impacts. The DD rushed in pinging, but never dropped charges as apparently did not locate TANG. TANG returned to periscope depth at 2035 and located the BB at 6000 yards with heavy list. The DD had since departed the area at high speed to catch up with the rest of the task force.

Only #1 bow tube was reloaded(MK 23-2) at this point, so at 2037 fired one torpedo at target and turned to bring stern tubes to bear, firing four MK 18-2 torpedoes from stern tubes at 2041. All torpedoes impacted, fire visible in bow area, appeared internal. Heavy seas required TANG to to go deeper for torpedo reload. Prior to scope going under, observed a EMILY flying boat arriving in area bearing 200 8000 yards. TANG went to 300 feet to conduct reload.

Half an hour later, came back to periscope depth and prepared to fire bow tubes that were reloaded. SD sweep showed two contacts circling the area at 8000-17000 yards. AS TANG was prepared to fire torpedoes, closing the firing point on the BB, it suddenly rolled over and capsized. The bottom of the hull clearly visible, the BB lingered for about ten minutes before finally disappearing beneath the waves. Time from first torpedo hit to sinking was nearly ten hours. A total of fifteen torpedo hits were obtained on the goliath vessel. The vessel is believed to the the second of the YAMATO Class Battleships, the MUSASHI. MUSASHI and the vessels contacted had fled PALAU in advance of the carrier air strikes (OPERATION DESCRATE).

3/30/1944 21:47 20-29N 133-59E

SD contacts remained in the area until night fall. TANG surfaced at 2330 and departed area.

March 31-12 May

Patrol in area continued but with no further enemy contacts for duration of time on station, aside from SD contacts made with patrol aircraft. Departed area for Midway at midnight on the sixth of May.

May 13-17

Docked at Midway on the morning of the thirteenth for fuel and departed for Pearl Harbor at 1300. Arrived Pearl Harbor 1600 on the seventeenth, terminated patrol.


Weather conditions varied throughout this patrol in a vast open ocean area. Seas ranged from calm, almost flat like a lake to rough swells which tossed the boat about. Most intense weather was experienced April 20-22 with intense winds, rain, fog, and estimated twenty five foot seas.


Normal for the area.


None sighted.


0930 3/3/44 20-0N 134-01E

BB/CA/DD 27300 000 20 SJ


1.3/20 1101 25-37N 153-51 E --- SD

2.3/27 0901 19-7N 135-15E --- SD

3.3/29 1553 19-59N 132-1E MAVIS SD/Visual

4.3/30 2038 20-29N 133-59E EMILY Visual

5.3/30 2150 20-29N 133-59E --- SD

6.3/30 2150 20-29N 133-59E --- SD

7.4/5 1250 21-29N 131-59E --- SD

8.4/7 0750 18-02N 131-05E --- SD

9.4/25 1650 20-02N 133-25E --- SD

10.4/27 1650 21-22N 133-44E --- SD

11.5/08 1650 27-02N 154-05E --- SD

12.5/10 0621 27-40N 166-10E --- SD


Torpedoes Loaded
MK 23-2 16 (Bow)
MK 18-2 8 (Stern)

Torpedoes Expended: 15

USS Tang SS306 Torpedo Attack No. 1 War Patrol Two
Date 30 March 1944 Time 1157 Lat. 20-29N Long. 133-59E


Task Force of one BB, three CA, seven or eight DD.

Type Attack- Submerged-Periscope in heavy seas.

Ships Sunk

Ships Damaged

63,200 tons
20-29N 133-59E

Damage verified by:

Observed four MK 18-2 torpedoes impact target via No. 2 Attack Periscope.

Ships Probably Sunk

Target Data Torpedo Attack No. 1 (at firing)

Name/Class YAMATO Class
Type BB
Course 000
Speed 20 kts
Range 1850
AOB 74
Target Bearing 135
Target True Bearing 222

Torpedo Data Attack No. 1

Type MK 18-2
Serial No. 11002
Exploder MK 8
Serial No.8230
Gyro 177
Track 32 S
Course 118
Exploder Contact
Depth 25 ft
Power Standard
Method Single bearing
Spread 0
Firing Interval 5 secs
Actual Actuation Contact
Hit Yes
Erratic No
Remark No
Hit amidships

Tube #8
Type MK 18-2
Serial No. 10237
Exploder MK 8
Serial No.9855
Gyro 177
Track 32 S
Course 118
Exploder Contact
Depth 25 ft
Power Standard
Method Single bearing
Spread 0
Firing Interval 5 secs
Actual Actuation Contact
Hit Yes
Erratic No
Hit just aft of amidships, under stack. Large explosion and fire.

Type MK 18-2
Serial No. 98867
Exploder MK 8
Serial No.9855
Gyro 177
Track 32 S
Course 118
Exploder Contact
Depth 25 ft
Power Standard
Method Single bearing
Spread 0
Firing Interval 5 secs
Actual Actuation Contact
Hit Yes
Erratic No
Remark No
Hit forward under No.2 turret

Type MK 18-2
Serial No. 8441
Exploder MK 8
Serial No.8102
Gyro 177
Track 32 S
Course 118
Exploder Contact
Depth 25 ft
Power Standard
Method Single bearing
Spread 0
Firing Interval 5 secs
Actual Actuation Contact
Hit Yes
Erratic No
Remark No
Hit aft turret, fire visible, appeared internal.

Own Data (at firing)

Depth 60 ft
Course 087
Speed 2 kts
AOB 77

USS TANG SS306 Torpedo Attack No.1-A War Patrol One
Date 30 March 1944 Time 1950 Lat. 20-29N Long. 133-59E

Follow up attack on BB attacked in Attack No. 1

Type Attack Submerged-Periscope in heavy seas

Ships Sunk

Ships Damaged

63,200 tons
20-29N 133-59E

Verified damage by-

Observed six torpedoes impacted target.

Target Data Torpedo Attack No. 1-A (at firing)

Name/Class YAMATO Class 63200 tons
Type BB
Course 355
Speed 0 kts
Range 2400 yards
AOB 90 S
Target Bearing 0
Target True Bearing 274

Torpedo Attack No. 1-A Torpedo Data

Type MK 23
Serial No. 73390
Exploder MK 6-4
Serial No.6740
Gyro 0
Track 88 S
Course 274
Exploder Contact
Depth 15 ft
Power Standard
Method Single bearing
Spread 0
Firing Interval 5 secs
Actual Actuation Contact
Hit Yes
Erratic No

Type MK 23
Serial No. 73391
Exploder MK 6-4
Serial No.6741
Gyro 0
Track 88 S
Course 274
Exploder Contact
Depth 15 ft
Power Standard
Method Single bearing
Spread 0
Firing Interval 5 secs
Actual Actuation Contact
Hit Yes
Erratic No

Type MK 23
Serial No. 73393
Exploder MK 6-4
Serial No.6743
Gyro 0
Track 88 S
Course 274
Exploder Contact
Depth 15 ft
Power Standard
Method Single bearing
Spread 0
Firing Interval 5 secs
Actual Actuation Contact
Hit Yes
Erratic No

Type MK 23
Serial No. 84400
Exploder MK 6-4
Serial No.8800
Gyro 0
Track 88 S
Course 274
Exploder Contact
Depth 15 ft
Power Standard
Method Single bearing
Spread 0
Firing Interval 5 secs
Actual Actuation Contact
Hit Yes
Erratic No

Type MK 23
Serial No. 84401
Exploder MK 6-4
Serial No. 9445
Gyro 0
Track 88 S
Course 274
Exploder Contact
Depth 15 ft
Power Standard
Method Single bearing
Spread 0
Firing Interval 5 secs
Actual Actuation Contact
Hit Yes
Erratic No
Appear to start fire in bow area ahead of #1 main turret. Fire appeared internal in nature.

Type MK 23
Serial No. 81847
Exploder MK 6-4
Serial No.2937
Gyro 0
Track 88 S
Course 274
Exploder Contact
Depth 15 ft
Power Standard
Method Single bearing
Spread 0
Firing Interval 5 secs
Actual Actuation Contact
Hit Yes
Erratic No
Vessel left with heavy list but afloat.

Own Ship Data

Depth 60 ft
Course 273
Speed knts
AOB 90

USS Tang SS306 Torpedo Attack No.1-B
Date 30 March 1944 Time 2037-2041
Lat. 20-29N Long. 133-59E


Follow up attack on BB (Attacks No.1 and 1-A)

Type Submerged-Periscope in heavy seas. Attack consisted of firing one bow tube (#1) and four stern tubes (#7,#8, #9, #10) six minutes apart.

Ships Sunk

63,200 tons
21:47 20-29N 133-59E

Verified by Observed enemy BB capsize and sink one hour and six minutes after the final of fifteen torpedo hits. Several large explosions, assumed to be the BB's magazines detonating were heard throughout the sinking, after vessel capsized. Large oil slicks, debris fields, and fires visible after vessel's hull disappeared beneath the ocean surface.

Ships Damaged

Ships Probably Sunk

Target Data Torpedo Attack No. 1-B

Target Data Torpedo Attack No. 1 (at firing)

Name/Class YAMATO Class 63200 tons
Type BB
Course 355
Speed 0 kts
Range 1100yards
AOB 90 S
Target Bearing 180
Target True Bearing 268

Torpedo Attack No. 1-A Torpedo Data

Type MK 23
Serial No. 70304
Exploder MK 6-4
Serial No.8339
Gyro 0
Track 88 S
Course 274
Exploder Contact
Depth 15 ft
Power Standard
Method Single bearing
Spread 0
Firing Interval 5 secs
Actual Actuation Contact
Hit Yes
Erratic No

Type MK 18-2
Serial No. 81391
Exploder MK 8
Serial No.6741
Gyro 185
Track 90S
Course 272
Exploder Contact
Depth 15 ft
Power Standard
Method Single bearing
Spread 0
Firing Interval 5 secs
Actual Actuation Contact
Hit Yes
Erratic No

Type MK 18-2
Serial No. 81393
Exploder MK 8
Serial No.7743
Gyro 185
Track 90S
Course 272
Exploder Contact
Depth 15 ft
Power Standard
Method Single bearing
Spread 0
Firing Interval 5 secs
Actual Actuation Contact
Hit Yes
Erratic No

Type MK 18-2
Serial No. 91391
Exploder MK 8
Serial No.9741
Gyro 185
Track 90S
Course 272
Exploder Contact
Depth 15 ft
Power Standard
Method Single bearing
Spread 0
Firing Interval 5 secs
Actual Actuation Contact
Hit Yes
Erratic No

Type MK 18-2
Serial No. 82391
Exploder MK 8
Serial No.9799
Gyro 185
Track 90S
Course 272
Exploder Contact
Depth 15 ft
Power Standard
Method Single bearing
Spread 0
Firing Interval 5 secs
Actual Actuation Contact
Hit Yes
Erratic No
Final torpedo fired/hit. Target left with heavy starboard list. One hour after final (15th) torpedo hit, target capsized.

Own Ship Data (at firing)

Depth 60 ft
Course 270
Speed 2 knots
AOB 90 S


No mines encountered.


Enemy ASW in patrol area was conducted by patrol aircraft, likely from Iwo Jima or Bonin Islands, possibly Northern Mariana Islands. No surface patrols were encountered in the open ocean area TANG was assigned. Patrol planes en route to and from Midway were encountered off Marcus and Wake Islands.

The one enemy counter attack endured, upon torpedoing the BB on March 30, was intense, persistent, albeit shorter in duration than expected. While no damage was suffered, the DD's kept TANG on the run and submerged deep.


TANG followed standard evasion procedure by running silent at 500-575 feet, always with five to ten degrees rudder port or starboard at 2.5-3 knots, cautious to keep motors below 100 RPM. This evasion naturally proved successful with just a few charges coming close. TANG suffered minimal damage(See Major Defects and Damage)


No major defects of damage occurred on this patrol.

Depth charge attack of March 30 caused the following damage:

1.Hydraulic pump
2.SJ-1 Radar Cabinet
3. Dive planes transmission
4. Piping leaks various compartments
5. High pressure airline leaks.
6. Light bulbs and glass fixtures-various compartments.

All damaged repaired at sea.


Radio function was excellent


SJ-1 Radar performance was excellent on this patrol.

SD Radar performance was excellent on this patrol.

(N) Sound Gear and Conditions

Conditions were overall normal. Heavy seas naturally interfered with sound equipment.


Density layers were encountered at 144, 190, 260, 315 ft.




Men on Board------------------------72
Men Qualified at start of patrol ----24
Men Qualified at end of patrol------59
Man Unqualified on first patrol----- 6
Men Advanced in Rating------------18


Midway to Area
3290 miles 29500 gallons

In Area
5,250 miles 51600 gallons

Area to Midway
3500 miles 33956 gallons

Midway to Pearl Harbor
1350 miles 13874 gallons


Midway to Area 10 days
In Area 45 days
Area to Midway 8 days
Midway to Pearl Harbor 4 days
Days Submerged 3 days
Total Days on Patrol 67 days


Torpedoes Remaining 9
Fuel 11,570
Provisions 15 days
Personnel Unlimited


No contacts were made aside from the BB on March 30 in the area. A surprise considering assigned area contains known, very active shipping routes between home islands and Palau Islands. It is possible due to the air raids and mining associated with OPERATION DESECRATE halted traffic. The challenges associated with locating convoys in vast open ocean areas remain a factor, of course.

For photos of attack and sinking of YAMATO. See link below.

Last edited by Bubblehead1980; 10-23-21 at 06:05 PM.
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